



Outlook’s Reading pane—a.k.a. Preview pane—displays the text of a message you’ve selected, preventing you from having to open the actual message to work with it. Here’s how to customize the Reading pane to suit your needs.

Outlook的“阅读”窗格(也称为“预览”窗格)显示您选择的消息的文本,从而避免您必须打开实际的消息来使用它。 这是自定义“阅读”窗格以适合您的需要的方法。

Outlook comes with several different panes, including those you see by default—the Navigation pane, for example—and others you might not bother with much—like the To-Do and People panes. Each of these is designed to make it easier to find, see, and manage things in Outlook. We’re going be taking a look at these panes throughout several articles, showing you how to access, work with, and customize them. And we’re starting with the Reading pane.

Outlook带有几个不同的窗格,包括默认情况下您看到的窗格(例如,导航窗格),以及您可能不会很烦的其他窗格,例如“待办事项”和“人员”窗格。 每个设计目的都是为了使在Outlook中查找,查看和管理事物变得更加容易。 我们将在几篇文章中介绍这些窗格,向您展示如何访问,使用和自定义它们。 我们从“阅读”窗格开始。

The Reading pane is enabled by default. When you click on a message in any folder, the pane displays the contents of that message, along with basic controls for replying and forwarding the message.

默认情况下,“阅读”窗格处于启用状态。 当您单击任何文件夹中的消息时,窗格将显示该消息的内容以及用于答复和转发该消息的基本控件。


By default, Outlook shows the Reading pane to the right of the folders and messages, but you can change this by going to View > Reading Pane.



Your options are to change the position to “Bottom” (so Outlook shows the Reading pane below messages) or “Off,” which hides the Reading pane. These options apply to the Reading pane no matter what folder you’re in, so you can’t set a different position setting for different folders.

您可以选择将位置更改为“底部”(因此Outlook在消息下方显示“阅读”窗格)或“关闭”,以隐藏“阅读”窗格。 无论您位于哪个文件夹中,这些选项都适用于“阅读”窗格,因此您不能为不同的文件夹设置不同的位置设置。

Setting the pane to “Bottom” means you see fewer messages in the folder, but you see more details about that message and more of its content in the Reading pane. This was the traditional view before the advent of wide-screen monitors, and many people still favor it.

将窗格设置为“底部”意味着您在文件夹中看到的消息较少,但是在“阅读”窗格中看到了有关该消息的更多详细信息及其更多内容。 这是宽屏监视器出现之前的传统观点,许多人仍然喜欢它。

Setting the pane to “Off” maximizes the number of items you can see in the folder, but you don’t see any of the mail content. This is a useful option if you’re clearing out mail, especially if you use it in conjunction with the View > Message Preview function.

将窗格设置为“关”将使您可以在文件夹中看到的项目数量最大化,但是看不到任何邮件内容。 如果您要清除邮件,这是一个有用的选项,尤其是将其与“查看”>“邮件预览”功能结合使用时。


In the standard folder view, Message Preview is turned off. This means that you just see the information shown in the columns in the folder—To, From, Subject, Received, and so on. But if you set Message Preview to 1 Line, 2 Lines, or 3 Lines, you’ll also see 1, 2 or 3 lines of the content of each message, without needing the Reading pane. Some people love this setting; some find it too cluttered. You’ll have to experiment with it to see what you think.

在标准文件夹视图中,“邮件预览”已关闭。 这意味着您只看到文件夹中的列中显示的信息,即收件人,发件人,主题,已接收等。 但是,如果将“消息预览”设置为1行,2行或3行,则还可以在不需要“阅读”窗格的情况下看到每条消息的内容的1、2或3行。 有些人喜欢这种设置。 有些人觉得它太混乱了。 您必须对其进行试验才能看到您的想法。

But the Reading pane does more than show you the contents of your message. It also determines how Outlook marks messages as read and lets you move through your messages using a single key. By default, Outlook marks a mail as “read” once you’ve spent five seconds with it selected, but you can change this by going to View > Reading Pane and selecting “Options.”

但是,“阅读”窗格不仅可以向您显示消息的内容。 它还确定Outlook如何将邮件标记为已读,并允许您使用单个键浏览邮件。 默认情况下,一旦您选择邮件五秒钟,Outlook会将其标记为“已读”,但是您可以通过以下方式更改此方式:转到“查看”>“阅读窗格”,然后选择“选项”。


Of course, this being Outlook, there are other ways to access these options. You can also go to File > Options > Mail > Reading Pane (or Advanced > Reading pane) to open the same options.

当然,这是Outlook,还有其他访问这些选项的方法。 您也可以转到文件>选项>邮件>阅读窗格(或高级>阅读窗格)以打开相同的选项。


Whichever way you choose, the Reading pane window will appear.



Out of the box, Outlook will “Mark items as read when viewed in the Reading Pane” after five seconds. You can change this time to anything from zero (i.e., it’s marked as read immediately when you select it) to 999 seconds. If you want Outlook to wait more than a few seconds then you might prefer the second option, “Mark item as read when the selection changes.” This is an either/or situation: you can tell Outlook to mark items as read after a particular time, or you can tell Outlook to mark items as read when you move to another item, but not both.

开箱即用,五秒钟后,Outlook将“在阅读窗格中查看时将项目标记为已读”。 您可以将此时间更改为从零(即,当您选择它时将其标记为立即读取)到999秒之间的任何时间。 如果您希望Outlook等待几秒钟,那么您可能更喜欢第二个选项,“当选择更改时将项目标记为已读”。 这是一种或一种情况:您可以告诉Outlook在特定时间之后将项目标记为已读,或者可以告诉Outlook在移至另一个项目时将项目标记为已读,但不能同时将两者都标记为已读。

The next option, “Single key reading using space bar” is really useful if you like to navigate using the keyboard. When you reach a message that’s longer than the Reading pane can show, you can hit the space bar to move down a page in that message. When you reach the end of the message, hitting spacebar moves to the next message. This works well in conjunction with using the Up and Down arrows to navigate through your folder—they let you move through the folder, and the spacebar lets you move through the selected message.

如果您想使用键盘进行导航,下一个选项“使用空格键进行单键读取”非常有用。 当收到的消息的长度超过“阅读”窗格可以显示的长度时,可以单击空格键以将该消息中的页面向下移动。 当您到达消息末尾时,单击空格键将移至下一条消息。 与使用“向上”和“向下”箭头在文件夹中导航相结合,效果很好-它们使您可以在文件夹中移动,而空格键则可以在所选消息中移动。

Finally, there is the “Turn on automatic full-screen reading in portrait orientation” option. This is for tablet users, and if it’s switched on then when your tablet is in portrait orientation, clicking a message minimizes the Navigation pane, hides the reading pane, and displays the selected message using the full screen. This won’t work if you select the message using the Up and Down arrows or the spacebar—only if you select the message using the trackpad/mouse or your finger.

最后,有“以纵向打开自动全屏阅读”选项。 这是针对平板电脑用户的,如果已打开,则当您的平板电脑为纵向时,单击消息会最小化“导航”窗格,隐藏阅读窗格,并以全屏显示所选消息。 如果您使用向上和向下箭头或空格键选择消息,则此方法将不起作用-仅当您使用触控板/鼠标或手指选择消息时才有效。

If you’re not working in portrait orientation and you want a little more screen real estate to view your messages, you can switch to Reading mode by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the Outlook window.



This minimizes any other pinned panes—Navigation, To-Do, and People—to let you focus on your messages. You can display the panes again by clicking the Normal mode icon.

这样可以最小化其他固定窗格(“导航”,“待办事项”和“人员”),让您专注于邮件。 您可以通过单击普通模式图标再次显示窗格。


The Reading pane can also help you read messages that are in a smaller than usual font, or if—as we’ve occasionally done—you’ve left your reading glasses at home. Use the Zoom control at the bottom of the Reading pane to increase the size of the contents (or make it smaller if it’s too large).

阅读窗格还可以帮助您阅读比平常字体小的消息,或者(如我们偶尔所做的那样)如果您将阅读眼镜留在家中。 使用“阅读”窗格底部的“缩放”控件来增加内容的大小(如果太大,则使其减小)。


You can also zoom by holding Ctrl while using the scroll wheel on your mouse. This works on a per message basis, so if you increase the size of one message, the zoom level on the next message you select will still be 100%.

您也可以在使用鼠标滚轮的同时按住Ctrl进行缩放。 这在每个消息的基础上起作用,因此,如果增加一条消息的大小,则所选下一条消息的缩放级别仍将为100%。

None of these options work if View > Reading Pane is set to “Off,” though. They only work if the Reading pane is set to “Right” or “Bottom.”

但是,如果将“视图”>“阅读窗格”设置为“关”,则这些选项都不起作用。 仅当“阅读”窗格设置为“右”或“下”时,它们才起作用。

The Reading pane is a simple but fundamental part of the Outlook app, with plenty of useful features to help you shape your reading experience the way you want it. If you’ve traditionally turned it off then now might be a good time to turn it back on and see if it can help make your workflow a little more pleasant and efficient.

阅读窗格是Outlook应用程序中一个简单但基本的部分,具有许多有用的功能,可帮助您以所需的方式塑造阅读体验。 如果您传统上已将其关闭,那么现在可能是重新开启它的好时机,看看它是否有助于使您的工作流程更加愉快和高效。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/394790/how-to-customize-the-reading-pane-in-outlook/
