如何将多个Android Wear手表与单个手机配对

如何将多个Android Wear手表与单个手机配对

When it comes to “regular” wristwatches, a lot of people have different watches for different activities. It makes sense—a sporty watch for the gym, a nicer watch for the office, and a casual watch for everything else. If you want to live this life with Android Wear, hooking up multiple watches to your main phone is a breeze.

当谈到“常规”手表时,许多人会针对不同的活动使用不同的手表。 这是有道理的–用于健身房的运动型手表,用于办公室的更好的手表以及用于其他所有功能的休闲手表。 如果您想在Android Wear上过上这样的生活,那么将多块手表连接到您的主手机很容易。

So, go ahead and pop that watch out of its box, fire it up, and let’s do this thing.


Since this isn’t the first time you’ve set up a Wear watch, you probably already know what to do on the watch itself. So we’re going to focus on the phone side of the setup here, because that’s what may be confusing if you want to pair a second watch without first unpairing the first one.

由于这不是您第一次设置Wear手表,因此您可能已经知道在手表本身上要做什么。 因此,在这里我们将重点放在设置的电话方面,因为如果您想配对第二只手表而不先取消配对第一只手表,那可能会造成混淆。

With your watch powered on a ready to pair, jump into the Android Wear app. It should show the watch that’s currently paired up.

在您的手表打开电源并准备好配对时,跳至Android Wear应用。 它应该显示当前已配对的手表。

如何将多个Android Wear手表与单个手机配对

Tap the dropdown menu that show your watch’s name, then choose “Add a new watch.”


如何将多个Android Wear手表与单个手机配对
如何将多个Android Wear手表与单个手机配对

The setup screen will appear. Choose your new watch and tap the OK button.

出现设置屏幕。 选择您的新手表,然后点击确定按钮。

如何将多个Android Wear手表与单个手机配对

Pair it normally here, let it go through the setup process, and you’re ready to rock and roll.


如何将多个Android Wear手表与单个手机配对

To switch between the two watches, just use the dropdown menu. It’s worth noting, however, that all notifications will be sent to both watches as long as they’re connected (regardless of which one is selected in the Wear app). If you’re worried about someone else seeing your notifications, make sure to power off any watches you’re not wearing.

要在两块手表之间切换,只需使用下拉菜单。 但是,值得注意的是,只要连接了手表,所有通知都会发送到两块手表(无论在Wear应用中选择了哪一个)。 如果您担心别人会看到您的通知,请确保关闭所有您不戴的手表。

如何将多个Android Wear手表与单个手机配对

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/341747/how-to-pair-multiple-android-wear-watches-to-a-single-phone/