amazon s3 上传_如何将您的音乐收藏上传到Amazon Music(以便您可以从Echo播放)

amazon s3 上传_如何将您的音乐收藏上传到Amazon Music(以便您可以从Echo播放)

amazon s3 上传

amazon s3 上传_如何将您的音乐收藏上传到Amazon Music(以便您可以从Echo播放)

Although there’s something to be said for the convenience of streaming music services, there’s also something to be said for enjoying music from your personal collection, especially if it involves rare or obscure stuff not found on the streaming services. If you want to be able to access your personal music library online—for example, if you want to play it through the Amazon Echo—you can upload all your songs to Amazon Music for access anywhere.

尽管为了方便流媒体音乐服务而要说些什么,但是要欣赏您个人收藏中的音乐也要说些什么,尤其是当它涉及流媒体服务中没有的稀有或晦涩的东西时。 如果您希望能够在线访问您的个人音乐库(例如,如果要通过Amazon Echo进行播放),则可以将所有歌曲上传到Amazon Music,以便在任何地方访问。

Update: Unfortunately, Amazon is shutting this service down on January 15, 2018. But if you upload your music now, it will stay available for streaming until January 2019, so do it now!


Sure, you could get your personal music pumping through your Echo by pairing your phone with the Echo via Bluetooth, but you won’t get to control the music with your voice, which is the whole point of the Echo in the first place. For most people, Google Play is probably a better bet for uploading your music—since it’s free for 50,000 songs. But if you want integration with the Amazon Echo, you’ll have to go with Amazon’s music service.

当然,通过将手机与通过蓝牙的Echo配对可以使您的个人音乐通过Echo传递,但是您将无法用声音来控制音乐,这首先就是Echo的重点。 对于大多数人来说,Google Play可能是上传音乐的更好选择,因为它可以免费提供50,000首歌曲。 但是,如果您想与Amazon Echo集成,则必须使用Amazon的音乐服务。

Unfortunately, you’ll probably have to pay up for that privilege. Dveryone gets storage space for 250 songs free with their Amazon account, but if you want to upload more than 250 songs, you’ll need an Amazon Music Unlimited account ($7.99 a month for Prime members, $9.99 a month for everyone else). The Unlimited account not only gives you access to tens of millions of streaming songs, but it also boosts your personal storage limit from 250 to 250,000 songs.

不幸的是,您可能必须为此特权付出代价。 Dveryone可以通过其Amazon帐户免费存储250首歌曲的存储空间,但是如果您要上传250首以上的歌曲,则需要一个Amazon Music Unlimited帐户(Prime会员每月7.99美元,其他所有人每月9.99美元)。 无限帐户不仅使您可以访问数千万首流媒体歌曲,而且还可以将您的个人存储限制从250首提高到250,000首。

That said, any music you’ve bought on Amazon does not count toward that storage. That doesn’t just apply to MP3s, either—many physical media purchases on Amazon are eligible for their “AutoRip” service. This means that even if you got a CD or vinyl record in the mail, a digital copy of that album was probably automatically added to your Amazon Music collection (whether you realized it or not) and does not count against your personal storage quota. To see all your purchased Amazon music (including the AutoRip uploads), simply log into your Amazon account and look under My Music > Purchased in Amazon Music. Any music you see here you don’t need upload.

也就是说,您在亚马逊上购买的任何音乐均不会计入该存储空间。 这也不仅仅适用于MP3,在亚马逊上购买的许多实体媒体都有资格获得其“ AutoRip”服务。 这意味着,即使您的邮件中有CD或黑胶唱片,该专辑的数字副本也可能会自动添加到您的Amazon Music收藏中(无论您是否意识到),并且不会计入您的个人存储配额。 要查看所有购买的Amazon音乐(包括AutoRip上传的音乐),只需登录您的Amazon帐户,然后在“我的音乐”>“在Amazon Music中购买”下查看。 您在此处看到的所有音乐都不需要上传。

Convinced? Here’s how to upload your music. First, swing by the Amazon Music App download page and click on “Download Desktop App” to download a copy of the Music uploader for your operating system.

说服了吗这是上传音乐的方法。 首先,转到Amazon Music App下载页面,然后单击“下载桌面应用程序”以下载适用于您的操作系统的Music uploader的副本。

amazon s3 上传_如何将您的音乐收藏上传到Amazon Music(以便您可以从Echo播放)

Run the installer. Once the installation is complete and the installed application has auto run, plug in your Amazon credentials and sign in.

运行安装程序。 安装完成并且已安装的应用程序已自动运行后,插入您的Amazon凭证并登录。

amazon s3 上传_如何将您的音乐收藏上传到Amazon Music(以便您可以从Echo播放)

Once logged in you’ll see an iTunes-esque interface with suggested music and so on, as seen below, with a toolbar off to the right hand side.


amazon s3 上传_如何将您的音乐收藏上传到Amazon Music(以便您可以从Echo播放)

There, you’ll find a subsection of the “Actions” menu labeled “Upload (Drag & drop here)” and “Upload (Select Music)”.


amazon s3 上传_如何将您的音乐收藏上传到Amazon Music(以便您可以从Echo播放)

Both are perfectly valid ways to send music to your Amazon Music cloud storage. You can drop and drop music files onto the upper button or you can click the lower button and manually select files or entire folders to upload using your operating system’s file explorer. We’ll take advantage of the ease of drag and drop now to send a piece of music history, the Fraggle Rockin’ : A Collection box set to the cloud.

两种都是将音乐发送到Amazon Music云存储的完美有效方法。 您可以将音乐文件拖放到上方的按钮上,也可以单击下方的按钮并使用操作系统的文件浏览器手动选择要上传的文件或整个文件夹。 现在,我们将利用拖放的便捷性来发送一段音乐历史记录,即Fraggle Rockin':将收藏盒设置到云端。

amazon s3 上传_如何将您的音乐收藏上传到Amazon Music(以便您可以从Echo播放)
53 songs about Fraggle Rock? We wish there were 5,300.
53首有关Fraggle Rock的歌曲? 我们希望有5,300。

Once the upload process has started, you can click on the button again to view the progress of the upload.


amazon s3 上传_如何将您的音乐收藏上传到Amazon Music(以便您可以从Echo播放)

Once the upload process is complete, your songs will now be accessible both through any Amazon Music app on any of your devices as well as (and most importantly) through Alexa. You can now go to any of your Alexa-enabled devices like your Echo and issue commands like “Alexa, play [uploaded album name]” or “Alexa, play [uploaded song name]” and she will spool up the song just as fluidly as she would from a streaming service with a bonus—the bonus being there’s no “now playing [song name] from Prime Music” before your personal music, the song just simply starts.

上传过程完成后,您现在可以通过任何设备上的任何Amazon Music应用以及(最重要的是)通过Alexa来访问您的歌曲。 现在,您可以转到任何支持Alexa的设备(例如Echo),并发出“ Alexa,播放[上传的专辑名称]”或“ Alexa,播放[上传的歌曲名称] ”命令,然后她将流畅地处理歌曲就像她从流媒体服务中获得奖金一样-奖金是在您的个人音乐之前没有“现在正在播放Prime音乐中的[歌曲名称]”,这首歌就只是开始了。

The music is immediately accessible too (no scanning or analysis required). We issued the command “Alexa, play the Doozer Knitting Song” immediately after the upload process was complete and the song spun up, complete with a matching confirmation card in our dashboard:

音乐也可以立即访问(无需扫描或分析)。 在上传过程完成并且歌曲被旋转后,我们立即发出了命令“ Alexa,播放Doozer编织歌曲”,并在仪表板中显示了匹配的确认卡:

amazon s3 上传_如何将您的音乐收藏上传到Amazon Music(以便您可以从Echo播放)
Did Alexa do what we wanted? Does a Doozer love working? Yes and yes.
Alexa做了我们想要的吗? 杜泽喜欢工作吗? 是的,是的。

At this point you’re ready to enjoy your personal music collection through your Echo and with the full power of Alexa-driven voice control. Simply repeat the simple uploading process to add more music to your Amazon Music account and enjoy.

此时,您已经准备好通过Echo享受Alexa驱动的语音控制的全部功能,欣赏个人音乐收藏了。 只需重复简单的上传过程即可将更多音乐添加到您的Amazon Music帐户并欣赏。


amazon s3 上传