android mms_如何在Android上通过MMS发送录音

android mms_如何在Android上通过MMS发送录音

android mms

android mms_如何在Android上通过MMS发送录音

Text messaging is great and all, but it’s not always the most efficient way to communicate with another person. In fact, some would argue that voice messaging is the best chat feature you’ve never used. I won’t argue that, but if you’re interested in trying it out for yourself, here’s the best way to do it on your Android phone.

文本消息固然很棒,但并非总是与他人交流的最有效方法。 实际上,有人会认为语音消息传递是您从未使用过的最好的聊天功能 。 我不会争辩,但是如果您有兴趣亲自尝试一下,这是在Android手机上执行此操作的最佳方法。

Now, there are a variety of ways to send someone a voice recording: Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and other popular chat platforms. But today, we’re going to talk about using this feature over MMS instead of just pushing through a traditional text message.

现在,有多种方法可以向某人发送语音记录:Facebook Messenger,WhatsApp和其他流行的聊天平台。 但是今天,我们将讨论通过MMS使用此功能,而不是仅仅推送传统的短信。

I’ll be using Google’s stock messenger app—Android Messages—for this tutorial, but you should be able to somewhat follow along in others as well. But be warned: your preferred messaging app may not support voice over MMS, in which case you should probably just switch apps—Messages is really good.

在本教程中,我将使用Google的股票通讯应用程序Android Messages ,但您也应该能够在其他方面有所作为。 但请注意:您首选的消息传递应用程序可能不支持MMS语音,在这种情况下,您可能应该只切换应用程序-消息确实不错。

With Messages fired up and the conversation loaded, tap the little “+” button on the left side of the text input box.

启动消息并加载对话后,点击文本输入框左侧的小“ +”按钮。

android mms_如何在Android上通过MMS发送录音

From there, tap the little microphone in the bottom row. If you’ve never used this feature before, you’ll have to grant Messages permission to record audio.

从那里,点击底部一排的小麦克风。 如果您以前从未使用过此功能,则必须授予Messages录制音频的权限。

android mms_如何在Android上通过MMS发送录音
android mms_如何在Android上通过MMS发送录音

With that, just press and hold the button to record your message. There is a limit as to how long you can make the message, of course, so brevity is generally the best policy here.

这样,只需按住按钮即可记录您的信息。 当然,可以发送消息的时间是有限制的,因此简短起见通常是最好的策略。

android mms_如何在Android上通过MMS发送录音

Once you’re finished with the recording, it’ll automatically be dropped into the text box. You can even include some text if you’d like—the best of both worlds, y’all.

录制完成后,它将自动添加到文本框中。 如果您愿意的话,甚至可以添加一些文本,这是两全其美的方法。

android mms_如何在Android上通过MMS发送录音

And that’s really all there is to it.


android mms_如何在Android上通过MMS发送录音


android mms