

Sometimes, you want to add data from a Google Sheet into a Google Doc or Slide. Although you can’t directly insert cells and rows from Sheets, you can create a table, chart, or slide, and then insert that into your Doc or Slide.

有时,您想将Google表格中的数据添加到Google Doc或Slide中。 尽管您无法直接从表格中插入单元格和行,但是您可以创建表格,图表或幻灯片,然后将其插入到文档或幻灯片中。

Note: We will be using Google Docs in these examples but inserting a chart into Slides works virtually the same way.

注意:在这些示例中,我们将使用Google Docs,但是将图表插入幻灯片的工作原理几乎相同。

First, you’ll need to generate a chart in your Google Sheets spreadsheet. You can do this by firing up your Google Sheets homepage and opening a new or existing spreadsheet.

首先,您需要在Google表格电子表格中生成图表。 为此,您可以启动Google表格首页并打开一个新的或现有的电子表格。

After inputting some data and storing it in a spreadsheet, select all the cells and click Insert > Chart. Choose a chart type, make any adjustments, and do any final customizations, then close Sheets–don’t worry, Google saves after every step. We’ve got an article about generating charts in Sheets if you want to learn more.

输入一些数据并将其存储在电子表格中后,选择所有单元格,然后单击插入>图表。 选择一种图表类型,进行任何调整,然后进行最后的自定义,然后关闭表格-不用担心,Google会在每一步后进行保存。 如果您想了解更多信息,我们有一篇关于在表格中生成图表的文章。


After you’ve created a chart in Google Sheets, fire up Google Docs and open a new or existing document to insert your chart. Click “Insert,” point to “Chart,” and then click on “From Sheets.”

在Google表格中创建图表后,启动Google文档并打开新文件或现有文档以插入图表。 单击“插入”,指向“图表”,然后单击“从工作表”。


From the list of available spreadsheets, select the one you want to use and then click “Select.”



The next window lists any charts on that sheet that are available for import. Click one and then click “Import.”

下一个窗口列出了该工作表上可用于导入的所有图表。 单击一个,然后单击“导入”。


You also have another option here. See that “Link to Spreadsheet” checkbox in the screenshot above? If you enable it, the chart in your Doc or Slide is linked to the original chart in your Sheet. Make changes on your sheet, and you’ll see the chart in your Doc or Slide automatically updated to reflect those changes. Disable that checkbox if you don’t want that to happen; in that case, the chart is sort of frozen in time in your slide or sheet. If you want to update it, you’ll need to reinsert it.

您在这里还有另一个选择。 看到上面的屏幕截图中的“链接到电子表格”复选框吗? 如果启用它,则文档或幻灯片中的图表将链接到工作表中的原始图表。 在工作表上进行更改,您将在Doc或Slide中看到自动更新的图表以反映这些更改。 如果您不希望发生这种情况,请禁用该复选框。 在这种情况下,图表在时间上会冻结在幻灯片或工作表中。 如果要更新,则需要重新插入。

If you do leave the link option enabled, at any time, you can click “Update” to sync the data in the chart or table with your Sheets document.



Because these charts save as images, one funny quirk when using the insert feature is that if the original isn’t scaled or appropriately sized to see all data, some data points could become cut-off when updating it.



Voila! Your Google Sheets data is now inserted into your Google Doc.

瞧! 现在,您的Google表格数据已插入到Google文档中。


If for some reason you don’t like your chart updating and linking to your Sheets document anymore, click a chart, then click on the chain icon, then again on “Unlink” to remove the linking feature.



This disables the ability to make changes on Sheets and have them automatically appear inside your document without re-inserting it. If you want an updated chart or want to establish the link again, you have to repeat the steps from above all over again.

这将禁用在图纸上进行更改并使它们自动显示在文档中而无需重新插入的功能。 如果要更新图表或要重新建立链接,则必须重新从头开始重复这些步骤。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/406337/how-to-insert-a-google-sheets-spreadsheet-into-google-docs/