


1. Linux下先通过local -a查看操作系统是否有相应的中文字符集。

2. Linux下再看环境变量LANG值,通常为zh_CN.GBK或zh_CN.UTF-8。通过echo $LANG查看,通过export LANG=zh_CN.GBK来设置。

3. JDK参数-Dfile.encoding=GBK,加在TongWeb启动脚本中。


file.encoding 这个属性的英文解释:

This property is used for the default encoding in Java, all readers and writers would default to use this property. “file.encoding” is set to the default locale of Windows operationg system since Java 1.4.2. System.getProperty(“file.encoding”) can be used to access this property. Code such as System.setProperty(“file.encoding”, “UTF-8”) can be used to change this property. However, the default encoding can not be changed dynamically even this property can be changed. So the conclusion is that the default encoding can’t be changed after JVM starts. “java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8” can be used to set the default encoding when starting a JVM. I havesearched for this option Java official documentation. But I can’t find it.

4. TongWeb 的Web容器 request 、response默认编码GBK。


5.  对于URL的编码,在TongWeb的 http通道中设置,默认GBK。“URL编码格式”相当于tomcat的URIEncoding。“ uri处理”相当于tomcat的useBodyEncodingForURI。


 URIEncoding:This specifies the character encoding used to decode the URI bytes, after %xx decoding the URL. If not specified, GBK will be used. 

 useBodyEncodingForURI:This specifies if the encoding specified in contentType should be used for URI query parameters, instead of using the URIEncoding. This setting is present for compatibility with Tomcat 4.1.x, where the encoding specified in the contentType, or explicitly set using Request.setCharacterEncoding method was also used for the parameters from the URL. The default value is false.


6. 数据库存入数据乱码,还要看数据本身的编码设置。另外不同数据的JDBC  url也有编码设置,如:MySQL的jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8   。

7. 重点查看应用编码规则,一定要了解应用的编码用法。


   应用代码中有没有做转码,如: new String(test.getBytes("iso-8859-1"),"utf-8");



    (2) log4j编码设置不对,注意参数中的log4j.appender.file.encoding=UTF-8。