


Alexey Boldin/Shutterstock 阿列克谢·博尔丁/快门

Gmail now offers “dynamic emails” that let you complete tasks without leaving your email inbox. These use AMP, just like many mobile websites. If you’d rather stick with traditional non-dynamic emails, here’s how to disable this new feature.

Gmail现在提供“动态电子邮件”,使您无需离开电子邮件收件箱即可完成任务。 它们像许多移动网站一样使用AMP 。 如果您希望使用传统的非动态电子邮件,请按照以下方法禁用此新功能。

To disable dynamic emails, open the Gmail website on your computer, click the gear, and select “Settings.”



Look for “Dynamic email” in the list of settings under the General tab. Uncheck the “Enable dynamic email” option.

在“常规”标签下的设置列表中查找“动态电子邮件”。 取消选中“启用动态电子邮件”选项。

Note: Dynamic emails will also be disabled if you select the “Ask before displaying external images” option to the right of Images here.

注意 :如果您在此处选择“图像外部”之前的“在显示外部图像之前询问”选项,动态电子邮件也将被禁用。


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Save Changes” to save your changes.


Gmail won’t load dynamic emails anymore. If an email is dynamic, you’ll see the classic version instead—just as if you were using a non-Gmail email client.

Gmail将不再加载动态电子邮件。 如果电子邮件是动态的,则将看到经典版本,就像使用非Gmail电子邮件客户端一样。


Dynamic emails became available to everyone on July 2, 2019. If you’re a G Suite administrator, you can disable it entirely for your domain by heading to Apps > G Suite > Settings for Gmail > User settings and selecting the “Disable” option for everyone.

动态电子邮件已于2019年7月2日对所有人开放。如果您是G Suite管理员,则可以通过转到应用程序> G Suite> Gmail设置>用户设置,然后选择“禁用”选项来完全为您的域禁用动态电子邮件为了每一个。

We don’t necessarily recommend disabling this, but you can if you want to. Dynamic emails do sound pretty interesting and useful. By using AMP, Google is ensuring that you can view richer content in emails in a safer way—it won’t just let emails run all the JavaScript code they like inside an email. But email senders will have to support non-dynamic emails for a long time to come, so everything should work just fine if you disable them.

我们不一定建议禁用此功能,但是如果您愿意,可以这样做。 动态电子邮件确实听起来很有趣且有用。 通过使用AMP,Google可以确保您以一种更安全的方式查看电子邮件中的丰富内容-它不只是让电子邮件运行电子邮件中喜欢的所有JavaScript代码。 但是电子邮件发件人将不得不在很长一段时间内支持非动态电子邮件,因此,如果禁用它们,一切都应该可以正常工作。

