如何在Verizon FIOS路由器上设置DMZ主机

如何在Verizon FIOS路由器上设置DMZ主机

If you want to make sure that a particular device is always available through your firewall, you can assign it to be a DMZ host in your Wi-Fi router. Here’s how to do it on Verizon FIOS.

如果要确保特定设备始终可以通过防火墙使用,则可以将其指定为Wi-Fi路由器中的DMZ主机。 这是在Verizon FIOS上执行操作的方法。

Note: You shouldn’t do this normally unless you know what you’re doing, because it’s bypassing the firewall. But if you are setting up an internal Wi-Fi network, you can set the new router to be the DMZ host.

注意:除非您知道自己在做什么,否则通常不应该这样做,因为它绕过了防火墙。 但是,如果要设置内部Wi-Fi网络,则可以将新路由器设置为DMZ主机。

To login to your Wi-Fi router and tweak this setting, open up a browser and go to and then login with the password located on the sticker on the router itself. (The username is always admin).

要登录到Wi-Fi路由器并调整此设置,请打开浏览器并转到192.168.1.1,然后使用路由器本身标签上的密码登录。 (用户名始终为admin )。

Once there, head to Firewall Settings on the main menu and click through the warning.


如何在Verizon FIOS路由器上设置DMZ主机

Click on DMZ host in the left-hand menu.


如何在Verizon FIOS路由器上设置DMZ主机

And then make sure to Check the box for “DMZ Host IP Address” and set the actual IP address to the IP of whatever device you are trying to bypass the firewall with.

然后确保选中“ DMZ主机IP地址”框,并将实际IP地址设置为您尝试绕过防火墙的任何设备的IP。

如何在Verizon FIOS路由器上设置DMZ主机

And again, don’t use this to try and get around a firewall rule. That’s not what this is for.

再说一次,不要用它来绕过防火墙规则。 那不是这个目的。

For more on configuring your Verizon FIOS router, check out these guides:

有关配置Verizon FIOS路由器的更多信息,请查看以下指南:

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/197385/how-to-set-a-dmz-host-on-your-verizon-fios-router/