android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

android rom结构

android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

When you bought your phone it was cutting edge, had the latest version of Android, and made your heart sing. A year or two later, it doesn’t get new updates, and the performance is a little sluggish. You can breathe new life into your phone–not to mention add a ton of useful features–by flashing it with a new custom ROM.

当您购买手机时,它是最先进的,安装了最新版本的Android,令人心动。 一两年后,它没有新的更新,并且性能略有下降。 通过使用新的自定义ROM刷新手机,您可以为手机注入新的活力-更不用说添加了大量有用的功能了。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Would I Want to Do This?)

There are many reasons someone might wish to install (or “flash”) a new ROM to their phone. You’ll get new features and customizations, you’ll get rid of all the bloatware that came pre-installed on your phone, and you can get stock Android instead of your manufacturer’s lame custom UI (I’m talking to you, Samsung). But most of all, you can upgrade to the most current and optimized version of Android, even if your phone has been all but abandoned by the manufacturer.

有人可能希望出于很多原因在手机上安装(或“刷新”)新ROM。 您将获得新的功能和自定义功能,摆脱手机上预装的所有过时软件,并且可以获得库存的Android而不是制造商的custom脚的自定义UI(我在跟您聊天,三星) 。 但最重要的是,即使您的手机几乎被制造商抛弃,您也可以升级到最新,最优化的Android版本。

The sad reality is that most manufacturers and carriers quickly forget about old devices, and cease rolling out updates for them. Now while we understand the economics of the situation–it’s not profitable to pay the hardware company to create new updates and to support legacy phones–we still think it’s a shame that perfectly good phones are so quickly relegated to the support junk bin.

可悲的现实是,大多数制造商和运营商会很快忘记旧设备,并停止为他们推出更新。 现在,尽管我们了解了这种情况的经济性–付钱给硬件公司来创建新更新并支持旧版电话并不有利可图–我们仍然认为,完美的手机如此Swift地降级到支持垃圾箱实在令人遗憾。

Take, for example, the Samsung Galaxy S III. When it was released in 2012, it was an incredibly popular (and powerful) phone. But Android 4.3 Jelly Bean was the last update it ever got–and it got it 6 months after Jelly Bean was released by Google. Sure, technology marched on, and it’s far from cutting edge, but it’s still a capable little device. Phone modders and customizers have made it possible for this three year old device to get the latest version of Android–Marshmallow–through custom ROMs like CyanogenMod. And, thanks to performance increases in later versions of Android, people are reporting that it runs better than ever.

三星Galaxy S III为例。 当它于2012年发布时,它是一款非常受欢迎(功能强大)的手机。 但是Android 4.3 Jelly Bean是它有史以来的最新更新-它在Google发布Jelly Bean 6个月后才发布。 当然,技术在前进,虽然还没有达到最先进的水平,但它仍然是一款功能强大的小型设备。 手机修改器和定制器使这台已有三年历史的设备能够通过诸如CyanogenMod之类的自定义ROM获得最新版本的Android–Marshmallow。 而且,由于更高版本的Android性能的提高,人们报告说它运行得比以往更好

So if you have a phone that the manufacturer no longer loves, but that you still love, flashing a new ROM to your phone is a great way to keep it feeling new and snappy.


NOTE: Any time you monkey around with the internals of your phone, tablet, or other device in a fashion the manufacturer and/or supplying carrier did not intend for you to, you technically void your warranty–at least certain parts of it–and you risk permanently bricking your device. That said, we’ve been rooting, jailbreaking, unlocking, reflashing, and other wise modding phones, tablets, consoles, and other walled off electronics for years without so much as a single hiccup, let alone a bricked device. Read the instructions carefully and you’ll be fine.

注意:每当您以制造商和/或供应商不希望您使用的方式随意使用手机,平板电脑或其他设备的内部零件时,从技术上讲,您的保修(至少是其中的某些部分)将作废。您可能会永久损坏设备。 就是说,多年来,我们一直在生根,越狱,解锁,刷新以及其他明智的改装电话,平板电脑,游戏机和其他不受电子干扰的壁挂式设备,却没有打single过,更不用说砖头设备了。 仔细阅读说明,一切都会好起来的。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

You can’t just take a brand new phone and start flashing ROMs. You’ll need to first unlock bootloader and install a custom recovery environment like TWRP. So if you haven’t done either of those yet, you’ll need to follow those guides first, then come back here.

您不能随便带一部全新的手机并开始刷新ROM。 您需要首先解锁Bootloader安装自定义恢复环境,例如TWRP 。 因此,如果您尚未完成任何一项操作,则需要先遵循这些指南,然后再回到此处。

Second, you’ll need a ROM to flash. There are countless different ROMs out there from many independent developers and tweakers. Some are very popular–like CyanogenMod–and are available for many devices. Others may be created by more independent developers for one or two phones. To find out what kinds of ROMs are available for your device, head over to XDA Developers and browse the forum for your specific phone model.

其次,您需要一个ROM来刷新。 许多独立的开发人员和调试人员提供了无数种不同的ROM。 有些非常流行,例如CyanogenMod ,可用于许多设备。 其他人可能是由更独立的开发人员针对一两个电话创建的。 要了解您的设备可用的ROM类型,请访问XDA Developers并浏览论坛以了解您的特定手机型号。

Keep in mind that you’ll want to stick to your phone’s exact model–carrier and all. It helps to learn the model number and “codename” for your device, which will help separate it from the others. For example, the GSM Galaxy Nexus (GT-i9250) was known as “maguro”, while the Verizon version (SCH-i515) was known as “toro”. Verizon Galaxy Nexus users need to flash ROMs built for their phone, and can’t flash ROMs built for the GSM AT&T version.

请记住,您将要坚持使用手机的确切型号-载体以及所有功能。 它有助于了解设备的型号和“代号”,这有助于将其与其他设备分开。 例如,GSM Galaxy Nexus(GT-i9250)被称为“ maguro”,而Verizon版本(SCH-i515)被称为“ toro”。 Verizon Galaxy Nexus用户需要刷新为其手机内置的ROM,而不能刷新为GSM AT&T版本内置的ROM。

Other phones may use the same model across carriers, so it may not matter. But be sure to do your research and download a ROM that is compatible with your exact device.

其他电话可能在运营商之间使用相同的型号,因此可能无关紧要。 但是,请务必进行研究并下载与您的确切设备兼容的ROM。

android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

For this guide, we’ll be flashing CyanogenMod 12.1 to our 2013 Moto X, which comes in the form of a flashable ZIP file. So, we’re going to download the latest stable version for our phone from CyanogenMod’s download page. (You can see a list of devices in the left sidebar, which will take you to their available downloads). If you want a newer version of Android than the stable releases have to offer, you can click “nightly” in the left sidebar for less stable, but more bleeding-edge versions.

对于本指南,我们将CyanogenMod 12.1刷新到我们的2013 Moto X中,该格式以可刷新ZIP文件的形式出现。 因此,我们将从CyanogenMod的下载页面下载手机最新稳定版本。 (您可以在左侧边栏中看到设备列表,这些设备会将您带到可用的下载位置)。 如果您想要的Android版本比稳定版本所提供的要新,则可以单击左侧边栏中的“每晚”以获取较不稳定的版本,但更多最新版本。

No matter what ROM you choose, you’ll probably also need the “Google Apps” ZIP file, which bundles Google’s proprietary apps like the Play Store, Gmail, and Maps, since those can’t be bundled with ROMs. You can grab them from Make sure to download the right version for your phone’s processor and version of Android (if you aren’t sure what kind of processor your phone uses, you can Google it). In our case, we need Google Apps for Android Lollipop 5.1 (since that’s what CyanogenMod 12.1 is based off of) for an ARM processor (since that’s what the 2013 Moto X uses).

无论您选择哪种ROM,您都可能还需要“ Google Apps” ZIP文件,该文件会捆绑Google的专有应用(例如Play商店,Gmail和地图),因为这些应用无法与ROM捆绑在一起。 您可以从OpenGApps.org获取它们。 确保为手机的处理器和Android的版本下载正确的版本(如果您不确定手机使用的是哪种处理器,可以通过Google搜索)。 在我们的案例中,我们需要用于ARM处理器的Android Lollipop 5.1(因为这正是CyanogenMod 12.1的基础)的Google Apps(因为2013 Moto X使用的是)。

Alright, you with me so far? You have an unlocked phone, with TWRP installed, and both your ROM and Google Apps ZIP files? Great, let’s get started.

好吧,到目前为止,你和我在一起吗? 您的手机已解锁,并安装了TWRP,并且ROM和Google Apps ZIP文件都存在吗? 太好了,让我们开始吧。

如何使用TWRP恢复刷新ROM (How to Flash a ROM with TWRP Recovery)

In order to flash our ROM, we need to put these two .zip files on our phone. Plug in your phone with a USB cable and drag the ZIP files to the phone’s internal storage or SD card.

为了刷新ROM,我们需要将这两个.zip文件放在手机上。 用USB电缆插入手机,然后将ZIP文件拖到手机的内部存储或SD卡中。

android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

We’re going to wipe most of the data on your phone. It should keep your internal storage intact (where your photos, music, and other files are stored), but you will lose most of your app settings and other data. If you want to save any of that data, use those apps’ backup or export functions now. It’s probably a good idea to back up your internal storage too, just in case.

我们将擦除您手机上的大部分数据。 它应该使您的内部存储保持完整(存储照片,音乐和其他文件的位置),但是您将丢失大多数应用程序设置和其他数据。 如果要保存任何数据,请立即使用这些应用程序的备份或导出功能。 为了以防万一,备份内部存储器也是一个好主意。

Then, turn off your phone and boot into TWRP recovery. Doing this is a bit different on every phone–for example, you may have to hold the Power and Volume Down buttons simultaneously, then use the volume keys to boot “Recovery Mode”. Google instructions for your specific model to see how it’s done.

然后,关闭手机并启动TWRP恢复。 在每部手机上执行此操作都有些不同,例如,您可能必须同时按住电源和降低音量按钮,然后使用音量键启动“恢复模式”。 Google针对您的特定模型的说明,说明如何完成。

Once you’ve done so, you’ll be greeted with the familiar TWRP home screen.


NOTE: You should probably make a backup in TWRP before continuing with this process.


android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

From the home screen, tap the Wipe button and swipe the bar at the bottom to do a factory reset. You should always do a factory reset before flashing a new ROM. If you’re just upgrading your existing ROM, you may not have to, but if you ever experience issues after flashing, a factory reset may help.

在主屏幕上,点击“擦除”按钮,然后滑动底部的栏以恢复出厂设置。 在刷新新的ROM之前,您应该始终恢复出厂设置。 如果您只是升级现有的ROM,则可能不必这样做,但是如果刷新后遇到问题,则恢复出厂设置可能会有所帮助。

android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

Next, go back to the TWRP home screen and click the Install button.


android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

The following screen will appear. Scroll down and navigate to your ROM’s .zip file you transferred earlier.

将出现以下屏幕。 向下滚动并导航至您先前传输的ROM的.zip文件。

android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

Tap the .zip file and you’ll see this screen. Swipe to confirm the flash.

点击.zip文件,您将看到此屏幕。 滑动以确认闪光。

android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

It may take a few minutes to flash the ROM, so give it time.


When that finishes, it’s time to flash the second .zip file. Go back to the home screen and tap the Install button. This time, pick your Google Apps .zip file, and repeat the process. This may take a while as well, so be patient.

完成后,该刷新第二个.zip文件了。 返回主屏幕,然后点击“安装”按钮。 这次,选择您的Google Apps .zip文件,然后重复该过程。 这也可能需要一段时间,因此请耐心等待。

android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

When it’s done, tap the “Wipe cache/Dalvik” button that appears and swipe to confirm.

完成后,点击出现的“ Wipe cache / Dalvik”按钮,然后滑动以确认。

android rom结构_如何将新的ROM刷新到您的Android手机

Once the cache has been wiped, tap the “Reboot System” button to boot back into Android.


If TWRP asks if you want to install SuperSU now, choose “Do Not Install”. Some ROMs, like CyanogenMod, will already have root access available in the settings, and for any that don’t come rooted, it’s probably best to flash SuperSU yourself.

如果TWRP询问您是否现在要安装SuperSU,请选择“不安装”。 某些ROM(例如CyanogenMod)将在设置中已经具有root用户访问权限,对于任何没有root权限的用户,最好自行刷新SuperSU

It may take a while to reboot your phone the first time–remember, this is your first time booting a new operating system, so it has to get everything ready for you. Give it time. If anything goes wrong or the phone won’t boot after a significant amount of time, reboot back into TWRP and restore from your backup, or try flashing again. Make sure you downloaded the correct ROM files, as well.

第一次重新启动手机可能需要一段时间-请记住,这是您第一次启动新的操作系统,因此必须为您做好一切准备。 给它点时间。 如果出了什么问题或电话在很长一段时间后仍无法启动,请重新启动回TWRP并从备份中还原,或尝试再次闪烁。 确保还下载了正确的ROM文件。

That’s all there is to it! Play around with your new ROM, and if you love it, keep it. If you want more… then hit up the various mod communities and forums like XDA Developers to see what else is out there. You might even try sticking with stock Android and using the Xposed Framework to add features one-by-one–essentially creating your own “ROM”. The world is your oyster, so go out and enjoy it.

这里的所有都是它的! 尝试使用新的ROM,如果喜欢它,请保留它。 如果您想要更多...,请访问XDA Developers等各种mod社区和论坛,以了解其他内容。 您甚至可以尝试使用现有的Android,并使用Xposed框架来逐个添加功能-本质上是创建自己的“ ROM”。 世界是你的牡蛎,所以出去玩吧。

Image credit: iunewind/BigStockPhoto

图片来源: iunewind / BigStockPhoto


android rom结构