在Windows Vista中禁用安全中心弹出通知

If you decide to turn off automatic updates, you’ll be annoyed to death with popup messages from the Security Center that tell you to “Check your computer security” or “Check your Firewall status” if you disabled the firewall. It’s a good thing you can turn those messages off.

如果您决定关闭自动更新,则会因来自安全中心的弹出消息而生气,该消息提示您禁用防火墙时“检查计算机安全性”或“检查防火墙状态”。 可以关闭这些消息是一件好事。

Before we begin: I’d definitely recommend keeping the firewall enabled at all times.


在Windows Vista中禁用安全中心弹出通知

To disable the popup messages shown above, right-click on the little red shield icon and choose Open Security Center from the menu. You could also open Security Center from the start menu.

要禁用上面显示的弹出消息,请右键单击红色小盾牌图标,然后从菜单中选择“打开安全中心”。 您也可以从开始菜单中打开安全中心。

在Windows Vista中禁用安全中心弹出通知

Click the link for “Change the way Security Center alerts me”


在Windows Vista中禁用安全中心弹出通知

Now you’ll see a dialog with three choices. Choose the bottom one if you don’t want the notifications anymore.

现在,您将看到一个包含三个选项的对话框。 如果您不想再收到通知,请选择底部的一个。

在Windows Vista中禁用安全中心弹出通知

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-security-center-popup-notifications-in-windows-vista/