



Your little one is growing up and finally ready to start driving. They may be allowed to drive on their own once they get their license, but you may still want to know they’re being safe. With an Automatic Pro OBD-II adapter and automation app Stringify, you can build a powerful system to keep an eye on your teen’s driving even when you’re not in the passenger seat.

您的小孩子正在长大,终于可以开始开车了。 一旦获得许可证,他们可能会被允许自行驾驶,但是您可能仍然想知道他们的安全。 借助Automatic Pro OBD-II适配器自动化应用程序Stringify ,即使您不在副驾驶座位上,您也可以构建一个功能强大的系统来密切关注青少年的驾驶情况。

Automatic Pro is a GPS- and 3G-enabled OBD-II adapter for $130 that allows you to track where your car is and what it’s up to, even when you’re not in the car with it. Plug it into your kids’ car and you can get driving reports that show where they go and how they’re driving overall. However, you might not care where they go as much how they’re getting there. If you want to find out when your kids are breaking the speed limit or driving dangerously, Stringify can help you get the important updates that you really need.

Automatic Pro是一款具有GPS和3G功能的OBD-II适配器,价格为130美元,即使您不在车里,也可以跟踪汽车的位置和行驶状况。 将其插入孩子的车中,您将获得行驶报告,其中显示了他们去往何处以及他们的总体驾驶情况。 但是,您可能不关心他们到何处去尽可能多的他们是如何到达那里。 如果您想了解孩子何时突破速度限制或危险驾驶,Stringify可以帮助您获得真正需要的重要更新。

Stringify is an extra powerful automation tool that lets you tie all of your smart gadgets and online services together. If you’ve never used it before, check out our primer on it here, then come back here to build the Flow.

Stringify是功能强大的自动化工具,可让您将所有智能小工具和在线服务绑定在一起。 如果您以前从未使用过它,请在此处查看我们的入门文章,然后返回此处以构建Flow。

For this Flow, we’re going to set Automatic to send you a notification when it detects that your car is speeding, and then log that event into a Google Drive spreadsheet. You’ll need to enable Google Drive and Automatic in Stringify’s Things for this. Since Stringify can do several things at once, you could also tweak this Flow to flash your house lights, send them an email, or any number of other actions at the same time. For now, we’ll keep it simple.

对于此流程,我们将设置为自动,以在检测到您的汽车正在超速时向您发送通知,然后将该事件记录到Google云端硬盘电子表格中。 您需要为此启用Google Drive和Stringify的Things中的Automatic。 由于Stringify可以一次执行多项操作,因此您还可以调整此Flow来闪烁房屋照明,向他们发送电子邮件或同时进行许多其他操作。 现在,我们将使其保持简单。

To get started, open the Stringify app and tap the round plus icon at the bottom and choose “Create a new flow.”



At the top, tap “Name your flow” and give it a name.



Next, tap the plus icon at the bottom.



Choose the Things you need from the list. For our example, we’ll need Automatic to detect speeding, Google Drive to log the event, and Notifications to send a push notification to your phone when it happens.

从列表中选择您需要的东西。 在我们的示例中,我们需要“自动”来检测超速,“ Google云端硬盘”来记录事件,以及“通知”,以在事件发生时向您的手机发送推送通知。


Drag the Automatic Thing out onto the grid and tap on the gear icon behind its logo.



Under the list of triggers, choose Speeding Detected and tap Save on the next screen.



Next, drag the Drive and Notification Things out to the grid in the column next to Automatic like so. Quickly swipe between Automatic and Drive to connect them as in the second screenshot below. Then tap the gear icon behind Drive to edit its action.

接下来,将Drive和Notification Things拖到Automatic旁边的列中的网格中,就像这样。 在自动和驱动器之间快速滑动,以将它们连接起来,如下面的第二个屏幕截图所示。 然后点击云端硬盘后面的齿轮图标以编辑其操作。


Under the Actions list, choose “Add row to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.”



On the next screen, tap Parameters to add the information you want in your spreadsheet (as shown in the screenshot on the right). For our example, we’re using Vehicle Name, Speeding Detected At, Speeding Location, and Speed MPH. Separate each parameter with a | to put each one in its own column. In the File Name box, give your spreadsheet a name. If the sheet doesn’t exist in your account, it will automatically be added for you.

在下一个屏幕上,点击“参数”以在电子表格中添加所需的信息(如右侧屏幕截图所示)。 对于我们的示例,我们使用的是车辆名称,检测到的超速,超速位置和超速MPH。 用|分隔每个参数。 将每个人放在自己的栏中。 在“文件名”框中,为电子表格命名。 如果您的帐户中不存在该工作表,则会自动为您添加该工作表。


Once you’re back on the grid screen, drag a connection between Automatic and Notifications, then tap on the gear next to Notifications.



Under the list of actions, choose “Send me a push notification” which should be the only option.



On the next screen, you can create your own custom push notification. Add information from Automatic by tapping the Parameters button. You can also add text to make the notification read more naturally. When you’re finished, tap Save.

在下一个屏幕上,您可以创建自己的自定义推送通知。 通过单击“参数”按钮从“自动”添加信息。 您还可以添加文本以使通知更自然地阅读。 完成后,点击保存。


Back on the grid screen, tap Enable Flow to save your Flow and turn it on.



As we mentioned earlier, you can add multiple actions to your Flow here to get notified in other ways. Stringify allows a lot of flexibility to customize your Flows to your needs, so if you need to add or substitute actions, customize this Flow as much as you need.

如前所述,您可以在此处向Flow添加多个操作,以其他方式获得通知。 Stringify提供了很大的灵活性,可以根据需要自定义流,因此,如果需要添加或替换操作,请根据需要自定义该流。

