标定iphone相机_iPhone X的相机更好吗?

标定iphone相机_iPhone X的相机更好吗?


标定iphone相机_iPhone X的相机更好吗?

While the iPhone X’s design is its biggest talking point, the thing that really caught my eye watching the announcement was the new camera.

尽管iPhone X的设计是最大的话题,但真正引起我注意的是新相机。

For the past few generations, the camera has been one of the biggest reasons to upgrade your iPhone. Even stuff like 3D Touch, which is surprisingly useful, is a small upgrade compared to the camera improvements each new cycle. Portrait Mode was the main reason I upgraded from a 6S Plus to a 7 Plus.

在过去的几代人中,相机一直是升级iPhone的最大原因之一。 与3D Touch之类的东西相比,它在每个新周期中的相机改进相比,都是令人惊讶的有用的东西,即使是很小的升级。 纵向模式是我从6S Plus升级到7 Plus的主要原因。

While the iPhone 8’s camera gets a nice if small upgrade over the iPhone 7’s, the iPhone X is getting some pretty interesting changes that haven’t been emphasized.

如果将iPhone 8的摄像头升级到比iPhone 7的摄像头小一点的话,iPhone 8的摄像头会很不错,但iPhone X却得到了一些非常有趣的变化,没有得到强调。

iPhone 8和iPhone X的相机有哪些新功能? (What’s New in the iPhone 8 and iPhone X’s Cameras?)

标定iphone相机_iPhone X的相机更好吗?

Let’s look at the three models:


  • The iPhone 8 has a single 12 megapixel camera with optical image stabilisation (OIS). It’s got an f/1.8 lens that’s equivalent to roughly 28mm on a full frame camera.

    iPhone 8具有一个具有光学防抖(OIS)功能的 12兆像素相机。 它具有f / 1.8镜头,相当于全画幅相机上的约28mm

  • The iPhone 8 Plus has two 12 megapixel cameras. One with OIS and a f/1.8 lens that’s equivalent to 28mm on a full-frame camera; the other that’s f/2.8 and equivalent to 56mm on a full-frame camera.

    iPhone 8 Plus有两个12百万像素的摄像头。 一种带有OIS和af / 1.8镜头,相当于全画幅相机上的28mm; 另一个是f / 2.8,相当于全画幅相机上的56mm

  • The iPhone X has two 12 megapixel cameras. Both have OIS. One is f/1.8 and equivalent to 28mm; the other is f/2.4 and equivalent to 56mm.

    iPhone X有两个12兆像素相机。 两者都有OIS。 一个是f / 1.8,相当于28mm; 另一个是f / 2.4,等于56mm。

All three phones use a new camera sensor with “deeper pixels” (which is a meaningless term, at least photographically speaking). They should, however, all have better color accuracy and dynamic range just by virtue of having newer sensor technology in them.

这三款手机均使用具有“更深像素”的新相机传感器(这至少在照相上是没有意义的术语)。 但是,仅凭它们具有更新的传感器技术,它们都应该具有更好的色彩精度和动态范围

X与众不同的原因是什么? (What Sets the X Apart?)

What makes the X stand out is its dual optical image stabilization and slightly faster telephoto lens. This is going to give it a big leg up on the 8 Plus in terms of low light performance, at least as far as the telephoto lens is concerned.

使X脱颖而出的是其双重光学图像稳定功能和远摄镜头稍快。 就低光性能而言,这将使其在8 Plus上更具优势,至少就远摄镜头而言。

The 7 Plus (and presumably the 8 Plus) defaults to the 28mm camera when light levels drop. Even if you zoom in, it uses the wider angle lens and then just increases the resolution of the image in post rather than using the telephoto. This is less than ideal, especially if you’re taking individual portraits.

光线下降时,7 Plus(可能是8 Plus)默认为28mm相机。 即使放大,它也使用广角镜,然后仅增加后置图像的分辨率,而不是使用远摄。 这不理想,尤其是在拍摄个人肖像时。

标定iphone相机_iPhone X的相机更好吗?

While “low light” sounds like it means nighttime, for cameras it doesn’t. If you’re inside on a cloudy day, the light levels are often low enough for cameras to need to use relatively high ISOs. This means more noise and lower quality images. If your camera doesn’t use a high ISO it needs to use a slower shutter speed…which means that your shaking hands might affect the image.

虽然“微弱的灯光”听起来像是在夜间,但对于相机却不是。 如果您在多云的天气里,光线水平通常足够低,以至于相机需要使用相对较高的ISO 。 这意味着更多的噪点和更低质量的图像。 如果您的相机未使用高ISO,则需要使用较慢的快门速度……这意味着您的握手可能会影响图像。

The X’s optical image stabilization and wider aperture telephoto counter both these things. Not only will the wider aperture let in more light so you can get away with a lower ISO, the stabilization will mean you can use a slower shutter speed without worrying about camera shake.

X的光学图像稳定功能和更宽的光圈远摄功能可同时解决这两个问题。 更大的光圈不仅可以让更多的光线进入,因此您可以以较低的ISO感光度,而稳定意味着您可以使用较慢的快门速度而不必担心相机晃动。

It’s important to note that all this only applies when you’re using the telephoto. The wide angle camera on both the 8 Plus and the X is identical, at least as far as I can determine from Apple’s press materials. Anecdotally though, I tend to use the telephoto on my 7 Plus as the default, unless I’m shooting a group shot or landscape.

重要的是要注意,所有这些仅在使用长焦时才适用。 8 Plus和X上的广角相机是相同的,至少就我从Apple的新闻资料中可以确定的程度而言。 不过,有趣的是,除非我拍摄集体照或风景,否则我倾向于将7 Plus上的长焦用作默认设置。

人像照明看起来……有趣 (Portrait Lighting Looks…Interesting)

Portrait Mode on the iPhone 7 is great. It really works.

iPhone 7上的人像模式很棒。 真的行。

标定iphone相机_iPhone X的相机更好吗?

Portrait Lighting is a logical extension of that. Rather than just using the depth map to blur the background, the iPhone 8 and X are going to use it to add lighting effects. So far it looks good, but I’ll reserve judgement until I see it in person. Unlike the telephoto updates, it wouldn’t make me line up to buy the X over the regular 8.

人像照明是逻辑上的扩展。 iPhone 8和X不仅会使用深度图来模糊背景,还将使用它来添加照明效果。 到目前为止,它看起来不错,但我会保留判断力,直到我亲自看到为止。 与长焦更新不同,它不会让我排队购买普通8上的X。

我们甚至还没有谈论前置摄像头 (We Haven’t Even Talked About the Front Camera Yet)

It is no secret to anyone who regularly reads How-To Geek that I’m a fan of selfies, so the fact the X is getting Portrait Mode for the front camera is pretty exciting. All the upgrades, however, are happening behind the scenes. You don’t get two front cameras: you get one and a depth sensor. This means that, aside from Portrait Mode, the front camera is going to automatically take better selfies on the X than on the 8 or 8 Plus.

对于经常阅读How-To Geek的人来说, 我是自拍照迷来说,这已经不是什么秘密了,因此X正在为前置摄像头提供人像模式这一事实非常令人兴奋。 但是,所有升级都在幕后进行。 您没有两个前置摄像头:只有一个和一个深度传感器。 这意味着除了人像模式之外,前置摄像头将自动拍摄X上比8或8 Plus更好的自拍照。

At $999, the X is really aiming for the premium market. The new edge-to-edge screen is dominating most of the discussion, but it’s worth noting that there are improvements elsewhere. The telephoto camera on the X in particular, looks like it is going to be noticeably better than the one on the 7 Plus or 8 Plus in low light. All this is up in the air until the phone is released, but it does sound promising.

X的价格为999美元,真正瞄准了高端市场。 新的边对边屏幕主导了大部分讨论,但值得注意的是,其他地方也有改进。 特别是在X上的远摄相机,在弱光条件下看起来会比7 Plus或8 Plus上的长焦相机明显更好。 在释放手机之前,所有这些都是悬而未决的,但是听起来确实很有希望。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/326219/how-much-better-is-the-iphone-xs-camera/
