android 截图_这是截图在Android上的工作方式

android 截图_这是截图在Android上的工作方式

android 截图

android 截图_这是截图在Android上的工作方式
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Android 11 introduced a number of changes, but one that might catch you off guard is how screenshots work. The functionality is mostly the same as older versions of the operating system (OS), but Google moved things around a bit. Here is how screenshots work on Android.

Android 11进行了许多更改,但屏幕截图的工作原理可能会让您措手不及。 该功能与较早版本的操作系统(OS)大致相同,但Google稍作改动。 这是截图在Android上的工作方式。

如何在Android上截图 (How to Take a Screenshot on Android)

Taking a screenshot on Android 11 and newer works mostly in the same way as any older version of the OS, but one option has been moved. Beyond holding down the physical Power and Volume Down buttons together, the on-screen screenshot shortcut that used to appear in the Power menu has been moved to the “Overview” menu (aka Recent Apps).

以Android上11和较新的作品截图大多在相同的方式,所有旧版本的操作系统,但一个选项已被移动。 除了同时按住物理“电源”和“降低音量”按钮外,以前显示在“电源”菜单中的屏幕截图快捷方式已移至“概述”菜单(又名“最新应用”)。

To access the shortcut, swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and pause to open the Overview menu.


android 截图_这是截图在Android上的工作方式

Tap the “Screenshot” button in the bottom-left corner.


android 截图_这是截图在Android上的工作方式

This will immediately take a screenshot and bring up a preview thumbnail of the screenshot with options to “Share” and “Edit” the image.


android 截图_这是截图在Android上的工作方式

Android屏幕截图在哪里? (Where Are Screenshots on Android?)

When you take a screenshot in Android 11 and newer, it’s displayed in a thumbnail in the bottom-left corner along with options to “Share” and “Edit” the image. After a few seconds, the thumbnail disappears.

在Android 11及更高版本中拍摄屏幕截图时,屏幕截图会显示在左下角的缩略图中,并带有“共享”和“编辑”图像的选项。 几秒钟后,缩略图消失。

android 截图_这是截图在Android上的工作方式

Here’s where people may get a little confused. Screenshots no longer appear in the notification shade. That means if you don’t take action on the thumbnail pop-up before it disappears, you’ll have to find the screenshot in your photo gallery or file manager.

人们在这里可能会感到有些困惑。 屏幕截图不再显示在通知阴影中。 这意味着,如果您在缩略图弹出窗口消失之前不对其采取任何措施,则必须在图库或文件管理器中找到屏幕截图。

Screenshots are typically saved to the “Screenshots” folder on your device. For example, to find your images in the Google Photos app, navigate to the “Library” tab.

屏幕截图通常会保存到设备上的“ Screenshots”文件夹中。 例如,要在Google相册应用中查找图片,请导航至“库”标签。

android 截图_这是截图在Android上的工作方式

Under the “Photos on Device” section, you’ll see the “Screenshots” folder.


android 截图_这是截图在Android上的工作方式

Whichever photo gallery or file manager app you use, look for “Screenshots” in the device’s root storage section.


A few things got swapped around and tweaked, but screenshots on Android 11 and beyond basically work the same as they did in previous versions of the operating system. The changes may be a little jarring at first, but they should feel like second-nature in no time.

交换了一些内容并进行了调整,但是Android 11及更高版本上的屏幕截图基本上与以前版本的操作系统相同。 这些变化乍一看可能有些刺耳,但很快就应该感觉像是第二自然。


android 截图