如何将Google Keep笔记添加到Google文档

如何将Google Keep笔记添加到Google文档

Google lets you add notes, lists, and images from Google Keep directly into your Google Docs and Slides. Use existing notes or create a new one and add it on the fly without ever leaving your file. Here’s how.

Google允许您将Google Keep中的注释,列表和图像直接添加到Google文档和幻灯片中。 使用现有笔记或创建新笔记,并在不离开文件的情况下即时添加它。 这是如何做。

For this guide, we’ll be using Google Docs, but this method works identically on Slides as well.

在本指南中,我们将使用Google Docs ,但是此方法在Slides上的用法也相同。

Fire up your browser and head to Google Docs. Open a new or existing document and then click the Google Keep icon located in the pane to the right side of the page.

启动浏览器并转到Google文档 。 打开一个新的或现有的文档,然后单击页面右侧窗格中的Google Keep图标。

如何将Google Keep笔记添加到Google文档

From the pane that opens, hover over the note you want to add to your document. Click the three-dot button and then select “Add to Document.”

在打开的窗格中,将鼠标悬停在要添加到文档中的笔记上。 单击三点按钮,然后选择“添加到文档”。

如何将Google Keep笔记添加到Google文档

The content of the Keep note gets inserted into your document wherever the text cursor was located.


如何将Google Keep笔记添加到Google文档

If you don’t have any notes in Keep, click either “Take a Note” or the list icon to create a note or list, respectively.


如何将Google Keep笔记添加到Google文档

After you finish, click “Done.”


如何将Google Keep笔记添加到Google文档

Click the three-dot button and then select “Add to Document” just like before to add the note to your file.


如何将Google Keep笔记添加到Google文档

You can also drag and drop any note in the right panel directly into your document to add it to a specific spot in your file.


如何将Google Keep笔记添加到Google文档

If your note contains images, they will also be added to your file.


如何将Google Keep笔记添加到Google文档

That’s all there is to it. Adding your Google Keep notes to your Docs and Sheet files has never been easier.

这里的所有都是它的。 将Google Keep记事添加到文档和表格文件从未如此简单。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/440629/how-to-add-google-keep-notes-to-google-docs/