

GNU is an abbreviation of GNU's Not UNIX. It is a computer operating system the same as UNIX, but different from UNIX, it is free software that carries no UNIX code. Guh-noo is the pronunciation of GNU. Occasionally, it is also stated as the GNU General Public License. It is used on the basis of GNU Hurd kernel and for all its users it is planned to create and share free software.

GNU是GNU的Not UNIX的缩写 。 它是与UNIX相同的计算机操作系统,但与UNIX不同,它是不包含UNIX代码的免费软件。 Guh-noo是GNU的发音。 有时,它也被称为GNU通用公共许可证。 它在GNU Hurd内核的基础上使用,并计划为所有用户创建和共享免费软件。


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It is initially developed by Etienne SuvasaI. Its logo is a large dark antelope with a long head which is a gnu head. Afterward, Aurelio Heckert developed a clear and intrepid version of this logo. The logo came into sight in GNU software, GNU project and in the stuff of free software foundation.

它最初由Etienne SuvasaI开发。 它的标志是一只大黑羚羊,头很长,头是牛羚。 之后,Aurelio Heckert开发了该徽标的清晰,无畏的版本。 该徽标出现在GNU软件,GNU项目以及免费软件基础中。

历史和目标 (History and Objective)

In 1983, it began as a project by Richard Stallman and on January 5, 1984, its development was started. The prime purpose of GNU was to give free software to the users. It is called as UNIX like computer system because of its sameness in design to UNIX, but it carries no UNIX code. It is accessible in multiple languages.

它于1983年由Richard Stallman作为一个项目开始,并于1984年1月5日开始开发。 GNU的主要目的是向用户提供免费软件。 由于它在设计上与UNIX相同,因此被称为UNIX,就像计算机系统一样,但是它不包含UNIX代码。 可以使用多种语言进行访问。

GNU的组件 (Components of GNU)

  • GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)


  • GNU C Library (glibc)

    GNU C库(glibc)

  • GNU Core Utilities (coreutils)


  • GNU Debugger (GDB)


  • GNU Binary Utilities (binutils)

    GNU Binary Utilities(binutils)

  • GNU Bash shell

    GNU Bash外壳

  • Gnome desktop environment etc


优点 (Advantages)

  • Simple to install: Like another modern operating system, Modern GNU distributions are very simple and easier to install.

    安装简单 :与其他现代操作系统一样,现代GNU发行版非常简单且易于安装。

  • Interoperability: Linux dealers do not try to force a user to use their software. GNU systems work smoothly and continuously with other operating systems like macOS, Windows, and Unix systems.

    互操作性 :Linux经销商不会试图强迫用户使用他们的软件。 GNU系统可以与其他操作系统(例如macOS,Windows和Unix系统)平稳且连续地工作。

  • GNU is standards-based: Every single part of the GNU system is used based on open computing standards.

    GNU是基于标准的 :GNU系统的每个部分都基于开放计算标准来使用。

  • Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs): GNU distributions provide a user with an option of desktop GUIs. Two GUIs which are in-demand are GNOME and KDE, which are as simple and easy to use as Windows or other GUI operating systems.

    图形用户界面(GUI) :GNU发行版为用户提供了桌面GUI的选项。 GNOME和KDE是两个必不可少的GUI,它们与Windows或其他GUI操作系统一样简单易用。

GNU许可证 (GNU License)

The license of GNU is called as GNU General Public License which was written by Richard Stallman for the design and development of required software. The purpose of GNU is to guarantee users a privilege to share and change free software without any restriction. At present, almost all the GNU software use this license and also a lot of free software which are not part of the GNU project uses this license.

GNU的许可证称为GNU通用公共许可证,由Richard Stallman编写,用于设计和开发所需的软件。 GNU的目的是向用户保证不受任何限制地共享和更改*软件的特权。 目前,几乎所有的GNU软件都使用该许可证,并且许多不属于GNU项目的免费软件都使用此许可证。
