word 图片导入不翻转_如何在Microsoft Word中翻转图片

word 图片导入不翻转_如何在Microsoft Word中翻转图片

word 图片导入不翻转

word 图片导入不翻转_如何在Microsoft Word中翻转图片

While Microsoft Word isn’t known for its photo-editing abilities, it does have some basic features you can use such as image mirroring. If you want to flip a picture in Microsoft Word, here’s what you’ll need to do.

尽管Microsoft Word以其照片编辑功能而闻名,但它确实具有一些可以使用的基本功能,例如图像镜像。 如果要在Microsoft Word中翻转图片,这是您需要做的。

These steps should work for any recent version of Microsoft Word that you have, include Office Online and Microsoft 365.

这些步骤应适用于您拥有的任何最新版本的Microsoft Word ,包括Office Online和Microsoft 365。

If you want to flip a picture in Word, you’ll need to first open the document containing the image you want to manipulate. This can be any image inserted into your document. You can also do this to shapes or other drawings you insert into Word.

如果要在Word中翻转图片,则需要先打开包含要处理的图像的文档。 这可以是插入到文档中的任何图像。 您也可以对插入到Word中的形状或其他图形执行此操作。

word 图片导入不翻转_如何在Microsoft Word中翻转图片

To flip the image, make sure the image is selected by clicking on it. From the ribbon bar, select the “Format” tab under the “Picture Tools” section (or “Drawing Tools” section for other types of images or objects).

要翻转图像,请确保通过单击选择图像。 从功能区栏中,选择“图片工具”部分下的“格式”选项卡(对于其他类型的图像或对象,则选择“绘图工具”部分)。

From there, click the “Rotate Objects” icon in the “Arrange” section. This icon may appear bigger or smaller, depending on your available screen resolution and the size of the Microsoft Word window itself.

从那里,单击“排列”部分中的“旋转对象”图标。 此图标可能会变大或变小,具体取决于您可用的屏幕分辨率和Microsoft Word窗口本身的大小。

word 图片导入不翻转_如何在Microsoft Word中翻转图片

A drop-down menu will appear below the icon, with various options to rotate and flip your image.


To flip the image so that it appears upside down, click the “Flip Vertical” option. If you want to mirror the image horizontally, select the “Flip Horizontal” option instead.

要翻转图像使其上下颠倒,请单击“垂直翻转”选项。 如果要水平镜像图像,请选择“水平翻转”选项。

word 图片导入不翻转_如何在Microsoft Word中翻转图片

The image effect you selected will be applied to your image automatically.


word 图片导入不翻转_如何在Microsoft Word中翻转图片

You can then reposition your image, or make further changes to it using the “Picture Tools” (or “Drawing Tools”) menu. For instance, you can remove the background from an image using the built-in removal tool offered in Microsoft Word.

然后,您可以重新放置图像 ,或使用“图片工具”(或“绘图工具”)菜单对其进行进一步更改。 例如,您可以使用Microsoft Word中提供的内置删除工具从图像中删除背景

If you want to reverse a flipped image, select the “Undo” icon found in the top-left of the window immediately after applying the effect, or press Ctrl+Z (Cmd+Z on Mac) on your keyboard.

如果要反转翻转的图像,请在应用效果后立即选择在窗口左上角找到的“撤消”图标,或按键盘上的Ctrl + Z(在Mac上为Cmd + Z)。

Alternatively, repeat the steps above to cancel out the effect. For instance, if you use the “Flip Vertically” effect twice, this will return your image to its previous state.

或者,重复上述步骤以消除效果。 例如,如果您两次使用“垂直翻转”效果,这会使您的图像恢复到之前的状态。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/682995/how-to-flip-a-picture-in-microsoft-word/

word 图片导入不翻转