unity arcore_ARCore和Unity:展望2018年和未来之路

unity arcore_ARCore和Unity:展望2018年和未来之路

unity arcore

Unity and Google are committed to making augmented reality (AR) mainstream. As we continue to work together towards that goal, let’s take a moment to celebrate this year’s advancements and where handheld AR is going in the next 12 months.

Unity和Google致力于使增强现实(AR)成为主流。 在我们朝着这个目标继续努力的过程中,让我们花点时间庆祝今年的进步以及未来12个月手持式AR的发展趋势。

Throughout 2018, Google and Unity collaborated to expand the possibilities of ARCore development on Unity. ARCore released near monthly updates to enhance its featureset, helping pave the way for standout games like Ghostbusters World and Jurassic World™ Alive. Unity focused its efforts on the introduction of the AR Foundation framework, a common API that makes it even easier to create AR experiences. While you may be familiar with some of the enhancements, let’s take a quick look at the evolution of ARCore on Unity:

在整个2018年,Google和Unity协作以扩大在Unity上进行ARCore开发的可能性。 ARCore将近每月发布一次更新,以增强其功能集,从而为Ghostbusters World和Jurassic World™Alive等出色游戏铺平道路。 Unity将精力集中在引入AR Foundation框架上, AR Foundation框架是一个通用API,使创建AR体验更加容易。 尽管您可能熟悉其中的一些增强功能,但让我们快速看一下ARCore on Unity的演变:

  • February 2018ARCore 1.0 came out of developer preview.

    20182月ARCore 1.0脱离开发人员预览版。

  • March 2018 – ARCore 1.1 included Instant Preview to enable testing of apps instantly on your phone. The release also added the ability to get color correction information and capture an image from a camera frame to run your own algorithms.

    20183月 – ARCore 1.1包含即时预览 ,可立即在手机上测试应用程序。 该版本还增加了获取色彩校正信息并从相机框架捕获图像以运行自己的算法的功能。

  • May 2018Unity 2018.1 released with full support and improvements for ARCore. ARCore 1.2 released later in the month, adding the ability to share AR experiences using Cloud Anchors along with support for Augmented Images.

    20185月Unity 2018.1发布,为ARCore提供全面支持和改进。 ARCore 1.2在本月晚些时候发布,增加了使用Cloud Anchors共享AR体验的功能以及对Augmented Images的支持。

  • June 2018 – Unity introduced AR Foundation, which included default support for ARCore. ARCore 1.3 released with the functionality to access camera texture and image intrinsics.

    20186月 – Unity推出了AR Foundation ,其中包括对ARCore的默认支持。 ARCore 1.3发布,具有访问相机纹理和图像本征的功能。

  • August 2018 – ARCore 1.4’s release included passthrough camera auto-focus, provided even faster plane detection, and added support for a variety of devices.

    20188月 – ARCore 1.4的发布包括直通相机自动对焦,提供更快的平面检测,并增加了对各种设备的支持。

  • September 2018ARCore 1.5 added unique IDs to point clouds and further expanded its list of supported devices.

    20189月ARCore 1.5为点云添加了唯一的ID,并进一步扩展了其支持的设备列表。

  • December 2018 – Unity 2018.3 will soon bring LWRP support to AR Foundation as well as improvements to camera texture APIs. ARCore 1.6’s release included refinements and a new Cloud Anchors example that uses Unity’s Multiplayer Services.

    201812月 – Unity 2018.3即将为AR Foundation带来LWRP支持以及对相机纹理API的改进。 ARCore 1.6的发行版包括改进和使用Unity的Multiplayer Services的新Cloud Anchors示例。

未来是什么 (What’s ahead)

Looking forward to the next 12 months, ARCore development on Unity will continue to evolve in exciting new ways. While many of the details around specific features and timing is hush-hush, here are a few things you can look forward to next year:

展望未来的12个月,ARCore在Unity上的开发将继续以令人兴奋的新方式发展。 虽然围绕特定功能和时间的许多细节都是悄悄话,但您可以期待明年一些注意事项:

AR Foundation


After adding support for ARCore and the release of a few features in 2018, you can expect Unity’s AR Foundation to mature in 2019. This framework will expand beyond handheld AR development and include wearable AR development. This will make AR development easier across industries and use cases. We’ll continue to share more details on this developments over the course of the year.

在添加了对ARCore的支持并在2018年发布了一些功能之后,您可以期望Unity的AR Foundation在2019年成熟。此框架将扩展到手持式AR开发之外,并包括可穿戴式AR开发。 这将使跨行业和用例的AR开发更加容易。 在这一年中,我们将继续分享有关此事发展的更多细节。

Scaling up device support


Making sure ARCore is widely available is key for maintaining a healthy ecosystem that supports your handheld AR projects. Expect Google to rollout support for even more devices next year, expanding upon the already 250 million globally supported devices.

确保ARCore广泛可用对于维护支持手持式AR项目的健康生态系统至关重要。 预计Google明年将推出对更多设备的支持,以扩大已经支持的 2.5亿个全球支持的设备

Connected experiences


If 2018’s release of ARCore Cloud Anchors and the announce of Unity’s partnership with Google Cloud on Connected Games isn’t telling enough, we’re all-in on helping creators make connected experiences. Next year, Unity will open up access to mobile Connected Games services including matchmaking, game hosting, and much more.

如果2018年发布的ARCore Cloud Anchors以及Unity与Google Cloud on Connected Games的合作伙伴关系的宣告还不够充分,那么我们将全力以赴帮助创作者创造互联体验。 明年,Unity将开放对移动互联游戏服务的访问,其中包括对接会,游戏托管等。

开始创建手持式AR体验 (Get started creating handheld AR experiences)

If you have yet to experiment with ARCore development, it’s a great time to begin. To get started (and hone your skills for what’s to come in 2019), below you’ll find a list of helpful resources including the Unite LA session on developing experiences for ARCore.

如果您还没有尝试过ARCore开发的经验,那么这是个不错的开始。 要开始使用(并磨练您的2019年技能),您会在下面找到有用的资源列表,包括关于ARCore开发经验的Unite LA会议。


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/12/11/arcore-and-unity-a-look-at-2018-and-the-road-ahead/

unity arcore