



When you tell your kids it’s time for bed, they’re going to push that limit as much as possible. But, why not let a bed time “bouncer” enforce your rules by automating your kids’ routine with Stringify and your smart lights?

当您告诉孩子们该睡觉了时,他们将尽可能地提高这一限制。 但是,为什么不让就寝时间的“保镖”通过Stringify和智能灯来自动化您的孩子的例行程序来执行您的规则呢?

Stringify is a powerful automation tool that lets you tie all of your smart gadgets and online services together. If you’ve never used it before, check out our primer on it, and then come back here to build the Flow.

Stringify是功能强大的自动化工具,可让您将所有智能小工具和在线服务联系在一起。 如果您以前从未使用过它, 请查看它的入门知识 ,然后回到这里构建Flow。

For our example, we’re going to use the Alexa, Philips Hue, and Timer Things. Our Flow will be able to start a bedtime timer using a voice command to Alexa. The timer will dim your children’s lights a little bit fifteen minutes before bedtime, then dim them even more five minutes before bedtime. When the timer’s up, the lights will turn off entirely.

对于我们的示例,我们将使用Alexa,Philips Hue和Timer Things。 我们的Flow能够使用发给Alexa的语音命令启动就寝时间。 计时器会在睡前十五分钟使孩子的灯光变暗,然后在睡前五分钟再变暗。 计时器启动后,指示灯将完全熄灭。

We’ll set up this Flow to only trigger when you activate it. This means you can let your kids stay up later on certain nights without throwing off the routine. However, if you’d like to stick to a rigid schedule, you can replace the Alexa trigger with a Date & Time trigger and set this Flow to always activate at the same time every weeknight.

我们将将此流程设置为仅在您**它时触发。 这意味着您可以让您的孩子在某些晚上熬夜而不必放弃常规。 但是,如果您想遵守严格的时间表,则可以用日期和时间触发器替换Alexa触发器,并将此Flow设置为始终在每个工作日的同一时间**。

To get started, open the Stringify app, tap the round plus button at the bottom, and then choose “Create a new flow” from the popup list.



At the top, tap “Name your flow” and give it a name.



Next, tap the plus icon at the bottom of the screen to add your Things.



From the list, choose Alexa (or Google Assistant, if you prefer), your child’s smart light, and a Timer. When you’ve selected them all, tap Add at the top right of the screen.

从列表中,选择Alexa(或Google助理,如果您愿意),孩子的智能灯和计时器。 全部选中后,点击屏幕右上方的添加。


Back on the grid screen, drag the Alexa Thing out onto the grid. Then, tap the settings gear peeking out from behind the Alexa icon.

返回到网格屏幕,将Alexa Thing拖出到网格上。 然后,点击从Alexa图标后面窥视的设置齿轮。


In the list of triggers, there’s only one item: “Ask Alexa to run a flow.” Tap it, then give your Flow a unique activation phrase. In our example, we used “time for bed.” When you want to activate your Flow with a voice command, you’ll say “Alexa, tell Stringify time for bed.” You can set up an identical voice command using Google Assistant if you have Google Home or would like to use the voice command on your Android phone instead.

在触发器列表中,只有一项:“询问Alexa以运行流程。” 点按它,然后为您的Flow指定一个唯一的**短语。 在我们的示例中,我们使用“上床时间”。 当您想通过语音命令**Flow时,您会说“ Alexa,告诉Stringify上床睡觉的时间。” 如果您拥有Google Home,或者想在Android手机上使用语音命令,则可以使用Google Assistant设置相同的语音命令。


Back on the grid screen, drag your Hue (or other) light and Timer actions out onto the grid in the column next to Alexa, as shown below. Tap the settings gear next to the Hue action.

回到网格屏幕上,将Hue(或其他)灯和Timer动作拖到Alexa旁边列中的网格上,如下所示。 点按“色相”操作旁边的设置齿轮。


From the list of actions, choose “Turn on to a color.” Then tap Whites along the top of the next screen. Choose a color temperature and brightness for your light, and then tap “Save.”

从操作列表中,选择“打开颜色”。 然后,在下一个屏幕顶部点击“白色”。 选择灯光的色温和亮度,然后点击“保存”。


Back on the grid screen, tap the settings gear next to your Timer action.



Under the list of triggers, tap the “Start the timer” action.



Tap the Countdown box, set the timer for ten minutes, and then tap Save. We’ll start another timer for five minutes after this one is finished for a total fifteen minute countdown to bedtime. You can adjust your timers as necessary for your routine.

点击“倒计时”框,将计时器设置为十分钟,然后点击“保存”。 完成此计时器后,我们将启动另一个计时器,持续五分钟,直到倒计时15分钟。 您可以根据需要调整计时器。


Back on the grid screen, it’s time to start creating your flow. Swipe from the Alexa icon to the Timer icon to create a link. Next, swipe from the Hue icon to the yellow circle in the first link you just created. The result should look like the second image below. This will cause the Alexa trigger to activate both the Hue light and the Timer at once.

回到网格屏幕,是时候开始创建流程了。 从Alexa图标滑动到“计时器”图标以创建链接。 接下来,在您刚创建的第一个链接中,从“色相”图标滑动到黄色圆圈。 结果应类似于下面的第二个图像。 这将导致Alexa触发器立即**Hue指示灯和计时器。


Now it’s time to add a couple more actions. Tap the plus button at the bottom, choose the bedroom light and Timer Things just like you did before, and then drag them to your grid so they’re arranged like the image below shows. When you’ve added them to your grid, tap the settings gear for the new Hue light action.

现在是时候添加一些其他操作了。 轻按底部的加号按钮,像以前一样选择卧室灯和计时器,然后将它们拖到网格中,使其排列如下图所示。 将它们添加到网格中后,请点击新Hue灯光动作的设置齿轮。


Choose “Turn on to a color” from the list of actions. Once again, tap “Whites” and choose the color for your light. However, this time around, set the light to 30% brightness. This will be your kids’ cue that they should start winding down. Plus a dimmer, warmer light will help ease them into sleep more easily than, say, a bright blue light. When you’re done, tap “Save.”

从操作列表中选择“打开颜色”。 再次点击“白色”,然后选择灯光的颜色。 但是,这一次,将灯光设置为30%的亮度。 这将是您孩子的提示,他们应该开始逐渐放松。 加上调光器,比起明亮的蓝光 ,更温暖的灯光将有助于他们更轻松地入睡。 完成后,点击“保存”。


Back on the grid screen, tap the settings gear next to the second Timer action.



Choose the “Start the timer” action, just like before. This time, set the timer for five minutes. Tap “Save” when you’re done.

与之前一样,选择“启动计时器”操作。 这次,将计时器设置为五分钟。 完成后,点击“保存”。


Back on the grid screen, connect the first Timer action to the second Hue action by swiping between them. Then, swipe from the second Timer action to the yellow link you just created, as shown by the arrows in the image on the left. The result should look like the image on the right.

返回到网格屏幕,方法是在第一个Timer动作和第二个Hue动作之间滑动,将它们连接起来。 然后,从第二个“计时器”操作滑动到您刚创建的黄色链接,如左图中的箭头所示。 结果应该看起来像右边的图像。


To cap it all off, we’ll add one more Hue action. Tap the plus icon at the bottom and add the bedroom light Thing just like you’ve done before. Drag it to the grid next to your second timer, as shown below. Then, tap the settings gear next to the new Hue light action.

为了结束所有这些,我们将再添加一个色相动作。 轻按底部的加号图标,然后像以前一样添加卧室灯。 将其拖到第二个计时器旁边的网格中,如下所示。 然后,点击新色相指示灯动作旁边的设置齿轮。


This time, choose “Turn off the light” from the actions list. That should give your kids a pretty strong indication that it’s time to sleep. On the next screen, tap “Save.”

这次,从操作列表中选择“关灯”。 那应该给您的孩子一个强有力的迹象,表明该睡觉了。 在下一个屏幕上,点击“保存”。


Back on the grid screen, swipe from the second timer to the last Hue action to connect them. The end result should look like the image on the right.

返回到网格屏幕,从第二个计时器滑动到上一个Hue操作以连接它们。 最终结果应类似于右图。


Finally, tap “Enable Flow” to turn the whole thing on and finally get your kids to go to sleep.



Now, whenever you want to kick off your kids’ bedtime routine, just shout “Alexa, tell Stringify time for bed,” and your kids will have fifteen minutes before it’s lights out.

现在,只要您想开始孩子的就寝时间,只需大声喊“ Alexa,告诉Stringify上床睡觉的时间”,孩子们将有十五分钟的时间才能熄灯。

