如何下载安装Google Chrome脱机安装程序?

Google Chrome is the most popular browser in the world. One of the first things people do after installing an operating system is installing Google Chrome to their computers. By default Google Chrome is provided as an Online Installer. In this tutorial, we will learn how to download and install Google Chrome as offline.

Google Chrome浏览器是世界上最受欢迎的浏览器。 人们在安装操作系统后要做的第一件事就是在自己的计算机上安装Google Chrome。 默认情况下,Google Chrome作为在线安装程序提供。 在本教程中,我们将学习如何离线下载和安装Google Chrome。

何时使用Google离线安装程序? (When To Use Google Offline Installer?)

Well, Google Online Installer provides the installation files in a practical way. But there are some useful situations which make Google Offline Installer better.

好的,Google Online Installer以实用的方式提供了安装文件。 但是,在某些有用的情况下,Google脱机安装程序会变得更好。

  • When there is no internet we can use the offline installer

  • When the internet connection is very limited we can use the offline installer

  • When the internet connection quota is limited we can use the offline installer

  • When we need old versions of the Google Chrome we should use offline installer because the online installer will install the latest updated version.

    当我们需要旧版本的Google Chrome浏览器时,我们应该使用离线安装程序,因为在线安装程序将安装最新的更新版本。

Google Chrome离线安装程序下载 (Google Chrome Offline Installer Download)

We ca download the Google Chrome Offline Installer with the following link.

我们可以通过以下链接下载Google Chrome脱机安装程序。



如何下载安装Google Chrome脱机安装程序?
Google Chrome Offline Installer Download
Google Chrome离线安装程序下载
如何下载安装Google Chrome脱机安装程序?

We can download the Google Chrome Offline installer from different URL’s below you can find the Google Chrome Offline installer from the Google Cloud.

我们可以从下面的其他URL下载Google Chrome脱机安装程序,您可以从Google Cloud中找到Google Chrome脱机安装程序。



如何下载安装Google Chrome脱机安装程序?
Google Chrome Offline Installer Download
Google Chrome离线安装程序下载

We can see that both 32 and 64-bit versions are included for the Windows operating systems. If we require older versions of the Google Chrome Offline installer we can use the File Hippo portal from the following link.

我们可以看到Windows操作系统同时包含32位和64位版本。 如果我们需要较旧版本的Google Chrome脱机安装程序,则可以通过以下链接使用File Hippo门户。



如何下载安装Google Chrome脱机安装程序?
Google Chrome Offline Archive/Older Versions
Google Chrome离线存档/旧版本

Google Chrome离线安装(Google Chrome Offline Install)

We will click to the downloaded offline installer. We will click yes in order to start installation process with Administrative privileges.

我们将单击下载的脱机安装程序。 我们将单击“是”以使用“管理”特权开始安装过程。

如何下载安装Google Chrome脱机安装程序?
Admin Privileges

We will see the following installation message.


如何下载安装Google Chrome脱机安装程序?
Google Chrome Installing
Google Chrome安装

When the installation is completed we will see the following screen with the message Installation complete.. Then we can click to the Close button and starting using Google Chrome

安装完成后,我们将看到以下屏幕,显示消息“ Installation complete. 。 然后,我们可以单击“ Close按钮并开始使用Google Chrome

如何下载安装Google Chrome脱机安装程序?
Google Chrome Installation Complete
Google Chrome安装完成

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/how-to-download-install-google-chrome-offline-installer/