如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update includes the “My People” feature originally promised for the first Creators Update. You can now pin up to three of your favorite people to the taskbar and quickly chat with them on Skype or send them emails.

Windows 10的Fall Creators Update包含最初用于第一个Creators Update的“我的人”功能。 现在,您最多可以将三个最喜欢的人固定到任务栏,并在Skype上与他们快速聊天或向他们发送电子邮件。

This feature will only get more powerful as Windows Store apps integrate with it. For example, Windows 10’s Facebook app could one day integrate with My People, enabling you to Facebook chat with your favorite people right from your taskbar. It’s up to Facebook and other app developers to enable this, however.

Windows Store应用程序与其集成后,此功能将变得更加强大。 例如,Windows 10的Facebook应用程序有一天可以与My People集成,使您可以直接从任务栏与自己喜欢的人进行Facebook聊天。 但是,这取决于Facebook和其他应用程序开发人员。

To access this feature, click the People icon on the taskbar. It appears to the left of your notification area, also known as the system tray.

要访问此功能,请单击任务栏上的人员图标。 它显示在通知区域(也称为系统托盘)的左侧。

The My People menu will pop up, and you can click “Get started” to continue.


如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

如何使用我的人 (How to Use My People)

When you open the My People popup by clicking the taskbar icon, you’ll see an interface sorted into two tabs: People and Apps.


By default, Apps includes the People, Skype, and Mail apps included with Windows 10. Apps you install from the Windows Store can also integrate with the My People feature. If you install a compatible app, it will appear in the Apps menu here automatically.

默认情况下,应用程序包括Windows 10附带的People,Skype和Mail应用程序。从Windows应用商店安装的应用程序也可以与“我的人员”功能集成。 如果您安装兼容的应用程序,它将自动出现在此处的“应用程序”菜单中。

The People tab shows people from your contacts, You can make more people available here by connecting an account with the People app. For example, you could add your Gmail account and see your Gmail contacts here.

“人脉”标签显示了您联系人中的人。您可以通过在“人脉” 应用中关联一个帐户来在此处提供更多人。 例如,您可以添加您的Gmail帐户并在此处查看Gmail联系人。

如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

Once you’ve connected some accounts, you can click the “People” heading to see suggested people you frequently communicate with. Click a contact here to pin it to your taskbar. You can also click the “Find and pin contacts” option at the bottom here to dig through your entire list of contacts.

连接一些帐户后,可以单击“人员”标题以查看经常与之通信的建议人员。 单击此处的联系人,将其固定到任务栏。 您也可以单击此处底部的“查找和固定联系人”选项,以浏览整个联系人列表。

To add a new contact, head to the People app or click the menu button to the right of “Find and pin contacts” and select “New contact”.


如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

Once you’ve pinned a contact to your taskbar, it will always appear to the left of the people icon on your taskbar. To reorder your people icons, just drag and drop them. To remove one, right-click it and select “Unpin from taskbar”.

将联系人固定到任务栏后,该联系人将始终显示在任务栏上人脉图标的左侧。 要重新排列人物图标,只需将其拖放即可。 要删除一个,请右键单击它,然后选择“从任务栏取消固定”。

You can pin up to three contacts on your taskbar. Any additional contacts you attempt to pin will appear in the People popup menu.

您最多可以在任务栏上固定三个联系人。 您尝试固定的其他任何联系人将显示在“人脉”弹出菜单中。

如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

To actually communicate with a person, click their icon and you’ll be able to use any of the apps you have to communicate with them. By default, this is People, Skype, and Mail, so you can send the person an email or Skype message. Click an app to see messages that person has sent you through that app. For example, you can click “Mail” to see email messages that person has sent you.

要与他人进行实际交流,请单击其图标,然后您就可以使用与他人交流的任何应用程序。 默认情况下,这是“人员”,“ Skype”和“邮件”,因此您可以向该人发送电子邮件或Skype消息。 单击一个应用程序以查看该人通过该应用程序向您发送的消息。 例如,您可以单击“邮件”以查看该人向您发送的电子邮件。

The popup also lets you combine duplicate contacts. For example, you can associate a person’s email address with their Skype alias, if they appear separated. You can also click the menu button and select “Edit Contact” to edit a contact’s details, although you could do this from the People app included with Windows as well.

弹出窗口还允许您合并重复的联系人。 例如,您可以将某人的电子邮件地址与他们的Skype别名相关联(如果他们看起来分开)。 您也可以单击菜单按钮,然后选择“编辑联系人”以编辑联系人的详细信息,尽管您也可以从Windows附带的“人脉”应用程序中执行此操作。

如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

When you communicate with a person through the My People feature, you can send them a message without opening the full app. For example, you can click a person’s icon, select “Mail” to view messages from that person, and then click the “+” button to start sending them a new email. You’ll write the email right in the popup menu rather than opening the full Mail app.

通过“我的人员”功能与某人交流时,您可以在不打开完整应用程序的情况下向他们发送消息。 例如,您可以单击某人的图标,选择“邮件”以查看来自该人的消息,然后单击“ +”按钮开始向他们发送新电子邮件。 您将直接在弹出菜单中写电子邮件,而不是打开完整的Mail应用程序。

This is integrated with Skype, too, so you can chat with your favorite Skype contacts directly from the taskbar. And, when a pinned person sends you an emoji on Skype, you’ll see a large emoji appear directly above their taskbar icon on your desktop. These were previously called “shoulder taps”, but are now called “My People Pops”.

这也与Skype集成在一起,因此您可以直接从任务栏与自己喜欢的Skype联系人聊天。 而且,当固定的人在Skype上向您发送表情符号时,您会看到一个大表情符号直接出现在桌面上其任务栏图标上方。 这些以前称为“肩膀水龙头”,但现在称为“我的人民流行音乐”。

如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

如何配置我的人 (How to Configure My People)

To change this feature’s settings, open the People menu, click the menu button to the right of “Find and pin contacts”, and select “People bar settings”. You can also just head to Settings > Personalization > Taskbar and scroll down to the bottom of the screen.

要更改此功能的设置,请打开“人员”菜单,单击“查找和固定联系人”右边的菜单按钮,然后选择“人员栏设置”。 您也可以直接转到“设置”>“个性化”>“任务栏”,然后向下滚动到屏幕底部。

如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

There are three options here, and all of them are enabled by default. If you disable the “Show contacts on the taskbar” option, the My People feature will be completely removed from your taskbar. Changing this option has the same effect as right-clicking your taskbar and selecting the “Show People button” option.

这里有三个选项,并且所有这些选项均默认启用。 如果禁用“在任务栏上显示联系人”选项,则“我的人员”功能将从任务栏上完全删除。 更改此选项与右键单击任务栏并选择“显示人物”选项具有相同的效果。

The “Show My People notifications” option controls whether you see notifications when messages arrive. Disable it if you want to hide those notifications. The “Play a sound when a My People notification arrives” option allows you to disable the sound effect the plays when a notification arrives.

“显示我的人的通知”选项控制邮件到达时是否查看通知。 如果要隐藏这些通知,请禁用它。 “当我的人的通知到达时播放声音”选项使您可以禁用通知到达时播放的声音效果。

如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

It’s unfortunate that Microsoft never got that “Messaging Everywhere” SMS integration feature they originally announced for the Anniversary Update, as that would make My People even more useful.

不幸的是,微软从未获得他们最初在周年更新中宣布的“无处不在” SMS集成功能,因为这将使“我的伙伴”更加有用。

如何隐藏“我的人员”任务栏按钮 (How to Hide the My People Taskbar Button)

If you want to hide the icon, right-click your taskbar and uncheck “Show People button” to disable it.


如何在Windows 10的任务栏上使用“我的人”

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/329420/how-to-use-my-people-on-windows-10s-taskbar/