

It makes nodifference whether the radar, the target, or both are moving such that therange between the two is R(t), so it can be assumed without loss of generalitythat the radar is stationary and the target is moving, and that allmeasurements are made in the frame of reference of the radar.


Under theseconditions the received signal can be shown to be (Cooper, 1980; Gray andAddison, 2003)



where k absorbs allradar range equation amplitude factors and h(t) is the function that satisfies



The dot over h(t) inEq. (2.86) denotes the time derivative.


The minus sign (180°phase shift) is required by the boundary conditions at a perfectly conductingsurface.


The function h(t),which has units of seconds, is the time at which a wave must have been launchedin order to intercept the moving target at time t and range R(t).

例如,如果R(t)为常数R0,则h(t) = t – R0/c。

For example, if R(t)is a constant R0 , then h(t) = t – R0/c.



This holds that therange change during the short flight of any particular point in the waveformfrom the transmitter to the target is negligible.



The case of aconstant-velocity target is of special interest.

根据式(2.86)和(2.87),令R(t) = R0–vt,并定义βv≡ v/c。

Returning to theexact result of Eqs. (2.86) and (2.87), let R(t) = R0–vt and define βv≡ v/c.


It is easy to showthat


——本文译自Mark A. Richards所著的《Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing(Second edition)》
