亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

So you just got an Amazon Echo, either from the recent sales or the holidays. Let’s take a look at how to set it up and some useful things you can task your Echo with.

因此,您可以从最近的销售或假期中得到一个Amazon Echo 。 让我们看一下如何设置它,以及一些可用于执行Echo的有用的事情。

什么是亚马逊回声? (What Is the Amazon Echo?)

Simply put, the Echo is a voice-controlled virtual assistant that lets you control smarthome devices, check the weather, play music, get news updates, and more.


RELATED: Which Amazon Echo Should I Buy? Echo vs. Dot vs. Show vs. Plus and More

相关: 我应该购买哪个Amazon Echo? 回声vs.点vs.表演vs.Plus等

There are a handful of different Echo models that you can choose from. The main Echo is the $99 version which comes with a decent speaker for the price. There’s also the cheaper $50 Echo Dot on the lower end (which comes with laptop-quality sound in a smaller package), and on the higher end is the $150 Echo Plus, which has a built-in smarthome hub and a slightly better speaker than the $99 model. You can also get Echos that have screens on them, like the Echo Show and Echo Spot.

您可以选择几种不同的Echo模型。 主要的Echo是99美元的版本 ,带有一个价格合适的扬声器。 在低端也有便宜的$ 50 Echo Dot (在较小的包装中带有笔记本电脑质量的声音),而在高端有$ 150 Echo Plus ,它具有内置的智能家居集线器和比扬声器更好的扬声器。 99美元的型号。 您还可以获得带有屏幕的Echo ,例如Echo ShowEcho Spot

Before we set the Echo up and play around with it, though, let’s take a quick tour of the physical device and its buttons. In this guide, we’ll be setting up the regular Echo model, but setting any of them works pretty much the same.

但是,在设置和使用Echo之前,让我们快速浏览一下物理设备及其按钮。 在本指南中,我们将设置常规的Echo模型,但设置它们中的任何一个都几乎相同。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

As far as physical manipulation goes, there are three things on the Echo you can mess with: the microphone button (which toggles the listening feature on and off), the action button (which, when tapped, summons Alexa without having to say anything), and the volume buttons. On the Echo Plus (and the previous-generation Echos) there’s a volume ring around the edge, rather than volume buttons.

就物理操纵而言,Echo上您可以弄三件事:麦克风按钮(用于打开和关闭监听功能),动作按钮(在点击时可以召唤Alexa,而不必说任何话) ,以及音量按钮。 在Echo Plus(和上一代Echos)上,边缘周围有一个音量环,而不是音量按钮。

RELATED: How to Get the Most Out of Your Amazon Echo

相关: 如何充分利用您的Amazon Echo

Other than the buttons, there’s also an audio-out port on all the latest Echo devices (next to the power port at the bottom) so that you can plug a more-powerful speaker into them.


With the brief overview of the physical side of things out of the way, let’s take a look at how to set up your Echo.


设置你的回声 (Setting Up Your Echo)

To help minimize Alexa belting out instructions at you, the first step (before you even unpack and plug the Echo in) is to grab the Amazon Alexa app for your phone or tablet (iOS/Android). Once you have the app downloaded, hold off on launching it right now.

为帮助最大程度地减少Alexa的使用说明,第一步(甚至在打开包装并插入Echo之前)就是为您的手机或平板电脑( iOS / Android )抢购Amazon Alexa应用。 下载完应用程序后,请暂不启动它。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

Plug in your Amazon Echo. The indicator ring around the top will flash blue then switch to a rotating orange color (as shown above). This indicates it’s ready to be configured. If you miss this window and it starts complaining (and the ring turns purple), hold down the action button (the button opposite the mute button) for about five seconds until the ring turns orange again.

插入您的Amazon Echo。 顶部周围的指示灯环将闪烁蓝色,然后切换为旋转的橙色(如上所示)。 这表明已准备好进行配置。 如果您错过了该窗口,并且开始抱怨(并且铃声变成紫色),请按住操作按钮(静音按钮对面的按钮)约五秒钟,直到铃声再次变为橙色。

Once the Echo is fully powered up and in the orange configuration mode, pull out your smartphone and open up the Wi-Fi settings. Like many smarthome products, the Echo requires you to connect directly to it during the configuration process in order to set it up.

Echo完全通电并进入橙色配置模式后,拉出智能手机并打开Wi-Fi设置。 与许多智能家居产品一样,Echo要求您在配置过程中直接连接到它以进行设置。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

As shown above, select the Echo’s Wi-Fi connection, which will be something like “Amazon-53N” or some other number and letter combo, and connect to it.

如上所示,选择Echo的Wi-Fi连接(类似于“ Amazon-53N”或其他一些数字和字母组合),然后连接到它。

Then, you can launch the Alexa app to begin the setup and you should see this screen:


亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

Select which type of Echo you’re setting up. The app should jump right into the configuration process, but if it doesn’t, switch to the “Devices” tab on the bottom right. If you personally purchased the Echo on your Amazon account, then you should see something like “[Your Name]’s Echo” on the list and you can select that.

选择您要设置的回声类型。 该应用程序应直接跳入配置过程,如果没有,请切换到右下角的“设备”标签。 如果您是通过自己的Amazon帐户购买的Echo,那么您应该在列表中看到类似“ [您的名字]的Echo”的信息,然后可以选择它。

If you got an Echo as a gift or don’t see your device there, tap the “+” button at the top right to set up a new device and then tap “Add Device” to confirm.

如果您收到了回声作为礼物或在那儿看不到设备,请点击右上角的“ +”按钮以设置新设备,然后点击“添加设备”进行确认。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo
亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

On the Setup screen, choose “Amazon Echo” and that will take you to the screen where you can choose which device you’re setting up.

在“设置”屏幕上,选择“ Amazon Echo”,这将带您进入屏幕,您可以在其中选择要设置的设备。

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo
亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

Once you’re at the point where you’re connected to the Echo with the app up and running, the rest is pretty easy. Type in your Amazon account login credentials, agree to the Alexa user conditions (e.g. that you’re OK with your voice being sent to Amazon to be analyzed for commands and service improvements), and then select your Wi-Fi network from the list of networks the Echo can detect.

一旦您可以在应用程序启动并运行的情况下连接到Echo,剩下的事情就很容易了。 输入您的Amazon帐户登录凭证,同意Alexa用户条件(例如,您可以将声音发送到Amazon以进行命令和服务改进进行分析),然后从以下列表中选择您的Wi-Fi网络: Echo可以检测到的网络。

Once you’ve connected your Echo to your home’s Wi-Fi network, you’re ready to start using it. Let’s take a look at how to talk to Alexa and then how to customize your Echo experience.

将Echo连接到家庭的Wi-Fi网络后,就可以开始使用它了。 让我们看看如何与Alexa交谈,然后如何自定义您的Echo体验。

召唤Alexa (Summoning Alexa)

亚马逊echo中国使用_如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

The Echo is programmed to respond to a “wake word”, which is “Alexa” by default (but you can change the wake word if need be). Anytime you say the word “Alexa”, you’ll see the light ring atop the Echo light up blue. You can then follow that up with a command or inquiry.

Echo被编程为响应一个“唤醒词”,默认情况下为“ Alexa”(但是您可以根据需要更改唤醒词 )。 每当您说出“ Alexa”一词时,您都会看到Echo顶部的光环变成蓝色。 然后,您可以执行命令或查询。

There is one command we want you to know and have down pat, though: “Alexa, stop.” At some point you’re going to ask Alexa to do something that leads to a lot of chatter or noise and you’ll definitely want a way to quiet things down. It’s also how you get music to stop playing, and how to stop alarms and timers when they go off.

不过,我们有一个命令希望您知道并轻拍一下:“ Alexa,停下来。” 在某个时候,您将要求Alexa做一些会引起很多chat不休或噪音的事情,并且您肯定会想办法让事情安静下来。 这也是您如何停止播放音乐,以及如何在闹钟响起时停止闹钟和计时器

你可以做的事 (Things You Can Do)

Now that you know how to summon Alexa and put the brakes on whatever racket she might unleash, let’s take a look at some of the fun things you can do with Alexa to get you started.


播放音乐 (Play Music)

Although playing music through a speaker is the least futuristic use of the Echo unit, it is one of the most fun, and you’ll likely find yourself using it fairly often. By default, your Amazon Echo is tapped into your Amazon Prime account and gives you access to both the music you’ve purchased through Amazon as well as the vast library of free Prime music. You can also link your Spotify or Pandora account and use that instead, as well as play music on multiple Echos at once. Just say something like:

尽管通过扬声器播放音乐是Echo单元的未来派使用最少,但它却是最有趣的一种,您可能会发现自己经常使用它。 默认情况下,您的Amazon Echo将进入您的Amazon Prime帐户,并允许您访问通过Amazon购买的音乐以及庞大的免费P​​rime音乐库。 您还可以关联您的Spotify或Pandora帐户并使用它,并一次在多个Echo上播放音乐 。 只需说一句话:

Alexa, play [music genre]


Alexa, play [your playlist name]


Alexa, play [band]


Alexa, play [song] by [band]


Alexa, play [station] on [streaming service]


Alexa, what’s playing?


You can issue commands like “Alexa, play Christmas music” and Alexa will spin up a Christmas music playlist. If you’ve created personal playlists, you can also call up those playlists by name like “Alexa, play my Rainy Day playlist”. You can also play music via band and song name like “Alexa, play Rush” or “Alexa, play Spirit of the Radio by Rush”.

您可以发出“ Alexa,播放圣诞节音乐”之类的命令,Alexa将启动圣诞节音乐播放列表。 如果您已经创建了个人播放列表,则还可以通过诸如“ Alexa,播放我的雨天播放列表”之类的名称来调用这些播放列表。 您还可以通过乐队和歌曲名称播放音乐,例如“ Alexa,播放Rush”或“ Alexa,播放Rush 的无线电精神 ”。

进行查询,获取转化并询问琐事 (Make Inquiries, Get Conversions, and Ask Trivia)

Just behind music playback, the most popular thing around the office is asking Alexa questions. You can query Alexa on a broad range of topics and she’ll either give you a direct response or, if the inquiry is not part of her database, she’ll (just like Siri) give you the search results for what you asked about. Here are a few of the useful things you can ask Alexa:

在音乐播放的背后,办公室里最受欢迎的事情是问Alexa问题。 您可以查询广泛的主题的Alexa,她可以直接给您答复,或者,如果查询不属于她的数据库,她(就像Siri一样)可以为您提供有关您所查询内容的搜索结果。 您可以询问Alexa一些有用的信息:

Alexa, what’s the weather like? (If you want weather outside your zip code, just add “in [city name]”)

Alexa,天气如何? (如果您想在邮政编码之外输入天气,只需在“ [城市名称]中添加”)

Alexa, what’s the news today?


Alexa, what is 295 x 5?

Alexa,什么是295 x 5?

Alexa, what time is it in [city/state/country]?


Alexa, Wikipedia [topic] (you’ll get a brief summary and then a link to the full Wikipedia entry in then Alexa app)

Alexa,Wikipedia [主题](您将获得一个简短的摘要,然后链接到当时Alexa应用程序中完整的Wikipedia条目)

Alexa, how do you spell [word]?


Alexa, how many cups are in a gallon? (This, and other straight forward conversion questions, are easy for Alexa)

Alexa,一加仑有几杯? (这和其他直接转换问题对于Alexa来说很容易)

Alexa, who won the 1979 Super Bowl? (this, and other trivia questions with a clear answer, usually work quite well)

Alexa,谁赢得了1979年超级杯? (此答案以及其他具有明确答案的琐事问题,通常效果很好)

列出购物清单和待办事项 (Make Shopping and To-Do Lists)

Music playback is great (and as we noted the audio quality is very high) and asking Alexa trivia questions is fun, but if you’re productivity-minded, the list functionality is handy. You can use the following simple commands to create lists and add things to those lists:

音乐播放效果很棒(而且正如我们提到的,音频质量非常高),询问Alexa琐事问题很有趣,但是如果您注重生产力,则列表功能很方便。 您可以使用以下简单命令创建列表并将内容添加到这些列表中:

Alexa, create a new list.


Alexa, add [item] to my shopping list.


Alexa, read my shopping list.


While it’s very convenient to have Alexa read the lists to you, don’t worry, as the lists are also transcribed for you in the Alexa app. Every item you add is stored in the app, as seen above, so you can reference it while you’re running errands.

虽然让Alexa为您阅读列表非常方便,但是请放心,因为列表也可以在Alexa应用程序中为您转录。 如上所示,您添加的每个项目都存储在应用程序中,因此您可以在执行任务时引用它。

自定义您的回声体验 (Customizing Your Echo Experience)

Once you’ve got some voice commands in the bank, you may want to move onto customizing your Echo experience by adjusting some settings and downloading Alexa skills.


RELATED: How to Fine Tune Weather, Traffic, and Sports Updates on Your Amazon Echo

相关: 如何在Amazon Echo上微调天气,交通和体育更新

You can customize settings on your Echo by opening the Alexa app and navigating to the main menu, selecting “Settings”, and then scrolling down to the “Accounts” section. There you’ll find options for a variety of things like music (where you can link your Echo to your Spotify or Pandora account), “Flash Briefing” (where you can change the source for your daily news briefings), “Sports Update” (where you can change which team you follow in the MLB, NBA, and NFL), and other settings, like the route for your traffic updates and linking your calendar.

您可以通过打开Alexa应用程序并导航到主菜单,选择“设置”,然后向下滚动到“帐户”部分,在Echo上自定义设置。 您可以在其中找到各种选项,例如音乐(可以将Echo链接到Spotify或Pandora帐户),“ Flash简报”(可以在其中更改每日新闻简报的来源),“体育更新” (您可以在其中更改要在MLB,NBA和NFL中关注的球队)和其他设置,例如路况更新路线和日历链接

There are also Alexa Skills, which add more functionality to your Echo thanks to third-party developers. You can access the skills store by heading to the main menu and tapping on “Skills”. From there, you can download all sorts off different skills, from ambient rain sounds all the way to skills that let you control smarthome devices.

还有Alexa Skills ,这要归功于第三方开发人员,为您的Echo增加了更多功能。 您可以通过转到主菜单并点击“技能”来访问技能库。 从那里,您可以下载各种不同的技能,从周围的雨声一直到可以控制智能家居设备的技能。

