



While Facebook is more personal than Twitter—you’re less likely to get into a shouting match with a random, anonymous stranger—it isn’t without its problems. Since everyone is using their real names, or at least real identities, it’s easier for abuse to get more personal.

尽管Facebook比Twitter更具个性,但您与一个随机的匿名陌生人大喊大叫的可能性较小,但这并非没有问题。 由于每个人都使用自己的真实姓名,或者至少使用真实身份,因此更容易使滥用行为更具个性。

Facebook’s Terms of Service ban any bullying, abuse, and harassment; people also aren’t allowed post any content that is threatening or contains hate speech, nudity, or violence. Other than that, though, people are free to post pretty much whatever they want. Just because you don’t agree with something, doesn’t mean it’s not allowed on Facebook. If, however, you’re sure it breaches the Terms of Service, here’s how to report a Facebook post.

Facebook的服务条款禁止任何欺凌,滥用和骚扰行为; 人们也不得张贴任何威胁或包含仇恨言论,裸露或暴力的内容。 但是除此之外,人们可以*张贴几乎任何他们想要的东西。 仅仅因为您不同意某件事,并不意味着它就不允许在Facebook上使用。 但是,如果您确定它违反了服务条款,请按照以下方法举报Facebook帖子。

Find the post you want to report on Facebook. I’m using this innocent post from my colleague Justin.

在Facebook上找到您要举报的帖子。 我正在使用我的同事贾斯汀的这篇无辜的帖子。


Click or tap on the little arrow in the top right.



Select Report Post.



You’ll be presented with a popup giving you a few options. Select the option that most applies—if you’re reporting something abusive, it will normally be I Think It Shouldn’t Be On Facebook—and click or tap Continue.

系统将显示一个弹出窗口,为您提供一些选项。 选择最适用的选项(如果您要举报滥用行为,通常是“我认为不应该在Facebook上”),然后单击或点击“继续”。


Next, you’ll need to provide some more information about why you’re reporting the post. Select the reason and click or tap Continue again.

接下来,您需要提供有关为什么要报告该帖子的更多信息。 选择原因,然后单击或再次点击继续。


Select who the post is targeting.



Facebook will present you with a few options. If you want to deal with things immediately, unfriend, unfollow or block the person. Otherwise, if you’re sure you want to report the post to Facebook, select Submit to Facebook for Review.

Facebook将为您提供一些选择。 如果您想立即处理事情,请取消好友,取消关注或阻止该人。 否则,如果您确定要将该帖子报告给Facebook,请选择“提交给Facebook进行审查”。


And that’s it. The post is reported.

就是这样。 该帖子已报道。


Facebook’s review team will take a look at your report. If they agree that the post was against the Terms of Service, they’ll take action. Unfortunately, if they don’t agree not a lot will happen. It’s up to you to block or unfollow the offending person.

Facebook的审核小组将查看您的报告。 如果他们同意该帖子违反了服务条款,则将采取措施。 不幸的是,如果他们不同意,将不会发生很多事情。 由您决定阻止或关注违规者

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/306352/how-to-report-a-facebook-post/
