



Your kids need internet access to do their homework, but that doesn’t mean you’re comfortable with them accessing everything online. There’s no technological substitute for proper adult supervision, but a free service called OpenDNS Family Shield makes it easy for parents to all block adult content with one simple tweak.

您的孩子需要互联网才能做家庭作业,但这并不意味着您对他们在线访问所有内容感到满意。 没有适当的成人监督技术替代,但是一项名为OpenDNS Family Shield的免费服务使父母可以轻松地通过一个简单的调整来阻止所有成人内容。

If you want a little more control, you can set up an account for OpenDNS Home Internet Security and block adult content alongside things like malware and piracy sites. This option means setting up a free account and a few extra configuration steps, but gives you a lot of control over which sites are blocked and which are allowed. The downside: it only works on your home network, so it’s not useful for mobile devices like Family Shield is.

如果您需要更多控制权,则可以为OpenDNS Home Internet Security设置一个帐户,并阻止成人内容以及恶意软件和盗版网站等内容。 此选项意味着设置一个免费帐户和一些额外的配置步骤,但使您可以控制哪些站点被阻止以及哪些站点被允许。 缺点:它仅适用于您的家庭网络,因此对Family Shield这样的移动设备没有用。

How’s how both of these services work, and how to set them up.


DNS阻止的工作方式 (How DNS Blocking Works)

RELATED: What Is DNS, and Should I Use Another DNS Server?

相关: 什么是DNS,我应该使用其他DNS服务器吗?

OpenDNS is an alternative DNS server. DNS servers translate URLs—for example,—into IP addresses. Your computer can’t connect to a website without knowing the IP address. It’s kind of like a phone book—instead of having to memorize a bunch of number sequences to access websites, you just tell your computer the name of the site, and it looks up the numerical address for you.

OpenDNS是备用DNS服务器 。 DNS服务器将URL(例如转换为IP地址。 您的计算机在不知道IP地址的情况下无法连接到网站。 就像电话簿一样,您不必记住一堆数字序列即可访问网站,而只需告诉计算机该站点的名称,它就会为您查找数字地址。

Most people use whatever DNS service their internet provider offers, but you can change your computer (or network’s) DNS servers at any time. Third-party options like OpenDNS offer increased speed or other features, like content filtering. If you set up OpenDNS’ parental controls, you’ll get the following screen when trying to access a restricted site.

大多数人使用互联网提供商提供的任何DNS服务,但您可以随时更改计算机(或网络)的DNS服务器。 诸如OpenDNS之类的第三方选项提供了更快的速度或其他功能,例如内容过滤。 如果您设置OpenDNS的家长控制,则在尝试访问受限制的网站时会看到以下屏幕。


There are two ways to get started: one simple, one complex. OpenDNS Family Shield allows you to to all block adult content by changing the DNS server on your devices and/or router at home. It should only take a few minutes to set up.

有两种入门方法:一种简单,一种复杂。 OpenDNS Family Shield允许您通过在家里的设备和/或路由器上更改DNS服务器来阻止所有成人内容。 只需几分钟即可完成设置。

If you want a little more control, you can set up an account for OpenDNS Home Internet Security and block adult content alongside things like malware and piracy sites. This option means setting up a free account and a few extra configuration steps, but gives you a lot of control over which sites are blocked and which are allowed. The downside: it only works on your home network, so it’s not useful for mobile devices like Family Shield is.

如果您需要更多控制权,则可以为OpenDNS Home Internet Security设置一个帐户,并阻止成人内容以及恶意软件和盗版网站等内容。 此选项意味着设置一个免费帐户和一些额外的配置步骤,但使您可以控制哪些站点被阻止以及哪些站点被允许。 缺点:它仅适用于您的家庭网络,因此对Family Shield这样的移动设备没有用。

How’s how both of these services work, and how to set them up.


简单的选择:OpenDNS Family Shield (The Simple Option: OpenDNS Family Shield)

If you mostly want to block porn, OpenDNS Family Shield has you covered. This pre-configured service blocks adult sites, and is as easy to configure as switching DNS addresses. Here are the addresses you need to use:

如果您主要想阻止色情内容,可以使用OpenDNS Family Shield 。 这项预先配置的服务会阻止成人站点,并且配置和切换DNS地址一样容易。 这是您需要使用的地址:


Check out our ultimate guide to changing your DNS server to learn how to do that on your router and your various devices. Configuring this at the router level means typing your router’s IP address, looking for the DNS settings, and using the above IP addresses instead of the default. Configuring this on your device is generally done in network settings, but where precisely that is depends on your device; again, this guide is worth checking out.

查看我们有关更改DNS服务器的最终指南,以了解如何在路由器和各种设备上进行操作。 在路由器级别进行配置意味着输入路由器的IP地址,查找DNS设置,并使用上述IP地址代替默认值。 通常在网络设置中在设备上配置此设置,但是具体取决于设备。 同样, 本指南值得一看。


I recommend setting this up both on your router, and in the network settings of your child’s devices. This way every computer on your home network is blocked, and your child’s device remains blocked away from your house.

我建议您同时在路由器和孩子设备的网络设置中进行设置。 这样,您的家庭网络中的每台计算机都将被阻止,并且您孩子的设备仍被阻止离开您的房屋。

There is a a big catch with this method: it blocks all major porn sites, but does not block social networking sites like Reddit and Tumblr, both of which happen to have a bunch of porn on them. You’ll need to use the more advanced version of OpenDNS below to block sites like these on an all-or-nothing basis.

这种方法有一个很大的好处:它阻止了所有主要的色情网站,但没有阻止Reddit和Tumblr之类的社交网站,这两个网站都碰上了很多色情内容。 您需要使用下面的OpenDNS的更高级版本来完全阻止所有此类站点。

可自定义的Uber选项:OpenDNS家庭互联网安全 (The Uber-Customizable Option: OpenDNS Home Internet Security)

If blocking adult content isn’t enough, check out OpenDNS Home Internet Security. This service allows you to log into an account and block entire categories of content, giving you tons of control.

如果阻止成人内容还不够,请查看OpenDNS Home Internet Security 。 此服务使您可以登录帐户并阻止所有类别的内容,从而为您提供大量控制权。

The downside: this service really only works on your own network. This is likely the reason OpenDNS isn’t pushing this service too hard in our mobile age, but it’s still around for those who want granular control over their home networks.

缺点:此服务实际上仅在您自己的网络上有效。 这很可能是OpenDNS在我们的移动时代不竭力推动这项服务的原因,但对于那些希望对其家庭网络进行精细控制的人来说,它仍然存在。

第一步:设置一个帐户和您的网络 (Step One: Set Up An Account and Your Network)

First, you need to create an OpenDNS Home Internet Security account. Make sure you use a secure password, because this service will be constantly tracking your home IP address.

首先,您需要创建一个OpenDNS Home Internet Security帐户 。 确保使用安全密码 ,因为此服务将不断跟踪您的家庭IP地址。

Once you’ve set up your account you will see the homepage of the OpenDNS backend, which looks a little old school. No matter: click the “Add network” option.

设置帐户后,您将看到OpenDNS后端的主页,它看起来有点老派了。 没关系:点击“添加网络”选项。


You’ll be shown your external IP address—click “use this one” to get started.



Unless you’ve specifically paid for a static IP address, you probably don’t have one. Happily, OpenDNS offers software to keep track of your changing address—you’ll just have to install it on one of the computers in your house, and it’ll make sure OpenDNS keeps working on all the others.

除非您专门为静态IP地址付费,否则您可能没有一个。 令人高兴的是,OpenDNS提供了可跟踪您不断变化的地址的软件-您只需将其安装在家里的一台计算机上,即可确保OpenDNS能够在其他所有计算机上正常运行。


The software couldn’t be easier: just install it and log in, and your IP address will be updated for OpenDNS.



It’s best to run this on a desktop computer, because you don’t want to be constantly providing OpenDNS with the IP address of all the places you visit. If you only use laptops, simply close the software when you leave the house.

最好在台式计算机上运行它,因为您不想一直向OpenDNS提供您所访问的所有地点的IP地址。 如果仅使用笔记本电脑,只需在离开家时关闭软件即可。

第二步:配置阻止 (Step Two: Configure Blocking)

Click the network you just created and you’ll be presented with four filtering levels:



Here’s the official outline of what these choices block:


  • High: Protects against all adult-related sites, illegal activity, social networking sites, video sharing sites, and general time-wasters.


  • Moderate Protects against all adult-related sites and illegal activity.


  • Low Protects against pornography.


  • None Nothing blocked.


It’s probably simplest to choose one of these four, then click “Customize” to configure blocked categories to your liking.



You’ll find a variety of categories to block, from P2P to gaming to social media. Take some time to configure things to your liking.

从P2P到游戏再到社交媒体,您可以找到各种类别来阻止。 花一些时间来配置自己喜欢的东西。

If there are specific sites you would also like to block, you can also do that. Here’s how to keep a specific Canadian tech journalist from corrupting your children, for example:

如果您还想阻止某些特定站点,则也可以这样做。 例如,这是如何防止特定的加拿大科技新闻记者腐蚀您的孩子:


Note that blocking is on an all-or-nothing basis: you either have to block all of a site or none of it. For sites like Reddit and Tumblr (which are full of porn alongside non-pornographic content) this is unfortunate, because your only way to keep kids from the porn on those social networks is to block them entirely. This is a key weakness of DNS-based blocking, and there’s sadly no real way around it: you’ll just have to make a decision.

请注意,*是全有或全无:您要么必须*所有站点,要么不*任何站点。 对于像Reddit和Tumblr这样的网站(充满色情内容和非色情内容),这是不幸的,因为让孩子远离那些社交网络上的色情内容的唯一方法是完全阻止他们。 这是基于DNS的阻止的一个主要弱点,可悲的是没有真正的解决方法:您只需做出决定。

Take some time to configure things to your liking—there’s a lot to dig into here, and you can always change things later if something turns out to be annoying.


第三步:配置路由器和/或设备 (Step Three: Configure Your Router and/or Devices)

Now you need to actually set up your network and/or devices to use OpenDNS. Here are the IP addresses you need to use—you can also find them at the bottom of the dashboard.

现在,您需要实际设置网络和/或设备以使用OpenDNS。 这是您需要使用的IP地址-您也可以在信息中心的底部找到它们。


You can set up these addresses at the router or device level; check out our ultimate guide to changing your DNS server to learn how to do that on your router and your various devices. To quickly outline: configuring this at the router level means typing your router’s IP address, looking for the DNS settings, and using the above IP addresses instead of the default. Configuring this on your device is generally done in network settings, but where precisely that is depends on your device; again, this guide is worth checking out.

您可以在路由器或设备级别设置这些地址。 请查看我们有关更改DNS服务器的最终指南,以了解如何在路由器和各种设备上进行操作。 快速概述:在路由器级别进行配置意味着输入路由器的IP地址,查找DNS设置,并使用上述IP地址代替默认值。 通常在网络设置中在设备上配置此设置,但是具体取决于设备。 同样, 本指南值得一看。

在您的个人计算机上绕过此操作 (Bypass This On Your Personal Computer)

If you want your computer to have access to adult sites for, ahem, educational reasons, you can do that. Simply change the DNS address on your personal device to something else—Google DNS is a simple alternative. This will overrule the router-level blocking, allowing you to have an unfiltered internet while your kid’s access remains blocked.

如果你希望的电脑能够访问成人网站的, 啊哈 ,教育的原因,你可以做到这一点。 只需将您个人设备上的DNS地址更改为其他地址即可-Google DNS是一个简单的替代方法 。 这将推翻路由器级别的阻止,使您可以在未阻止孩子访问的情况下拥有未经过滤的Internet。

Be aware, however, that your kids could just as easily do this themselves. The only way to stop this is to not give your kids the administrator password for any computers they use…which is probably a good idea anyway.

但是请注意,您的孩子自己也可以轻松完成此操作。 阻止此问题的唯一方法是不为您的孩子提供他们使用的任何计算机的管理员密码……这可能是个好主意。

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