outlook 禁用不安全_在Outlook 2007中禁用即时搜索

outlook 禁用不安全_在Outlook 2007中禁用即时搜索

outlook 禁用不安全

I know what you are thinking when you read the title of this article… why on earth would you want to disable Instant Search? It’s one of the best new features in Outlook 2007! I agree, but if you are having problems with it you might be curious how to effectively disable it.

当您阅读本文标题时,我知道您在想什么……为什么您要禁用即时搜索? 它是Outlook 2007中最好的新功能之一! 我同意,但是如果您遇到问题,可能会对如何有效禁用它感到好奇。

I personally found this very useful when the Instant Search just completely broke. It returned nothing at all, and I needed to find a message quickly… so I just disabled the index temporarily.

当即时搜索完全中断时,我个人认为这非常有用。 它什么也没返回,我需要快速找到一条消息……所以我只是暂时禁用了索引。

Note: I’m not recommending that you just go and try this. Only use this as a troubleshooting technique, and only if you backup first.

注意:我不建议您去尝试一下。 仅在首先备份时,才将其用作故障排除技术。

Disable Instant Search


Click the tiny drop-down arrow next to the Instant Search box, and then choose Search Options from the menu.


outlook 禁用不安全_在Outlook 2007中禁用即时搜索

You’ll see a list of your data files or .pst files here, and you’ll want to remove the checks next to each one.


outlook 禁用不安全_在Outlook 2007中禁用即时搜索

When you close the dialog you’ll get an extremely wide message telling you that you will need to exit and re-open Outlook.


outlook 禁用不安全_在Outlook 2007中禁用即时搜索

Now when you restart Outlook, the search will work just like the old versions of Outlook did. That’s right, it will be painfully slow.

现在,当您重新启动Outlook时,搜索将像旧版本的Outlook一样工作。 是的,它会很慢。

To reverse these changes you can simply complete the same steps, but make sure to check the boxes. Note that when you re-enable Windows will rebuild the search index again, so it won’t be available for a while.

要撤消这些更改,您只需完成相同的步骤,但请确保选中相应的框。 请注意,当您重新启用Windows时,它将再次重建搜索索引,因此它将在一段时间内不可用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/disabling-instant-search-in-outlook-2007/

outlook 禁用不安全