Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

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Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

  • Value at risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES) are attempts to provide a single number that summarizes the total risk in a portfolio

12.1 Definition of VaR

  • It is the loss level during a time period of length T that we are X% certain will not be exceeded

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

12.2 Examples (略)

12.3 Drawback of VaR

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

12.4 Expected Shortfall

  • 又称作为conditional value at risk,expected tail loss

  • ES is the expected loss during time T conditional on the loss being greater than the VaR

  • ES has better properties than VaR in that it always recognizes the benefits of diversification , 分散化的收益可以被算入

  • ES的缺陷:

    • 比VaR更加难以理解
    • 回测过程也更加难

12.5 Coherent Risk Measures

  • 风险度量应该满足一定的性态:

    • monotonicity 单调性 收益小,意味着风险大
    • Translation Invariance 平移不变性 加入K的cash ,总风险减去cash
    • Homogeneity 同质性 保持组合中单个资产所占比例不变,调整组合大小,风险相应增减
    • Subadditivity 次可加性 两个交易组合组成的新交易组合风险度量小于等于单独的和
  • VaR 并不满足次可加性

  • ES 测量满足四种性态

12.5.1 Exponential Spectral Risk Measures

  • A risk measure can be characterized by the weights it assigns to percentiles of the loss distribution

  • VaR 给了百分之一百的权重在分界点上

  • One idea is to make the weight assigned to the qth percentile proportional to Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Eswhere γ is a constant. This is referred to as the exponential spectral risk measure

  • Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

  • 不同的γ值 ,不同的指数形态

12.6 VaR 和 ES 参数的选择

  • 两个参数必须选择,时间区间以及置信区间

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

  • 假设时间界限内,交易组合的变化服从正态分布,X 是置信区间
  • ES 的估计公式如下,假设loss is normally distributed

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

  • Y is the Xth percentile point of the standard normal distribution

  • This shows that when μ is assumed to be zero, ES, like VaR, is proportional to σ

12.6.1 Time Horizon 展望期

  • 流动性差的组合,展望期长
  • market risks 展望期一般为1天

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

  • 假设:when the changes in the value of the portfolio on successive days have independent identical normal distributions with mean zero

12.6.2 Impact of Autocorrelation 自相关的影响

  • 现实中,组合价值的变化并不独立
  • 如果天与天之间的组合价值变化并不独立,那么其实用平方根法则预估的VaR值偏低

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

12.6.3 Confidence Level 置信区间

  • 选择置信区间的因素:
    • 与信用评级挂钩,AA级99.97%置信区间,一年的展望期

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

12.7 Marginal, Incremental and Component Measures 边际VaR,递增VaR及成分VaR

  • The marginal value at risk for the ith subportfolio is the sensitivity of VaR to the amount invested in the ith subportfolio交易组合价格变化同某个组合成分变化的比率

  • If an asset’s beta is high, its marginal VaR will tend to be high. If its beta is low, the marginal VaR tends to be low

  • incremental value at risk 是指子交易组合对VaR的递增效应,是组合包含与不包含此子组合VaR的差

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

12.8 Euler’s Theorem 欧拉定理

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

  • 欧拉定理与风险度量的第三性态相一致
  • 当V 为 VaR时:

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

  • 组合VaR 相当于Component VaR的相加
  • ES的性质与VaR一致:

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

  • 欧拉定理是用于 risk budgeting 的很好的工具

12.9 Aggregating VaRs and ESs VaR的聚合

  • 不同部门的VaR聚合成total VaR

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

  • ρ 代表着损失与损失之间的相关性
  • 上式当损失与收益的预期为0时严格成立,其他时候也是很好的估计

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

12.10 Back- Testing 回测

  • It is a test of how well the current procedure for calculating the measure would have worked in the past 历史的检验

  • VaR 的回测要比ES来得容易,因此监管者在制定市场风险时转换为ES很勉强

  • Back-testing involves looking at how often the loss in a day would have exceeded the one-day 99% VaR when the latter is calculated using the current procedure

  • 实际损失超出VaR值叫做exceptions

  • 在回测时,我们应该考虑展望期内交易组合本身的变化

    • 假定展望期内组合构成没有变化
    • 与交易组合真实变化进行比较
  • In practice, risk managers usually compare VaR to both hypothetical portfolio changes and actual portfolio changes

Risk Management and Financial Institution Chapter 12 —— VaR and Es

  • Kupiec test (双尾检验)与3.84做比较,大于3.84 则拒绝模型

  • Generally speaking, the difficulty of back-testing a VaR model increases as the VaR confidence level increases

12.10.1 Bunching 聚束效应

  • 使用Chiristofferson test 例外的发生是均匀分布的,还是聚束分布的