silvaco 第三章迁移率模型

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1 MUN and MUP parameters to set constant values for electron and hole mobilities and optionally specify temperature dependence.

2 using a look-up table model (CONMOB) to relate the low-field mobility at 300K to the impurity concentration.

3 the analytic low-field mobility models, ANALYTIC, ARORA, or MASETTI, to relate the low-field carrier mobility to impurity concentration and temperature.

4a carrier-carrier scattering model (CCSMOB, CONWELL, or *S) that relates the low-field mobility to the carrier concentrations and temperature.

5 unified low-field mobility model (KLAASSEN) that relates the low-field mobility to donor, acceptor, lattice, carrier-carrier scattering, and temperature.


Constant Low-Field Mobility Model

where T is the lattice temperature. The low-field mobility parameters: MUN, MUP, TMUN, and
TMUP can be specified in the MOBILITY statement with the defaults as shown in Table 3-36.

 silvaco 第三章迁移率模型

silvaco 第三章迁移率模型

Concentration-Dependent Low-Field Mobility Tables

Atlas provides empirical data for the doping dependent low-field mobilities of electrons and
holes in silicon at
TL=300K only. This data is used if the CONMOB parameter is specified in the
MODELS statement. The data that is used is shown in Table 3-37.

silvaco 第三章迁移率模型


Analytic Low-Field Mobility Model

The following analytic function based upon the work of Caughey and Thomas [48, 281] can
be used to specify doping- and temperature-dependent low-field mobilities.

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where N is the local (total) impurity concentration in cm-3 and TL is the temperature in degrees
This model is activated by specifying
ANALYTIC in the MODELS statement. The parameters of
this model are specified in the
MOBILITY statement. The default parameters are for silicon at
TL = 300K.

Lombardi CVT Model

The inversion layer model from Lombardi [187] is selected by setting CVT on the MODELS statement. This model overrides any other mobility models which may be specified on the MODELS statement. In the CVT model, the transverse field, doping dependent and temperature dependent parts of the mobility are given by three components that are combined using Matthiessen’s rule. These components are mAC, msr and mb and are combined using Matthiessen’s rule as follows:

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Parallel Electric Field-Dependent Mobility

In this case, no temperature dependence is implemented. Specifying the FLDMOB parameter on the MODELS statement invokes the field-dependent mobility. FLDMOB should always be specified unless one of the inversion layer mobility models (which incorporate their own dependence on the parallel field) are specified

在这种情况下,没有实现温度依赖性。 在MODELS语句上指定FLDMOB参数将调用与字段有关的移动性。 除非指定了其中一个反型层移动性模型(其自身对并行字段的依赖性),否则应始终指定FLDMOB


silvaco 第三章迁移率模型