

Everyone has made an embarrassing username in their lifetime that they’ve ended up regretting. Whether you have an awkward username from 5 years ago or simply misspelled something, here’s how you can go back and change it on Twitch.

每个人一生中都有一个令人尴尬的用户名,但最终却为此感到遗憾。 无论您是5年前的尴尬用户名,还是只是拼错了一些内容,都可以按以下方法在Twitch上进行更改。

Previously, if you wanted a new username on Twitch, you’d have to create an entirely new account. Creating a new channel was a problem for multiple reasons—not only would streamers lose an entire list of followers and subscribers on their first channel, but all of their settings and preferences would also be lost.

以前,如果您想在Twitch上使用新的用户名,则必须创建一个全新的帐户。 创建新频道是一个问题,其原因有多种多样-不仅彩带会在其第一个频道上失去完整的关注者和订阅者列表,而且所有设置和偏好也会丢失。

Now, all you have to do is click through a few simple steps to alter your account name. This can be done once every 60 days.

现在,您只需单击几个简单的步骤即可更改您的帐户名。 可以每60天执行一次。

Start by signing in to your Twitch account. From the Home page, click on your username in the top-right corner and then select the “Settings” option from the drop-down menu.

首先登录您的Twitch帐户。 在主页上,单击右上角的用户名,然后从下拉菜单中选择“设置”选项。


From the “Profile Settings” page, locate the change your “Username” and your “Display Name” text sections. This is also where you can change your Bio (the “About Me” section on your Twitch channel).

在“配置文件设置”页面上,找到更改的“用户名”和“显示名称”文本部分。 您也可以在此处更改简历(Twitch频道上的“关于我”部分)。


Your new username will go into effect immediately after you make changes to the Profile Settings section. Your live streaming followers and subscribers will see that your name changed on your Twitch channel.

您对“个人资料设置”部分进行更改后,新的用户名将立即生效。 您的实时流媒体关注者和订阅者将在Twitch频道上看到您的名字已更改。

Your display name capitalization can be customized freely, but it must be the same spelling as your username. Your Twitch display name will show up next to comments, and it will be displayed on your profile.

您可以*自定义显示名称的大小写,但是其拼写必须与您的用户名相同。 您的Twitch显示名称将显示在评论旁边,并将显示在您的个人资料上。

According to a Twitch blog post, once you’ve changed your username, the abandoned username will be held by the platform for a minimum of 6 months. After this, Twitch will return the username to the pool of available options for the community and new users to choose from, with the exception of Twitch Partner usernames that will only be recycled under special circumstances.

根据Twitch博客文章 ,一旦您更改了用户名,被放弃的用户名将被平台保留至少6个月。 此后,Twitch会将用户名返回到可用选项池中,以供社区和新用户选择,但Twitch合作伙伴的用户名只有在特殊情况下才会被回收。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/672357/how-to-change-your-twitch-username/