aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

aero peek

aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

Aero Peek is a feature that’s been available in Windows since Windows 7, and is on by default (except in Windows 8). It allows you to temporarily peek at the desktop behind any open program windows.

Aero Peek是自Windows 7开始在Windows中提供的一项功能,并且默认情况下处于启用状态(Windows 8中除外)。 它允许您临时查看所有打开的程序窗口后面的桌面。

To use Aero Peek, move your mouse over the Show Desktop button on the far right side of the Taskbar. After a moment, all the open program windows become transparent and you can see your desktop. Move your mouse away from the Show Desktop button to see your program windows again.

要使用Aero Peek,请将鼠标移到任务栏最右侧的“显示桌面”按钮上。 片刻之后,所有打开的程序窗口变为透明,您可以看到您的桌面。 将鼠标移离“显示桌面”按钮以再次查看程序窗口。

If you don’t want to use Aero Peek, it can easily be disabled in several ways. The procedures to disable Aero Peek are the same in Windows 7, 8, and 10, except where noted. The Show Desktop button is very narrow and hard to see in Windows 8 and 10, but if you just make sure to move your mouse to the extreme right side of the Taskbar, Aero Peek will work. Note that, in Windows 8, moving your mouse to the extreme right side of the Taskbar also brings up the Charms bar.

如果您不想使用Aero Peek,可以通过多种方式轻松禁用它。 除非另有说明,否则禁用Aero Peek的过程在Windows 7、8和10中相同。 “显示桌面”按钮非常狭窄,在Windows 8和10中很难看到,但是如果您只是确保将鼠标移到任务栏的最右侧,Aero Peek将可以使用。 请注意,在Windows 8中,将鼠标移到任务栏的最右侧也会显示超级按钮栏。

如何禁用Aero Peek (How to Disable Aero Peek)

The quickest way to disable Aero Peek is to move your mouse to the far right side of the Taskbar, right-click on the Show Desktop button, and then select “Peek at desktop” from the popup menu. When Aero Peek is off, there should be no check mark next to the Peek at desktop option.

禁用Aero Peek的最快方法是将鼠标移到任务栏的最右侧,右键单击Show Desktop按钮,然后从弹出菜单中选择“ Peek at desktop”。 关闭Aero Peek时,“ Peek at Desktop”选项旁边不应有复选标记。

If the “Peek at desktop” option is grayed out, Aero Peek is off, even if the option is checked. For information on making this option available again, see the “How to Disable and Enable Aero Peek in System Properties” section below.

如果“在桌面上查看”选项变为灰色,则即使选中了该选项,Aero Peek也将关闭。 有关使此选项再次可用的信息,请参见下面的“如何在系统属性中禁用和启用Aero Peek”。

aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

You can also disable Aero Peek from the Taskbar Settings. Simply right-click on the Taskbar and select “Settings” from the popup menu in Windows 10 or “Properties” in Windows 7 and 8.

您也可以从任务栏设置中禁用Aero Peek。 只需右键单击任务栏,然后从Windows 10的弹出菜单或Windows 7和8的“属性”中选择“设置”。

aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

On the Taskbar settings screen, click the “Use Peek to preview the desktop when you move your mouse to the Show desktop button at the end of the taskbar” slider button so it turns white and reads Off.


aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

On Windows 7, this will look slightly different, but a similar option is available at the bottom of the window. On Windows 8, the same option available in Windows 10’s Settings is available on the Taskbar tab.

在Windows 7上,这看起来会稍有不同,但是窗口底部提供了类似的选项。 在Windows 8上,任务栏选项卡上提供Windows 10的“设置”中可用的相同选项。

aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

如果选件为灰色,如何启用Aero Peek (How to Enable Aero Peek if the Option Is Greyed Out)

If Aero Peek is off and you want to enable it, but the option is grayed out, that means Aero Peek is disabled in the System Properties. To enable it there, press Windows+R on your keyboard to open the Run dialog box. Then, enter sysdm.cpl in the “Open” box and click the “OK” button or press Enter.

如果关闭了Aero Peek并希望启用它,但是该选项显示为灰色,则表示在系统属性中禁用了Aero Peek。 要在其中启用它,请按键盘上的Windows + R打开“运行”对话框。 然后,在“打开”框中输入sysdm.cpl ,然后单击“确定”按钮或按Enter。

aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

On the System Properties dialog box, click the “Advanced” tab.


aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

Click the “Settings” button in the Performance section.


aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

On the Visual Effects tab, check the “Enable Peek” box in Windows 10 (“Enable Aero Peek” in Windows 7) to enable the Aero Peek feature and make the option available again.

在“视觉效果”选项卡上,选中Windows 10中的“启用Peek”框(Windows 7中为“启用Aero Peek”)以启用Aero Peek功能并使该选项再次可用。

Click the “OK” button on the Performance Options dialog box and then click the “OK” button on the System Properties dialog box.


aero peek_如何在Windows中禁用Aero Peek

Now you can enable Aero Peek by turning on or checking one of the same options that we previously used to disable Aero Peek.

现在,您可以通过打开或检查我们以前用来禁用Aero Peek的相同选项之一来启用Aero Peek。


aero peek