如何在iPad上禁用Apple Pencil的涂鸦

如何在iPad上禁用Apple Pencil的涂鸦
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

The Scribble feature, introduced in iPadOS 14, allows you to use your Apple Pencil to write in text boxes. Instead of typing, you can scribble a message and have your iPad automatically convert your handwriting to text. If you don’t use or like Scribble, you can disable the feature.

iPadOS 14中引入的Scribble功能使您可以使用Apple Pencil在文本框中书写。 无需输入内容,您就可以随意书写一条消息,并使iPad自动将手写内容转换为文本。 如果您不使用或不喜欢Scribble,则可以禁用该功能。

With your Apple Pencil paired with your iPad, open the “Settings” app. If you’re not sure if your Apple Pencil is connected, either magnetically attach it to the side of your iPad (second-gen Pencil) or plug it into the Lightning port (first-gen Pencil).

将Apple Pencil与iPad配对后,打开“设置”应用程序。 如果不确定是否已连接Apple Pencil,请用磁力将其连接到iPad的侧面(第二代Pencil)或将其插入Lightning端口(第一代Pencil)。

如何在iPad上禁用Apple Pencil的涂鸦

Next, scroll down and select the “Apple Pencil” option from the left-hand pane.

接下来,向下滚动并从左侧窗格中选择“ Apple Pencil”选项。

如何在iPad上禁用Apple Pencil的涂鸦

Finally, tap on the “Scribble” toggle to turn off the feature. You will find the option near the bottom of the “Apple Pencil” submenu.

最后,点击“乱涂乱画”开关以关闭该功能。 您将在“ Apple Pencil”子菜单底部附近找到该选项。

如何在iPad上禁用Apple Pencil的涂鸦

With Scribble disabled, your Apple Pencil will only be able to write in apps designed to support handwriting. In all other instances—including when interacting with text boxes—the stylus accessory will now work as a pointing tool.

禁用涂鸦功能后,Apple Pencil将只能在旨在支持手写的应用程序中书写。 在所有其他情况下(包括与文本框进行交互时),手写笔附件现在可以用作定位工具。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/690361/how-to-disable-scribble-for-apple-pencil-on-ipad/