



Wireless devices with Bluetooth radios must be “paired” with each other before they can communicate. This involves making them discoverable and potentially entering a PIN.

具有蓝牙无线电的无线设备必须相互“配对”,然后才能进行通信。 这涉及使它们可被发现并可能输入PIN。

The pairing process works with “Bluetooth profiles,” and each device has to be compatible. For example, you can only pair a mouse or keyboard with a device that’s been designed to work with that type of accessory.

配对过程使用“蓝牙配置文件”,并且每个设备都必须兼容。 例如,您只能将鼠标或键盘与设计用于该类型附件的设备配对。

将附件或设备置于发现模式 (Put an Accessory or Device Into Discovery Mode)

To save battery power, a device with Bluetooth isn’t constantly broadcasting that it’s available. Even if you have a Bluetooth-enabled accessory near a Bluetooth-enabled device, they won’t be able to see each other until you put them into discovery mode. The device will then be “discoverable” by other devices — for a few minutes.

为了节省电池电量,具有蓝牙功能的设备不会不断广播其可用状态。 即使您在具有蓝牙功能的设备附近有一个具有蓝牙功能的附件,在将它们置于发现模式之前,它们也将无法看到对方。 然后,该设备将被其他设备“发现”-持续几分钟。

First, put the accessory you want to use into discovery mode. The exact way you do this depends on the accessory. If you have a headset, you may need to hold a button down on the headset for several seconds until a light starts flashing. A keyboard or mouse may have a similar button you may need to press or hold down. A speaker may have a Bluetooth button on its remote that puts it into Bluetooth discovery mode. Others may go into discovery mode by default after you turn them on. A light may flash to indicate that the device is in discovery mode. It’ll only stay discoverable for a few minutes.

首先,将要使用的附件放入发现模式。 具体执行方式取决于附件。 如果您有耳机,则可能需要按住耳机上的按钮几秒钟,直到指示灯开始闪烁。 键盘或鼠标可能具有类似的按钮,您可能需要按下或按住该按钮。 扬声器的遥控器上可能有一个蓝牙按钮,可将其置于蓝牙发现模式。 默认情况下,其他用户打开后可能会进入发现模式。 指示灯可能会闪烁,表明设备处于发现模式。 它只会在几分钟内被发现。

Not sure how to put your accessory into discovery mode? Consult its manual, check the manufacturer’s website, or perform a web search for instructions.

不确定如何将配件置于发现模式? 请查阅其手册,检查制造商的网站,或进行网络搜索以获取说明。


If you’re using a smartphone, tablet, or computer, you can make it discoverable, too. On an iPhone, iPad, or Android device, just open the Bluetooth settings screen — your device will be discoverable as long as you have that screen open. On a Mac, just open the Bluetooth settings screen. On Windows, you’ll need to search the Control Panel for Bluetooth click “Change Bluetooth settings,” and enable the “Allow Bluetooth devices to find this PC” option.

如果您使用的是智能手机,平板电脑或计算机,也可以使其变得可发现。 在iPhone,iPad或Android设备上,只需打开“蓝牙设置”屏幕-只要打开该屏幕,即可发现您的设备。 在Mac上,只需打开“蓝牙设置”屏幕。 在Windows上,您需要在“控制面板”中搜索蓝牙,然后单击“更改蓝牙设置”,然后启用“允许蓝牙设备查找此PC”选项。

Note that you don’t need to make a device discoverable if you’ll be connecting from it. You only need to make a device discoverable if you’re connecting to it. For example, let’s say you wanted to connect a headset to your Android phone — you’d just need to make the headset discoverable, and not the Android phone.

请注意,如果要从设备进行连接,则无需使其可被发现。 如果您要连接设备,则只需使其可被发现即可。 例如,假设您想将头戴式耳机连接到Android手机-您只需要使头戴式耳机(而不是Android手机)成为可发现的即可。

But, let’s say you wanted to connect an Android phone to your computer — you’d need to make the Android phone discoverable.



查看附近的可发现设备列表 (View a List of Discoverable Devices Nearby)

Now, go to the smartphone, tablet, computer, music player, or whatever other device you want to connect the Bluetooth accessory to. Look for the Bluetooth settings or devices screen. This screen will display a list of nearby Bluetooth devices that are in discovery mode as well as devices paired to the device.

现在,转到智能手机,平板电脑,计算机,音乐播放器或要将蓝牙附件连接到的任何其他设备。 查找“蓝牙设置”或“设备”屏幕。 该屏幕将显示处于发现模式的附近蓝牙设备以及与该设备配对的设备的列表。

Be sure the Bluetooth hardware on your device is actually enabled. You’ll often see a toggle in the Bluetooth settings area.

确保设备上的蓝牙硬件已真正启用。 您经常会在“蓝牙设置”区域中看到一个切换开关。

For example, here’s how to do this on popular operating systems:


  • iPhone and iPad: Open the Settings app and tap Bluetooth near the top. of the list

    iPhone和iPad :打开“设置”应用,然后点击顶部附近的蓝牙。 列表中的

  • Android: Open the Settings screen and tap the Bluetooth option under Wireless & networks.

    Android :打开“设置”屏幕,然后在“无线和网络”下点击“蓝牙”选项。

  • Windows: Open the Control Panel and click “Add a device” under Devices and Printers. You’ll see discoverable Bluetooth devices near you. You’ll need Bluetooth hardware in your computer to do this, but you can always add Bluetooth to your computer.

    Windows :打开控制面板,然后在“设备和打印机”下单击“添加设备”。 您会在附近看到可发现的蓝牙设备。 为此,您需要在计算机中使用蓝牙硬件,但是您始终可以将蓝牙添加到计算机中

  • Mac OS X: Click the Apple menu and select System Preferences. Click the Bluetooth icon in the System Preferences window.

    Mac OS X :单击Apple菜单,然后选择系统偏好设置。 单击“系统偏好设置”窗口中的蓝牙图标。

  • Chrome OS: Click the status area at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Click the Bluetooth status in the pop-up that appears.

    Chrome操作系统:单击屏幕右下角的状态区域。 在出现的弹出窗口中单击蓝牙状态。

  • Linux: This varies depending on your Linux distribution and desktop. On Ubuntu’s Unity desktop, click the gear menu at the top-right corner of your screen, select System Settings, and click the Bluetooth icon in the System Settings window.

    Linux :这取决于您Linux发行版和桌面。 在Ubuntu的Unity桌面上,单击屏幕右上角的齿轮菜单,选择系统设置,然后单击系统设置窗口中的Bluetooth图标。

  • Other Devices: Whether you’re using a music player or a video game console, you should generally just be able to enter the device’s settings screen and look for a “Bluetooth” option.



配对设备并输入PIN码 (Pair the Device and Enter a PIN)

Select the discoverable device in the list to connect. Depending on the device and its security settings, you may have to enter a PIN code to pair the device. If you need a PIN code, it should be displayed on the device’s screen. For example, if you’re pairing your phone with your computer, you’ll see a PIN on your phone’s screen and you’ll have to type it into your computer.

在列表中选择可发现的设备以进行连接。 根据设备及其安全设置的不同,您可能必须输入PIN码才能将设备配对。 如果您需要PIN码,则应将其显示在设备的屏幕上。 例如,如果您要将手机与计算机配对,则手机屏幕上会显示PIN码,您必须将其输入计算机中。

You may sometimes not have to type the PIN. Instead, you may simply see the PIN displayed on both devices. Just ensure each device shows the same PIN code before continuing.

有时您可能不必输入PIN。 取而代之的是,您可能只是看到两个设备上都显示了PIN码。 只需确保每个设备显示相同的PIN码,然后再继续。

In some cases, you may be asked to enter a PIN even if your device can’t display it. For example, you may be asked for a PIN when pairing with a Bluetooth headset or speaker. Entering the code “0000” will often work. If not, you may need to check the device’s documentation (or perform a web search) to find the PIN it needs.

在某些情况下,即使您的设备无法显示,也可能会要求您输入PIN码。 例如,与蓝牙耳机或扬声器配对时,可能会要求您提供PIN码。 通常输入密码“ 0000”即可。 如果没有,您可能需要查看设备的文档(或执行网络搜索)以找到所需的PIN。


By default, after the devices are paired, they’ll automatically see each other and communicate when they’re both powered on and have Bluetooth enabled.


You shouldn’t have to re-pair the accessory and the device when you want to use them together again. You’ll only need to do this if you tell your devices to forget each other — or pair a headset with another device, for example.

要再次使用附件和设备时,无需重新配对。 仅当您告诉您的设备互相忘记时,或者将耳机与其他设备配对时,才需要执行此操作。

Image Credit: William Hook on Flickr

图片来源: Flickr上的William Hook

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/214185/beginner-geek-how-to-pair-devices-over-bluetooth/
