

Do you want to create an email newsletter for your WordPress site? Creating an email list is one of the best things you can do to grow your business.

您是否要为WordPress网站创建电子邮件通讯? 创建电子邮件列表是您发展业务的最佳方法之一。

An email newsletter allows your website visitors to subscribe, so they can receive email updates from you about your blog, new sale promotions, etc.


In this article, we will share some of the best WordPress newsletter plugins that you can use to easily build and grow your email list.



为什么您的网站需要电子邮件通讯 (Why Your Site Needs an Email Newsletter)

An email newsletter lets you keep in touch with your site’s visitors. Email marketing is a crucial and effective way to make money from your website.

电子邮件时事通讯可让您与网站的访问者保持联系。 电子邮件营销是从您的网站赚钱的重要而有效的方法。

Some website owners think that they need to get to a certain stage with their site before starting a newsletter. But we believe it’s important to start building your email list right away.

一些网站所有者认为,在开始时事通讯之前,他们需要进入网站的某个阶段。 但是我们认为立即开始构建您的电子邮件列表很重要

Although we’re using the term newsletter, you don’t necessarily need to send out regular news. You might create a short email course for new subscribers to help them get to know you better. You could also use your newsletter list to offer special discounts on your products and services.

尽管我们使用新闻通讯一词,但您不一定需要发送常规新闻。 您可以为新订阅者创建一个简短的电子邮件课程,以帮助他们更好地了解您。 您还可以使用新闻通讯列表为您的产品和服务提供特别折扣。

If you want more ideas of what you could include in your newsletter, check out our step by step guide on how to create an email newsletter the right way.


When it comes to WordPress newsletter plugins, there are three different types. First type of newsletter plugins are associated with email marketing services which offer the most comprehensive set of features.

当涉及到WordPress时事通讯插件时,有三种不同的类型。 第一类新闻通讯插件与电子邮件营销服务相关,该电子邮件营销服务提供最全面的功能集。

Second type are simple newsletter plugins that let you draft emails inside WordPress, but they rely on third-party SMTP services to help you reliably send emails to your subscribers.


Lastly, the third type of WordPress newsletter plugins are designed to help you get more email subscribers and grow your email list. These plugins integrate with all popular email marketing services and other newsletter plugins.

最后,第三类WordPress新闻通讯插件旨在帮助您获得更多的电子邮件订阅者并增加电子邮件列表。 这些插件与所有流行的电子邮件营销服务和其他新闻通讯插件集成。

With that said, let’s take a look at the top WordPress newsletter plugins that you can use to build and grow your email list.


1.持续接触 (1. Constant Contact)

Constant Contact is a service that you can use to build an email list and send out emails. We believe it’s the best email marketing service for small businesses.

持续联系是一项服务,可用于构建电子邮件列表和发送电子邮件。 我们认为这是针对小型企业的最佳电子邮件营销服务

Due to the popularity of Constant Contact, leading WordPress form plugins like WPForms, offer built-in integration for Constant Contact, so you can quickly build newsletter subscriber forms.

由于Constant Contact的流行,领先的WordPress表单插件(如WPForms)为Constant Contact提供了内置集成,因此您可以快速构建新闻订阅者表单。

Constant Contact integration is also available in WPForms free version.


This lets you easily build your email list from your WordPress site while relying on a powerful email deliverability platform of Constant Contact to send emails.

这使您可以轻松地从WordPress网站构建电子邮件列表,同时依靠功能强大的Constant Contact电子邮件传递平台来发送电子邮件。



  • Constant Contact itself is a fully-featured email marketing service. It lets you easily create emails using templates. You can segment your list, set up automated emails, and much more.

    Constant Contact本身是功能全面的电子邮件营销服务。 它使您可以轻松地使用模板创建电子邮件。 您可以细分列表,设置自动电子邮件等等。
  • If you don’t already have a Constant Contact account, they offer a generous free trial for you to get started.

  • There are a lot of third-party plugins like WPForms that offer native integration for Constant Contact.

    有很多第三方插件,例如WPForms,它们为Constant Contact提供了本机集成。
  • Constant Contact comes with excellent support (email, chat, and live phone support).

  • You can also integrate Constant Contact with WooCommerce and other eCommerce platforms.

    您还可以将Constant Contact与WooCommerce和其他电子商务平台集成。



  • Constant Contact email marketing service lacks advanced targeting features that are available in marketing automation platforms like Drip or ConvertKit.




The plugin to integrate Constant Contact with WordPress (WPForms Lite) is 100% free.

用于将Constant Contact与WordPress(WPForms Lite)集成的插件是100%免费的。

But you’ll need to use their email marketing service. Constant Contact has a 60-day free trial (no credit-card required). After that their pricing starts as low as $20/month.

但是您需要使用他们的电子邮件营销服务。 持续联系有60天的免费试用期(无需信用卡)。 之后,他们的价格低至每月20美元。

WPBeginner users can use our Constant Contact coupon code to get an additional 20% off.

WPBeginner用户可以使用我们的“ 恒定联系”优惠券代码额外获得20%的折扣。

2. OptinMonster (2. OptinMonster)

OptinMonster is a popular marketing and popup plugin for WordPress. It lets you create personalized newsletter opt-in forms, so you can grow your email list and convert more abandoning visitors into subscribers.

OptinMonster是WordPress的流行营销和弹出插件。 它使您可以创建个性化的新闻简报选择加入表格,从而可以增加电子邮件列表,并将更多放弃访问者转化为订阅者。

OptinMonster works with all major email marketing services and popular WordPress newsletter plugins.




  • OptinMonster integrates with lots of different email marketing services, including popular ones like Constant Contact. It also integrates with plugins like Sendinblue and MailPoet.

    OptinMonster与许多不同的电子邮件营销服务集成在一起,包括诸如Constant Contact之类的流行服务。 它还与Sendinblue和MailPoet等插件集成。
  • You can use OptinMonster’s signature Exit-Intent® technology to create popups that appear as a visitor’s about to leave your site. That way, you won’t interrupt their experience on your site.

    您可以使用OptinMonster的签名Exit-Intent®技术来创建弹出窗口,这些弹出窗口在访客即将离开您的网站时显示。 这样,您就不会打扰他们在您网站上的体验。

  • It’s easy to A/B test your sign up forms to see what headlines, offers, and layouts lead to the best conversion rate.

    A / B测试您的注册表单很容易,以查看标题,报价和布局可带来最佳转换率。
  • You can create segmentation rules to target specific pages on your site. OptinMonster also lets you personalize your newsletter forms based on user’s geolocation, past behavior on site, etc.

    您可以创建细分规则,以定位网站上的特定页面。 OptinMonster还可以让您根据用户的地理位置,网站过去的行为等来个性化您的新闻稿表单。
  • All plans include full access to OptinMonster university training. This is a whole library of plans, checklists, ebooks, guides, webinars, and more to help you grow your email list faster.

    所有计划都包括对OptinMonster大学培训的完全访问权限。 这是一个包含计划,清单,电子书,指南,网络研讨会等的完整库,可帮助您更快地增加电子邮件列表。
  • There’s a full money-back guarantee. If you don’t like the software for any reason, cancel within 14 days of purchasing and you can get a full refund.

    有全额退款保证。 如果由于任何原因不喜欢该软件,请在购买后的14天内取消,然后可以获得全额退款。



  • OptinMonster doesn’t provide the actual mailing list software. You’ll need to join a separate service (such as Constant Contact, MailChimp, etc) for this.

    OptinMonster不提供实际的邮件列表软件。 为此,您需要加入单独的服务(例如Constant ContactMailChimp等)。

  • There’s no free version of OptinMonster, and you can’t take a free trial. However, there is a full money-back guarantee.

    没有免费版本的OptinMonster,并且您无法免费试用。 但是,有全额退款保证。



OptinMonster premium plugin costs $9/month (billed annually). You can upgrade to unlock the powerful features like geolocation, gamified opt-in forms, and more.

OptinMonster高级插件的费用为每月9美元(每年计费)。 您可以升级以解锁强大的功能,例如地理定位,游戏化的加入表单等等。

3. Sendinblue (3. Sendinblue)

Sendinblue is another email marketing service that we highly recommend. It’s easy to use and has a free plan, as well as a simple plugin that you can add to WordPress.

Sendinblue是我们强烈推荐的另一项电子邮件营销服务。 它易于使用,有免费计划,以及可以添加到WordPress 的简单插件

Along with email marketing, you can also use Sendinblue to send emails through your website. In fact, it’s our top recommendation for the best SMTP email service provider with high email deliverability.

除了电子邮件营销,您还可以使用Sendinblue通过您的网站发送电子邮件。 实际上,对于具有高电子邮件可传递性最佳SMTP电子邮件服务提供商 ,这是我们的最高推荐。



  • The Sendinblue WordPress plugin can be easily installed through your WordPress dashboard. Once you’ve created it, you simply activate it using the API key from your Sendinblue account.

    您可以通过WordPress仪表板轻松安装Sendinblue WordPress插件。 创建它之后,您只需使用Sendinblue帐户中的API**将其**即可。
  • There’s a completely free plan, where you can send up to 300 emails per day to your newsletter list. You don’t have to enter any credit card details for this.

    有一个完全免费的计划,您每天最多可以向新闻稿列表发送300封电子邮件。 您不必为此输入任何信用卡详细信息。
  • The Sendinblue customer service team is helpful and responsive. You can contact them through email or live chat.

    Sendinblue客户服务团队乐于助人且ReactSwift。 您可以通过电子邮件或实时聊天与他们联系。
  • If you’re using WooCommerce, you can use WP Mail SMTP plugin to connect Sendinblue’s SMTP and send your confirmation emails to buyers.

    如果您使用的是WooCommerce,则可以使用WP Mail SMTP插件连接Sendinblue的SMTP并将确认电子邮件发送给买家。

  • Within Sendinblue, there’s a range of templates to choose from. All of them are responsive, which means they’ll look good on mobile devices.

    在Sendinblue中,有一系列模板可供选择。 它们都具有响应能力,这意味着它们在移动设备上看起来不错。



  • Sendinblue doesn’t have the range of templates that some other email service providers offer. It also doesn’t have such powerful segmentation and automation options.

    Sendinblue没有其他电子邮件服务提供商提供的模板范围。 它还没有如此强大的细分和自动化选项。
  • It can be a little fiddly to import your contacts if you’ve already created a mailing list somewhere else.




Sendinblue has a completely free plan that you can use for up to 300 emails/day. If you want more, their paid plans start at $25/month. That gives you 40,000 emails each month and no daily sending limits.

Sendinblue有一个完全免费的计划,您每天最多可以使用300封电子邮件。 如果您需要更多服务,他们的付费计划起价为每月25美元。 这样每月可以给您40,000封电子邮件,并且没有每日发送限制。

4. MailPoet (4. MailPoet)

MailPoet is a newsletter plugin for WordPress that also works with your WooCommerce online store.

MailPoet是适用于WordPress的新闻通讯插件,也可以与WooCommerce 在线商店一起使用

With the standard version of MailPoet, you’ll also need an account with a third-party email service provider such as Constant Contact.

使用MailPoet的标准版本时,您还需要一个具有第三方电子邮件服务提供商(例如Constant Contact)的帐户。

However, you can choose to sign up for MailPoet’s “Premium + Sending” service, which takes care of sending your emails too. This is free for up to 1,000 subscribers.

但是,您可以选择注册MailPoet的“ Premium + Sending”服务,该服务也负责发送电子邮件。 最多可容纳1,000个订阅者。



  • It’s quick and easy to get started with MailPoet. You can simply install the plugin in WordPress and get started straight away.

    使用MailPoet可以轻松快速地上手。 您只需在WordPress中安装插件即可立即开始使用。
  • With MailPoet, you manage your subscriber list and newsletter emails through WordPress itself. This means you don’t need to login to anything else.

    使用MailPoet,您可以通过WordPress本身管理订户列表和新闻邮件。 这意味着您无需登录任何其他内容。
  • There’s a free “Premium + Sending” plan available for up to 1,000 subscribers, making this a great option if you’re on a very tight budget.

    有一个免费的“ Premium + Sending”计划,最多可容纳1,000个订阅者,如果您的预算非常紧张,那么这是一个不错的选择。
  • When it comes to sending your emails, there’s a range of built in templates available.

  • You can easily add a signup form to your WooCommerce checkout page to collect emails and encourage repeat purchases.

  • The paid plans come with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you don’t like MailPoet, you can simply ask for your money back.

    付费计划附带30天退款保证。 如果您不喜欢MailPoet,则只需索回您的钱即可。
  • You can choose to use MailPoet’s own “Sending” service or you can sign up for a third-party service such as Amazon SES or Sendgrid.

    您可以选择使用MailPoet自己的“发送”服务,也可以注册第三方服务,例如Amazon SES或Sendgrid。
  • It’s easy to connect MailPoet to OptinMonster if you want to use both plugins.




  • There isn’t a huge range of templates, and you may find yourself doing quite a bit of customization to get something that works for you.

  • The analytic tools provided by MailPoet are more limited than those you’ll get with some other email marketing services.




MailPoet is completely free. If you want to use their “Premium + Sending” service, it’s free for up to 1,000 subscribers. After that, it costs from $13/month (billed annually).

MailPoet是完全免费的。 如果您想使用他们的“高级+发送”服务,则最多可免费使用1,000个订阅者。 之后,每月的费用为$ 13(每年计费)。

5.绽放 (5. Bloom)

Bloom is a plugin from Elegant Themes, the Divi theme creators. Like OptinMonster, it lets you create sign up forms to encourage people to join your email list. These can appear after a certain interval or you can simply add them in specific locations.

Bloom是Divi主题创作者Elegant Themes的插件。 与OptinMonster一样,它可以让您创建注册表单来鼓励人们加入您的电子邮件列表。 这些可以在一定间隔后出现,也可以将它们添加到特定位置。



  • If you’ve already got an account with Elegant Themes then you don’t have to pay anything extra for Bloom. This can help you keep down the costs of building a WordPress site.

    如果您已经拥有“ 典雅主题”帐户,则不必为Bloom支付任何额外费用。 这可以帮助您降低构建WordPress网站成本

  • Bloom lets you create a range of different options. These include optins that pop up, ones that fly in, ones that appear beneath your content, and more.

    Bloom使您可以创建一系列不同的选项。 这些选项包括弹出的选项,弹出的选项,出现在您内容下方的选项以及更多其他选项。
  • You can design your optins to appear after certain “triggers” take place, like after a certain length of time, or after someone comments.

  • Bloom easily integrates with lots of different email service providers. These include Constant Contact, MailPoet, and Sendinblue.

    Bloom可以轻松地与许多不同的电子邮件服务提供商集成。 其中包括Constant Contact,MailPoet和Sendinblue。



  • The range of templates for Bloom is quite limited, though there are several color variations of each layout.


  • Bloom doesn’t have anything similar to OptinMonster’s advanced Exit-Intent® technology. It also doesn’t offer floating bar or fullscreen optins like OptinMonster does.

    Bloom与OptinMonster的高级Exit-Intent®技术没有任何相似之处。 它也不像OptinMonster那样提供浮动条或全屏选择。



Bloom is part of the full Elegant Themes package, which also includes their popular drag and drop WordPress theme, Divi.

Bloom是完整的Elegant Themes软件包的一部分,其中还包括其流行的拖放式WordPress主题 Divi。

6.时事通讯 (6. Newsletter)

Newsletter is a free WordPress plugin that you can use to send as many newsletters as you want. The premium version integrates with other plugins like WooCommerce and WPForms and offers extra features.

新闻稿是一个免费的WordPress插件,您可以根据需要发送任意数量的新闻稿。 高级版本与WooCommerce和WPForms等其他插件集成,并提供其他功能。



  • Newsletter is free, though you may want to pay for the Premium version to get all the extensions.

  • You can add an external SMTP provider to Newsletter. This is definitely recommended as it should improve your email deliverability.

    您可以将外部SMTP提供程序添加到时事通讯。 绝对推荐这样做,因为它可以提高电子邮件的可传递性。

  • You can control how fast emails go out, which is very useful if you’re sending them through your web host and they place limits on you.

  • There are a number of free addons available for Newsletter. You could use these to create an archive of your newsletter and lock content so that people can only access it after subscribing.

    Newsletter有许多免费的插件。 您可以使用它们来创建新闻通讯的存档并锁定内容,以便人们只能在订阅后访问它。



  • The spam prevention isn’t as good as with some other options. You might find you get some spam subscribers through your signup form.

    垃圾邮件防护不如其他一些选项好。 您可能会通过注册表单发现一些垃圾邮件订阅者。
  • You’ll ideally need to connect Newsletter to an external SMTP provider. They don’t provide a “Sending” option or similar like MailPoet does.

    理想情况下,您需要将时事通讯连接到外部SMTP提供程序。 他们不提供MailPoet提供的“发送”选项或类似选项。
  • Pricing


    The basic version of Newsletter is free, regardless of how many emails you send. If you want the pro extensions and priority support, it costs $65/year.

    无论您发送多少电子邮件,基本版的新闻通讯都是免费的。 如果您需要专业扩展和优先支持,则每年需要花费65美元。

    最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

    When it comes to WordPress newsletter plugins, you almost always want to use a proper email marketing platform that offers full email delivery services like Constant Contact, Sendinblue, Drip, etc.

    当涉及到WordPress新闻通讯插件时,您几乎总是想使用一个适当的电子邮件营销平台,该平台提供完整的电子邮件传递服务,例如Constant ContactSendinblueDrip等。

    The challenge is that most of these platforms lack powerful signup form features, and that’s where WordPress newsletter plugins like OptinMonster and too some extent form builder plugins like WPForms can help.


    These plugins let you connect your WordPress site with powerful email marketing services, so you get the best of both worlds.


    Most professionals and power users DO NOT use a newsletter plugin inside WordPress to manage their email list because they don’t want the hassle of using an SMTP plugin and connecting it with an email delivery service.


    Your email list is too important and valuable, and its best practice to let the expert email marketing companies handle that part for your business. Even at WPBeginner and our software businesses, we use third-party email marketing companies even though we have all the technical know-how.

    您的电子邮件列表太重要也很有价值,它的最佳做法是让专业的电子邮件营销公司为您的业务处理这部分。 即使在WPBeginner和我们的软件业务中,即使我们拥有全部技术知识,我们也使用第三方电子邮件营销公司。

    We hope this article helped you learn about the best WordPress newsletter plugins for creating and building your email list. You might also enjoy our tried and tested ways to grow your email list faster, and our list of the must have WordPress plugins for all business sites.

    我们希望本文能帮助您了解有关创建和构建电子邮件列表的最佳WordPress新闻通讯插件。 您可能还会喜欢我们久经考验的方法来更快地增加电子邮件列表 ,并且我们的列表中必须包含适用于所有商业网站的WordPress插件

    If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

    如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-newsletter-plugins/
