unity ar交互_AR Foundation和Unity MARS如何一起工作以实现交互式,多平台的AR体验

unity ar交互_AR Foundation和Unity MARS如何一起工作以实现交互式,多平台的AR体验

unity ar交互

Unity makes tools that give creators the power to build deeply interactive augmented reality (AR) experiences that intelligently adapt to any environment and work across devices. Learn how AR Foundation and Unity MARS (Mixed and Augmented Reality Studio) work together to give creators the ability to make AR experiences that blur the line between the digital and physical worlds.

Unity提供的工具使创作者有能力构建深度交互的增强现实(AR)体验,以智能地适应任何环境并跨设备工作。 了解AR FoundationUnity MARS (混合和增强现实工作室)如何一起工作,以使创作者能够进行使数字世界和物理世界之间的界线模糊的AR体验。

移动AR开发的基本概念 (Fundamental concepts for mobile AR development)

To make augmented reality (AR) content feel like it’s truly a part of the real world, you need to appreciate three fundamental concepts:

要使增强现实 (AR)内容真正成为真实世界的一部分,您需要了解三个基本概念:

  • Motion tracking enables devices to have six degrees of freedom. This means that your mobile device is tracked both positionally and rotationally as you move throughout the space.

    运动跟踪 使设备具有六个*度。 这意味着您在整个空间中移动时,将同时跟踪位置和旋转方向的移动设备。

  • Environmental understanding gives devices the ability to find planes on vertical and horizontal surfaces. This allows us to understand the real world and place AR objects and content on those surfaces.

    对环境的了解 使设备能够在垂直和水平表面上找到平面。 这使我们能够了解现实世界并将AR对象和内容放置在这些表面上。

  • Light estimation allows devs to understand the lighting and current conditions in the real-world environment so that information can be pulled into AR experiences. From here, AR content can either be brightened or shaded to more accurately fit in with the lighting conditions of the real world.

    光照估算 使开发人员可以了解现实环境中的光照和当前状况,以便将信息纳入AR体验中。 从这里开始,可以对AR内容进行增亮或阴影处理,以更准确地适应现实世界的照明条件。

Platform providers integrate these fundamentals into their native SDKs to make it easier for developers to build rich AR experiences on their platforms.


Unity的AR基金会 (Unity’s AR Foundation)

unity ar交互_AR Foundation和Unity MARS如何一起工作以实现交互式,多平台的AR体验

Unity packages feed data into AR Foundation.

Unity将数据包打包到AR Foundation中。

We built AR Foundation to make it easier for you to deploy across multiple mobile and wearable Augmented Reality platforms. AR Foundation is our core AR framework specifically designed for enabling multiplatform AR experiences. 

我们构建了AR Foundation,使您可以更轻松地跨多个移动和可穿戴增强现实平台进行部署。 AR Foundation是我们的核心AR框架,专门用于实现多平台AR体验。

Data is fed into AR Foundation through packages that are built on top of each platform SDK. So no matter what device you’re targeting, once you build your app using AR Foundation, it can take advantage of all supported features for each platform. 

数据通过构建在每个平台SDK之上的软件包馈入AR Foundation。 因此,无论您要定位的设备是什么,一旦使用AR Foundation构建应用程序,它就可以利用每个平台所有受支持的功能。

Even if one feature is enabled on one platform but not another, we put in hooks behind the scenes so that it will be ready to go later. When a certain feature becomes enabled on the new platform, you can easily integrate it by updating your packages – you don’t have to completely rebuild your app from scratch.

即使在一个平台上启用了一项功能,但在另一平台上未启用该功能,我们也会在后台挂上钩子,以便以后可以使用。 在新平台上启用某个功能后,您可以通过更新软件包轻松地将其集成-您不必从头开始完全重建应用程序。

统一火星 (Unity MARS)

Unity MARS is our new authoring environment that makes it possible to more quickly create AR experiences that are flexible, are customizable, and work across locations and data type.

Unity MARS是我们的新创作环境,可以更快地创建灵活,可自定义并可以跨位置和数据类型工作的AR体验。

Unity MARS was designed to solve the most difficult challenges for AR developers today: 

Unity MARS旨在解决当今AR开发人员最困难的挑战:

Authoring complex, data-oriented apps visually It’s impossible to know exactly where someone will use your AR app and what physical objects will be in their environment. Even if you’re building for a specific or controlled environment – for example, a museum – floor plans and the installation locations can change; and the people viewing the AR experience may do so from different angles and will be of various heights. The possible variables and their combinations could be near infinite and nearly impossible to define manually when creating your app. Added to the tedious task of coding the dimensions by hand, you could spend a lifetime coding and still not have accounted for every possible variable.

以视觉方式创作复杂的,面向数据的应用程序 不可能确切知道某人将在哪里使用您的AR应用程序以及他们的环境中将包含哪些物理对象。 即使您要针对特定​​或受控环境(例如,博物馆)进行建筑,平面图和安装位置也可能发生变化; 观看AR体验的人们可能会从不同的角度来做,并且高度各异。 创建应用程序时,可能的变量及其组合可能接近无限,几乎无法手动定义。 除了手工编码尺寸这一繁琐的任务之外,您还可以花费一生的时间进行编码,但仍然没有考虑到所有可能的变量。

Testing experiences in a painless and efficient way It’s highly likely that the physical space you’re developing your app in won’t be the same as the user’s when they’re running it. You can’t teleport yourself to Tokyo if you’re building a location-based environment (LBE) experience for the airport there. For geo-location games, it’s simply not feasible to test the app in every outdoor environment around the world where your app will be used. This is a common pain point across development cycles when you’re building a mobile experience. It’s time-consuming to wait for a build and test it on each device you want it to work on.

以一种轻松,有效的方式测试体验 很可能您正在开发应用程序的物理空间与用户运行该应用程序时的空间并不相同。 如果要为东京的机场建立基于位置的环境(LBE)体验,则无法将自己传送到东京。 对于地理位置游戏,根本不可能在将要使用您的应用程序的世界各地的每个室外环境中对应用程序进行测试。 在构建移动体验时,这是跨开发周期的一个常见痛点。 等待构建并在要使用它的每个设备上对其进行测试都是很费时间的。

Delivering apps with runtime logic that adapt responsively to the real world and that work across platforms When a user is running the AR content, it must react to objects in their real-world environment, which is difficult to do. If the user experience is not good, developers risk losing users – they may not return to the experience again.

交付具有运行时逻辑的应用程序,这些应用程序可以响应现实世界并跨平台 运行。当用户运行AR内容时,它必须对现实环境中的对象做出React,这很难做到。 如果用户体验不好,开发人员就有失去用户的风险–他们可能不会再回到体验上。

Unity MARS alleviates all of these key pain points for AR developers by bringing environment and sensor data into the AR authoring workflow, ultimately enabling them to build more complex and robust AR applications.

通过将环境和传感器数据引入AR创作工作流程,Unity MARS减轻了AR开发人员的所有这些关键痛点,最终使他们能够构建更复杂,更强大的AR应用程序。

AR Foundation和Unity MARS如何一起工作 (How AR Foundation and Unity MARS work together)

unity ar交互_AR Foundation和Unity MARS如何一起工作以实现交互式,多平台的AR体验

Unity MARS will stand as the preferred solution for building AR applications in Unity.

Unity MARS将成为在Unity中构建AR应用程序的首选解决方案。

Unity MARS is built on top of the Unity Editor and works in coordination with AR Foundation. It exists as an additional layer that takes advantage of the data from AR Foundation or other custom data providers to allow creators to build for multiple platforms in a more streamlined and intuitive way.

Unity MARS建立在Unity Editor之上,并与AR Foundation协同工作。 它作为附加层存在,它利用了来自AR Foundation或其他自定义数据提供者的数据,允许创建者以更简化和直观的方式为多个平台构建。

Fundamentally, Unity MARS provides the tools to efficiently author, test, and deliver AR apps, and AR Foundation is what makes it possible to have your Augmented Reality app work across various platforms. AR Foundation and Unity MARS work together to make it easier for AR developers to quickly create and deploy more interactive apps that intelligently interact with the real-world environment.

从根本上讲 ,Unity MARS提供了有效地创作,测试和交付AR应用程序的工具,而AR Foundation则使您可以在各种平台上使用Augmented Reality应用程序。 AR Foundation和Unity MARS携手合作,使AR开发人员更容易快速创建和部署更多与现实世界环境进行智能交互的交互式应用程序。

学到更多 (Learn more)

For more information on Unity MARS and AR Foundation, check out our popular Unite Now session “How to Creative Captivating, Deeply Interactive Mobile AR Games in Unity,” to learn how a game studio is using both to create their newest mobile AR game.

有关Unity MARS和AR Foundation的更多信息,请查看我们受欢迎的Unite Now会话“ 如何在Unity中进行引人入胜的,深度互动的移动AR游戏 ”,以了解游戏工作室如何同时使用这两者来创建其最新的移动AR游戏。

If you’re craving more AR developments, make sure to join us online at AWE USA 2020, the next installment of the Augmented World Expo. Use our code UNITY2020 to get a 50% discount on AWE tickets. We can’t wait to share what we’ve been working on.

如果您希望获得更多的AR开发,请确保在线加入我们 ,参加下一届增广世界博览会 AWE USA 2020 。 使用我们的代码UNITY2020可获得AWE门票50%的折扣。 我们迫不及待想要分享我们一直在努力的事情。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/05/11/how-ar-foundation-and-mars-work-together-to-enable-interactive-multiplatform-ar-experiences/

unity ar交互