spotify 管理_如何在Spotify中管理协作播放列表

spotify 管理_如何在Spotify中管理协作播放列表

spotify 管理

spotify 管理_如何在Spotify中管理协作播放列表

Got a big party coming up, but don’t want to leave the DJ duties to just one person? Thanks to Spotify’s collaborative playlist feature, you can be sure that no matter what taste in music might suit the mood best, everyone will get their say.

参加了一场大型聚会,但不想将DJ职责留给一个人吗? 借助Spotify的协作播放列表功能,您可以确保无论音乐中的哪种口味都最适合您的心情,每个人都可以发表自己的意见。

To start a collaborative playlist, begin by opening up your Spotify client on a PC, Mac, or a compatible mobile device. Next, you can either create an entirely new playlist from scratch, or take an existing playlist and add more people to the fray.

要启动协作播放列表,请首先在PC,Mac或兼容的移动设备上打开Spotify客户端。 接下来,您可以从头开始创建一个全新的播放列表,也可以采用现有的播放列表并将更多人加入竞争。

创建协作播放列表 (Create a Collaborative Playlist)

In this example, we’ll be creating a new playlist designed for our upcoming “party”:


spotify 管理_如何在Spotify中管理协作播放列表

After the playlist has been created, right click on it in the sidebar and choose the option for a “Collaborative Playlist”.


spotify 管理_如何在Spotify中管理协作播放列表
spotify 管理_如何在Spotify中管理协作播放列表

If the process was successful, the new collaborative playlist will be denoted by a small circle seen just above the playlist’s name in your sidebar that looks something like this: .


邀请和与您的朋友分享 (Invite and Share With Your Friends)

To invite new users to add their own songs, right-click on the playlist one more time, and open up the share prompt by clicking the “Share” option.


spotify 管理_如何在Spotify中管理协作播放列表

Once here, you can either add friends from your Spotify account, or if your Facebook handle is attached, anyone who’s linked to that account.


spotify 管理_如何在Spotify中管理协作播放列表

After it’s been shared, anyone with access will now have the option to add, delete, or modify the order of any songs contained within that specific playlist!


spotify 管理_如何在Spotify中管理协作播放列表

Collaborative playlists can be a fun and easy way to share, create, and coordinate with friends on what you think the best music of the moment might be.


Image Credits: Wikimedia

图片来源: Wikimedia


spotify 管理