如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

If you’re currently running Vista and want to upgrade to Windows 7, an in-place upgrade can be an easier option than a clean install. Here we will take a look a the steps to take before the upgrade and walk through the actual process of the upgrade.

如果您当前正在运行Vista并想升级到Windows 7,则与干净安装相比,就地升级可能更容易。 在这里,我们将看一下升级之前要采取的步骤,并逐步完成升级的实际过程。

Note: For this article we are upgrading Vista Home Premium 32-bit to Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit

注意:对于本文,我们将Vista Home Premium 32位升级到Windows 7 Home Premium 32位

Before the Upgrade


Before starting the upgrade process there are a few things you need to do. The first thing you will want to make sure is that you’re connected to the Internet and running Vista Home Premium with Service Pack 1 or higher. If you don’t have at least SP1 you will get an error and have to go back and install it.

在开始升级过程之前,您需要做一些事情。 您需要确保的第一件事是已连接到Internet并运行带有Service Pack 1或更高版本的Vista Home Premium。 如果您至少没有SP1,则会出现错误,必须返回并安装它。

如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Upgrade Advisor


Also you’ll want to run Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor which we previously covered. Make sure all of the hardware that you normally run is connected to the computer before running it so everything is checked. If your machine is already running Vista, chances are it’s going to run Windows 7 without a problem.

另外,您还需要运行我们先前介绍的 Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor。 在运行计算机之前,请确保您通常运行的所有硬件都已连接到计算机,以便对所有内容进行检查。 如果您的计算机已经在运行Vista,则很可能可以毫无问题地运行Windows 7。

如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Compatibility Center


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Go to Windows 7 Compatibility Center to find out what hardware and software Windows 7 currently supports. You can easily search or browse for your hardware to see if it’s Windows 7 compatible. If you have an older software version or hardware driver, they point you to the manufacturer’s website so you can upgrade to the right version for Windows 7.

转到Windows 7兼容性中心以了解Windows 7当前支持的硬件和软件。 您可以轻松地搜索或浏览硬件,以查看其是否与Windows 7兼容。 如果您使用的是较旧的软件版本或硬件驱动程序,它们会指向您制造商的网站,因此您可以升级到适用于Windows 7的正确版本。

The site also allows you to browse or search for software that is officially supported.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Backup Data


Backup all of your most important files, folders, and other data. Even though you’ll still have all of your files after the upgrade, something could go wrong during the process and you could lose everything. Hopefully you have complete backups of your data already. If not, here are some backup solutions that we’ve previously covered.

备份所有最重要的文件,文件夹和其他数据。 即使升级后您仍然拥有所有文件,但在此过程中可能会出问题,并且可能丢失所有内容。 希望您已经有完整的数据备份。 如果没有,这是我们先前介绍的一些备份解决方案。

Free Backup Utilities




Make sure you are connected to the Internet so updates can be downloaded and installed during the upgrade process.


Begin Upgrade


When you pop in the Windows 7 disc, it’s going to give you the following options. If you already ran Upgrade Advisor, just ignore Check compatibility online because all it will do it point you to Upgrade Advisor anyway.

当您弹出Windows 7光盘时,它将为您提供以下选项。 如果您已经运行过Upgrade Advisor,则只需忽略“ 在线检查兼容性”,因为所有操作都会使您指向Upgrade Advisor。

如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

After you click Install now you will see the following message.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Remember before starting the process that you’re connected to the Internet because during this step you’ll want to get the latest updates for the install.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Wait while the latest upgrades are found.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Agree to the software license terms.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

At the type of installation screen, select Upgrade and not Custom. Custom would be used if you’re doing a clean install.

在安装类型屏幕上,选择“升级”而不是“自定义”。 如果您要进行全新安装,将使用Custom。

如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

The upgrade process begins…


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

There will be about three or four reboots while the process completes.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

After each reboot you should see different tasks on the list showing they have completed.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

The last step will be Transferring Files, settings, and programs.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

After the final reboot you will see the message that setup is checking video performance.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Type in your upgrade product key…


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Then select if you want to turn on automatic updates.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Set up your time zone, time and date.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Select where your computer is located, which in our example is on a Home Network.


如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

The desktop will be configured and you can start using Windows 7 with all of your files and most settings intact. Not everything will be exactly how it was in Vista, so allow yourself time to go through and make the appropriate tweaks.

桌面将被配置,您可以在所有文件和大多数设置保持不变的情况下开始使用Windows 7。 并非所有功能都与Vista完全相同,因此请留出时间进行适当的调整。

如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Of course there will be differences such as no Windows Mail, Messenger, Photo Gallery…etc. Make sure to download Microsoft Live Essentials to get your favorite MS apps back.

当然会有差异,例如没有Windows Mail,Messenger,图片库等。 确保下载Microsoft Live Essentials以恢复您喜欢的MS应用程序。

如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition

Make sure to run Windows Update right away after the upgrade to make sure everything is current.

确保升级后立即运行Windows Update,以确保所有内容都是最新的。

如何从Vista升级到Windows 7 Home Premium Edition



If you’re lucky enough to have a version of Vista that allows an in-place upgrade, the process is relatively simple. The amount of time it takes will vary between systems. The system we used had an AMD Athlon dual-core processor and 2GB of RAM and it took about 45 minutes to complete the upgrade. Yours will probably take a lot longer though depending on the size of the hard drive and amount of data. The files and settings don’t transfer over exactly how you had them before but it’s just a matter of tweaking them a bit. Overall an in-place upgrade is a relatively simple and effective process.

如果您有幸拥有可以就地升级的Vista版本,则过程相对简单。 系统之间花费的时间会有所不同。 我们使用的系统具有AMD Athlon双核处理器和2GB RAM,大约需要45分钟才能完成升级。 尽管取决于硬盘驱动器的大小和数据量,但您的时间可能会更长。 文件和设置不会完全按照您之前的方式进行转移,只是对它们进行一些调整即可。 总体而言,就地升级是一个相对简单且有效的过程。

Windows Upgrade Advisor


Windows Compatibility Center


Windows 7 Upgrade Considerations Chart

Windows 7升级注意事项图表

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/6892/how-to-perform-an-upgrade-from-vista-to-windows-7/