aero glass_了解Windows Vista Aero Glass要求

aero glass_了解Windows Vista Aero Glass要求

aero glass

The Windows Vista Aero Glass interface is one of the major changes in the newest version of windows. What is less clear for most people is what conditions have to be met for Aero to be enabled. If you are sure your system meets the requirements but it’s still not enabled, Here’s a list of conditions.

Windows Vista Aero Glass界面是Windows最新版本的主要更改之一。 对于大多数人来说,不清楚的是要启用Aero必须满足哪些条件。 如果您确定您的系统符合要求,但仍未启用,则这是条件列表。

  • Your graphics card should support DirectX 9. Most decent cards already do.

    您的图形卡应支持DirectX 9。
  • The graphics card must support Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware. This is the critical piece that you will have to check with your graphics card manufacturer. If you have a newer ATI or NVIDIA card, you should be good.

    显卡必须在硬件上支持Pixel Shader 2.0。 这是至关重要的部分,您必须与图形卡制造商联系。 如果您有较新的ATI或NVIDIA卡,则应该不错。
  • aero glass_了解Windows Vista Aero Glass要求

    The driver must be written specifically for Windows Vista. You’ll be able to see that your graphics card driver is a Windows Vista Display Driver Model (WDDM) driver by looking at the adapter type in device manager:

    该驱动程序必须专门针对Windows Vista编写。 通过查看设备管理器中的适配器类型,您将能够看到您的图形卡驱动程序是Windows Vista显示驱动程序模型(WDDM)驱动程序:

  • The system must be set to 32 bits per pixel. If you are running at a different color depth, this could be the reason why your system doesn’t have Aero enabled.

    系统必须设置为每个像素32位。 如果您在不同的颜色深度下运行,这可能是您的系统未启用Aero的原因。
  • The primary monitor refresh rate must be set to at least 10hz. Why you’d have it set to less, I have no clue.

    主监视器的刷新率必须设置为至少10hz。 为什么将它设置为更少,我却一无所知。
  • You must have a graphics card with at least 64MB of RAM in it, although I’d suggest a card with more memory. If you have a lower memory graphics card, you may have to decrease the resolution to enable Aero.

    您必须具有至少64MB RAM的图形卡,尽管我建议您使用更大的内存。 如果您的内存较低的显卡,则可能必须降低分辨率才能启用Aero。
  • Your system must have at least 512mb of available RAM. I’d suggest using at least 1GB of RAM in your computer, and preferably even more.

    您的系统必须至少具有512mb的可用RAM。 我建议您在计算机上至少使用1GB的RAM,最好甚至更多。
  • Aero will not work on Windows Vista Basic edition. For best results, get the Ultimate version.

    Aero在Windows Vista Basic版本上不起作用。 为了获得最佳结果,请获取Ultimate版本。

If you meet all of the conditions and Aero still isn’t enabled, you can manually enable Aero by right-clicking on the desktop, clicking Personalize, and clicking Window Color and Appearance.


aero glass_了解Windows Vista Aero Glass要求

You should see Windows Aero in the list. Click that, and hopefully Aero will now be enabled.

您应该在列表中看到Windows Aero。 单击该按钮,希望现在将启用Aero。


aero glass