如何将蓝牙耳机与Android Wear配对

如何将蓝牙耳机与Android Wear配对

Android Wear has the ability to store music on the watch for on-the-go listening away from your phone. But you don’t have to use its tiny little speakers (if your watch even has speakers)—you can actually pair a Bluetooth headset with your watch and leave the phone at home.

Android Wear能够将音乐存储在手表上,以便您随时随地通过手机收听音乐。 但是,您不必使用它的小扬声器(如果您的手表甚至带有扬声器),也可以将蓝牙耳机与手表配对,然后将手机留在家中。

On your watch, pull down from the top to show the Wear menu, then slide over to Settings. Tap that.

在手表上,从顶部下拉以显示“磨损”菜单,然后滑到“设置”。 点一下

如何将蓝牙耳机与Android Wear配对

Scroll down until you see Bluetooth and tap into that menu.


如何将蓝牙耳机与Android Wear配对

Just like on your phone, all available devices will be shown here. If you haven’t already, put your headphones into pairing mode. If you’re not sure how to do that, some Googling will be necessary—just look up how to put your specific model of headphone into pairing mode. It should be easy.

就像手机上一样,所有可用的设备都会在此处显示。 如果尚未将耳机置于配对模式。 如果您不确定如何执行此操作,则需要使用Google谷歌搜索功能-只需查找如何将特定型号的耳机置于配对模式即可。 应该很容易。

如何将蓝牙耳机与Android Wear配对

Once in pairing mode, scroll down until you see them listed on your watch, then tap to pair and connect.


如何将蓝牙耳机与Android Wear配对

It should only take a few seconds for the connection to establish, and the headphones will be connected.


如何将蓝牙耳机与Android Wear配对

Now you’re free to transfer tunes to your watch and leave the phone at home. That’s freedom, baby.

现在,您可以*地将音乐传输到手表上,并将手机留在家中。 宝贝,那就是*。

如何将蓝牙耳机与Android Wear配对

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/298986/how-to-pair-a-bluetooth-headset-with-android-wear/