


Recently we’ve had a lot of inquiries from game developers who are concerned about the future of gaming on the Web in general and the Unity Web Player in the Google Chrome browser in particular, so we wanted to post something to address those concerns. Here it is!

最近,我们收到了来自游戏开发人员的大量询问,他们担心总体上网络游戏的未来,尤其是Google Chrome浏览器中的Unity Web Player,因此我们想发布一些解决这些问题的方法。 这里是!

In the fall of 2013 Google announced their plans to discontinue NPAPI support in the Google Chrome browser by the end of 2014. The NPAPI is the API that makes it possible to run native code in the browser and is what the Unity Web Player is based on.

2013年秋天,Google宣布了 计划 在2014年底之前停止对Google Chrome浏览器的NPAPI支持。NPAPI是一种API,可以在浏览器中运行本机代码,而Unity Web Player正是基于此API 。

We are not sure exactly when the NPAPI will be discontinued but expect that Google will stick to their plan. The long and the short of it is that when Google do switch off NPAPI the Unity Web Player will no longer work in Chrome.

我们不确定何时会终止NPAPI,但希望Google坚持其计划。 总而言之,当Google确实关闭NPAPI时,Unity Web Player将不再在Chrome中运行。

Currently we think that the Unity Web Player platform is the most efficient technology for gaming on the Web and we are committed to supporting it for as long as the browser landscape means it makes sense to do so. That means throughout 2015 at the very least. Even if your games cease to run on the Google Chrome browser, they’ll still work on other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft IE and Apple Safari.

当前,我们认为Unity Web Player平台是用于网络游戏的最高效的技术,并且只要浏览器环境允许,我们致力于对其进行支持。 这意味着至少在整个2015年。 即使您的游戏不再在Google Chrome浏览器上运行,它们仍然可以在其他浏览器上运行,例如Mozilla Firefox,Microsoft IE和Apple Safari。

We know that many of you have deployed great games using Unity Web Player technology, and that those games put food on your table. So, we’ll be sure to keep you posted about web deployment going forward.

我们知道你们中的许多人已经使用Unity Web Player技术部署了出色的游戏,并且这些游戏为您锦上添花。 因此,我们将确保向您发布有关Web部署的最新信息。

Our development team is committed to actively maintaining the Unity Web Player, indeed, few weeks ago we updated support for a 64 bit Unity Web Player – it also runs now on IE 11 64 bit and Chrome 64 bit on Windows. We are working on making the Unity Web Player 64 bit on OS X too, so it can run in Chrome 64 once Google drops support for Chrome 32 bit on OS X.

我们的开发团队致力于积极维护Unity Web Player,事实上,几周前,我们更新了对64位Unity Web Player的支持-它现在也可以在Windows上的IE 11 64位和Chrome 64位上运行。 我们也正在OS X上制作Unity Web Player 64位,因此一旦Google在OS X上不再支持Chrome 32位,它就可以在Chrome 64中运行。

We are aware that the days of running native code in web browsers are numbered; there are simply too many plugins that do not run well and this represents a security risk. Even though we at Unity have always worked hard to keep our plugin current through the auto-update system, we agree that, in the long term, allowing native code in browsers is too big a responsibility for browser manufacturers to take on.

我们知道在网络浏览器中运行本机代码的日子已到头了; 只是有太多无法正常运行的插件,这存在安全风险。 尽管我们Unity一直在努力通过自动更新系统使插件保持最新状态,但我们同意,从长远来看,允许浏览器中的本机代码对浏览器制造商承担太大的责任。

As a consequence, we are working hard on shipping Unity 5 for WebGL. We believe it is the best and safest long-term solution for running advanced 3D and 2D content in browsers. Publishing to WebGL for Unity 5 will be free of charge and will let you target the web without a plugin.

因此,我们正在努力交付Unity 5 for WebGL 。 我们认为,这是在浏览器中运行高级3D和2D内容的最佳,最安全的长期解决方案。 免费发布到适用于Unity 5的WebGL,将使您无需插件即可定位网络。

We are collaborating with browser vendors to improve the performance of games running on WebGL and current performance is very promising – indeed, in some cases, our WebGL solution runs just as fast as executed native code.


You can read more about the new Unity WebGL benchmarking suite in this blog post and finally you can try Unity 5 for WebGL – the pre-order beta opened to subscribers and everybody who pre-ordered Unity 5 a couple of days ago. As soon as we release Unity 5, the WebGL tools will be available to free users as well.

您可以在此博客文章中了解有关新的Unity WebGL基准测试套件的更多信息 ,最后您可以尝试Unity 5 for WebGL –面向用户和几天前预订Unity 5的所有人开放的预购Beta。 我们发布Unity 5后,WebGL工具也将免费提供给用户。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/10/28/the-future-of-web-publishing-in-unity-an-update/
