Windows 10 IoT核心版控制Raspberry Pi 2机器人

Windows 10 IoT核心版控制Raspberry Pi 2机器人

My 7 year old sat down and built a little robot from instructions listed at Microsoft's IoT Hackster site.

我7岁的孩子坐下来,按照Microsoft IoT Hackster网站上列出的说明建造了一个小型机器人

To build the robot, you will need the following:


  1. Wooden Robot Frame in 7 pieces - Get the cutting plans from the Sumo Robot Jr. GitHub repo and submit them to They cut them 4 to a sheet of P3 5.2 mm Veneer Core Birch

    7件装木制机器人框架-从Sumo Robot Jr. GitHub存储库获取切割计划,并将其提交到 。 他们将它们切成4片P3 5.2毫米单板核心桦木

  2. 2x continuous rotation servos, like these


  3. A ball caster, like this for the front "wheel."


  4. A USB Xbox 360 Controller 

    USB Xbox 360控制器

  5. A Digital switch, like this. You can actually skip this if you want to, it's not require just to move the robot.

    这样的数字开关。 如果需要,您实际上可以跳过此步骤,它不仅需要移动机器人。

  6. 6x 6" Male-to-Female Wires (2 red, 2 white and 2 black) like these

    6x 6“公对母线(2条红色,2条白色和2条黑色)像这样

  7. 2x 6" Female-to-Female Wires (1 red and 1 black) like these


  8. Screws, Nuts, Bolts and standoffs like this. This was a little bit of a challenge for us, as the screws I got for the axels of the wheels weren't long enough. You may need to make a few short trips to your local hardware store.

    这样的螺丝,螺母,螺栓和支座。 这对我们来说是一个挑战,因为我在车轮轴上得到的螺丝不够长。 您可能需要短暂前往本地硬件商店。

  9. Raspberry Pi 2, a 2 Amp power supply, SD card, network Ethernet cable. I actually ended up using a portable battery that I use to charge my phone.

    Raspberry Pi 2、2 Amp电源,SD卡,网络以太网电缆。 实际上,我最终使用了用于为手机充电的便携式电池。

  10. Micro screwdrivers


Starting with a Raspberry Pi 2, walk through the setup instructions here. You do need to have a Windows 10 today to installing Windows 10 IoT Core but at least it's gotten a lot easier with the latest build for IOT. There's an app that does all the work and you don't need to go to the command line. Also get Visual Studio 2015 Community and the Windows IoT Core Project Templates. Basically just follow these step-by-step instructions.

Raspberry Pi 2开始,在此处完成设置说明。 您今天确实需要安装Windows 10才能安装Windows 10 IoT核心版,但至少有了最新版的IOT变得容易得多。 有一个应用程序可以完成所有工作,而您无需转到命令行。 同时获得Visual Studio 2015社区Windows IoT核心项目模板。 基本上,只需遵循这些分步说明即可

Once you have the Raspberry Pi 2 loaded and you've got VS, the code for the robot is here on GitHub. The instructions don't include a photo with pinout information, so someone else who completed the project took pictures of the correct orientations for pins.

加载Raspberry Pi 2并安装VS后,该机器人代码就在GitHub上。 说明中未包含带引出线信息的照片,因此,完成项目的其他人为正确的引针方向拍照

A few things about Windows 10 IoT Core on small devices like this. It's NOT "desktop Windows." It's not full Windows with a Store and Office. You CAN run Universal apps and they can have a UI. In fact, the robot app can run on your PC and control the robot remotely, OR it can run the same app on the Raspberry PI and control it from there.

像这样的小型设备上有关Windows 10 IoT核心的一些事情。 它不是“桌面Windows”。 它不是具有商店和办公室的完整Windows。 您可以运行通用应用,并且它们可以具有UI。 实际上,机器人应用程序可以在您的PC上运行并远程控制机器人,或者它可以在Raspberry PI上运行相同的应用程序并从那里进行控制。

Here in VS2015 you can see under Debug the name of my Raspberry PI ("minwinpc") and that I'm targeting it remotely and as an ARM device.

在VS2015中的“调试”下,您可以看到我的Raspberry PI的名称(“ minwinpc”),并且我将其远程定位为ARM设备。

Windows 10 IoT核心版控制Raspberry Pi 2机器人

I was having so much fun working on assembling this that after the kids went to bed I did a 30 min Google Hangout/YouTube and demonstrated the whole thing. You can watch that here, below. Please also take a moment and subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

我在组装这个游戏时非常开心,在孩子们上床睡觉后,我做了30分钟的Google Hangouts / YouTube并演示了整个过程。 您可以在下面观看。 也请花一点时间订阅我的YouTube频道

Check out and for more projects, code, and inspiration. Have you built anything?

请访问http://microsoft.hackster.io了解更多项目,代码和灵感。 你有建什么吗

SOCIAL: Hey folks, please do follow me on Facebook or Twitter!


关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

Windows 10 IoT核心版控制Raspberry Pi 2机器人
Windows 10 IoT核心版控制Raspberry Pi 2机器人
Windows 10 IoT核心版控制Raspberry Pi 2机器人
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Windows 10 IoT核心版控制Raspberry Pi 2机器人
