老版启用aero_在Windows Vista中启用慢动作Aero动画

老版启用aero_在Windows Vista中启用慢动作Aero动画


This tip really isn’t very useful, but it’s an interesting hack to show your friends. You can enable a “Slow Motion” animation that will only activate if you are holding down the Shift key while you minimize/restore/close/open a window.

这个技巧确实不是很有用,但是它是一个有趣的技巧,可以向您的朋友展示。 您可以启用“慢动作”动画,该动画仅在最小化/还原/关闭/打开窗口时按住Shift键才能**。

To start with, you should note that this will only work if you are already able to run Windows Aero glass theme.

首先,您应该注意,这仅在您已经能够运行Windows Aero玻璃主题的情况下才有效。

To activate this hack, you’ll need to first download and unzip this registry file, and then double-click it to add to the regisry. It will add two new values to the registry.

要**此黑客,您需要先下载并解压缩该注册表文件 ,然后双击它以添加到注册表中。 它将向注册表添加两个新值。

Now you can reboot to see the effect…


…or you could just open an administrator mode command prompt by typing cmd into the start menu search box, and then using the Ctrl+Shift+Enter shortcut to launch it in administrative mode. We’ll want to restart the Desktop Window Manager with these two commands:

…或者您可以通过在开始菜单搜索框中键入cmd ,然后使用Ctrl + Shift + Enter快捷方式在管理模式下启动它来打开管理员模式命令提示符。 我们将要使用以下两个命令来重新启动Desktop Window Manager:

net stop uxsmsnet start uxsms


Now you can see the slow motion animations by holding down the Shift key while minimizing or restoring a window. It’s a pity there’s no way to configure the speed of the animation.

现在,您可以在最小化或还原窗口的同时按住Shift键来查看慢动作动画。 可惜没有办法配置动画的速度。

I wish I had a picture or video to show here, but I don’t have the right setup yet to do that. I’ll probably update this article once I do.

我希望可以在此处显示图片或视频,但是我没有合适的设置来做到这一点。 一旦完成,我可能会更新本文。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/enable-slow-motion-aero-animations-in-windows-vista/
