火狐 safari 书签_如何向Safari书签添加说明

火狐 safari 书签_如何向Safari书签添加说明

火狐 safari 书签

火狐 safari 书签_如何向Safari书签添加说明

If you’ve been browsing the Internet for a while, you probably have accumulated an impressive number of bookmarks. The problem is, you might have forgotten why you saved them in the first place.

如果您浏览互联网已有一段时间,那么您可能已经积累了很多书签。 问题是,您可能已经忘记了为什么首先保存它们。

If you use Safari on macOS Sierra, it now incorporates a handy feature that lets you add descriptions to your bookmarks—so months or years from now, you aren’t puzzling over whether to keep or clean them out, or why you bookmarked them in the first place.

如果您在macOS Sierra上使用Safari,则它现在包含了便捷的功能,可让您在书签中添加描述-距现在数月或数年之久,您无需担心是否保留或清除它们,或为何在其中添加书签第一名。

You’ll first notice this feature when you save a new bookmark, either by clicking on the Bookmark menu and choosing “Add Bookmark” or using the keyboard shortcut Command+D.

保存新书签时,您首先会注意到此功能,方法是单击“书签”菜单并选择“添加书签”,或使用键盘快捷键Command + D。

Once you do that, you will see three fields. The tops field is for where you want to save your new bookmark, the second field is to edit name of the bookmark, and the last one is the description field.

完成后,您将看到三个字段。 tops字段用于保存新书签的位置,第二个字段用于编辑书签的名称,最后一个字段是description字段。

火狐 safari 书签_如何向Safari书签添加说明

That’s great for any new bookmarks you add, but what about existing ones?


To edit existing bookmarks so that you can add or change their descriptions, you need to use the bookmarks’ sidebar by either clicking the show sidebar button in Safari’s toolbar, or using the keyboard shortcut Command+Control+1.

要编辑现有书签,以便您可以添加或更改其说明,您需要通过单击Safari工具栏中的显示侧边栏按钮或使用键盘快捷键Command + Control + 1来使用书签的侧边栏。

火狐 safari 书签_如何向Safari书签添加说明

Once the sidebar is revealed, you want to double-click on the containing folder, not the actual bookmark. If you double-click on a bookmark, it will simply open it in Safari.

边栏显示后,您要双击包含的文件夹,而不是实际的书签。 如果双击书签,它将仅在Safari中打开。

火狐 safari 书签_如何向Safari书签添加说明

Once the folder is open, the bookmarks contained within it will display in the sidebar and they’ll automatically populate with descriptions containing text from the webpage. These descriptions may work just fine for you, or you may prefer your own custom descriptions.

打开文件夹后,其中包含的书签将显示在边栏中,并且它们会自动填充包含网页文字的描述。 这些描述可能适合您,或者您可能更喜欢自己的自定义描述。

火狐 safari 书签_如何向Safari书签添加说明

For example, let’s say you bookmark a bunch of individual articles for something you’re researching. You might want to keep track of exactly why you bookmarked that page, in essence, leaving notes to yourself.

例如,假设您将一堆单独的文章标记为您正在研究的内容。 从本质上讲,您可能希望跟踪为什么要为该页面添加书签,从而给自己留下笔记。

To edit a bookmark’s description, right-click or Control+click on the bookmark in the sidebar, then click “Edit Description” from the resulting context menu.


火狐 safari 书签_如何向Safari书签添加说明

The bookmark’s description will now be highlighted. Type your custom text and hit Return to save it.

书签的描述现在将突出显示。 输入您的自定义文本,然后单击“返回”以保存它。

火狐 safari 书签_如何向Safari书签添加说明

If you try doing this using Safari’s bookmarks editor, the Edit Description option won’t be available. It’s a little confusing, since the Edit Bookmarks screen seems the obvious way to perform this action, but at least in this version of Safari, the sidebar is the only way to edit bookmark descriptions.

如果您尝试使用Safari的书签编辑器执行此操作,则“编辑描述”选项将不可用。 这有点令人困惑,因为“编辑书签”屏幕似乎是执行此操作的明显方法,但是至少在此版本的Safari中,侧边栏是编辑书签描述的唯一方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/278923/how-to-add-descriptions-to-safari-bookmarks/

火狐 safari 书签