

For 5 years, freeCodeCamp has been helping millions to learn to code!


The low cost has opened up a world of opportunity to those that could not afford a bootcamp or the many expensive courses available. However, there has been one barrier to entry for some - the necessity to use a laptop / desktop PC.

低成本为那些无法负担训练营或许多昂贵课程的人开辟了机会的世界。 但是,对于某些人来说,存在一个进入壁垒-使用笔记本电脑/台式机的必要性。

Coding on freeCodeCamp has been possible on a mobile device, but it's never been a comfortable experience - until today!


With the 5th birthday of freeCodeCamp comes a wonderful gift to the developer community: the new Command Line Chic interface, which includes a far superior mobile experience than has previously been available.

在freeCodeCamp成立5周年之际,给开发者社区带来了一份奇妙的礼物:新的Command Line Chic界面,它包含了比以前更出色的移动体验。

The new responsive command line chic interface, with a clean mobile text editor

充分利用移动编码 (Making the most of mobile coding)

Maybe you've tried using your mobile device for coding on freeCodeCamp before and noticed an annoying bug - it's impossible to delete things properly!


If you have encountered this, the cause of the problem is simple - your keyboard suggestions are treating the individual characters as longer strings. I haven't investigated this in detail, but my intuition is that it's deleting the html entity code.

如果遇到这种情况,则问题的原因很简单-键盘建议将单个字符视为较长的字符串。 我没有对此进行详细调查,但是我的直觉是它正在删除html实体代码。

The fix is simple - turn off auto suggestions, or better yet use a dedicated coding keyboard for your device.


This has the added benefit of making they keys you use often for programming (but not natural language) more easily available, such as brackets, braces and other special characters.


您的移动设备的编码键盘 (Coding keyboards for your mobile device)

CodeBoard for Andoid

CodeBoard for Android provides a packed keyboard of all the keys you are likely to need while completing the freeCodeCamp curriculum. The board is a little too crowded on a phone (although I still use it and have gotten used to it), but on a tablet it is a perfect companion.

适用于Android的CodeBoard提供了一个打包的键盘,其中包含您完成freeCodeCamp课程时可能需要的所有键。 平板在电话上有点拥挤(尽管我仍然使用它并且已经习惯了),但是在平板电脑上,它是一个完美的伴侣。

DevKey for iOs

DevKey for iOs presents a much less crowded interface, while still providing most of the keys you are likely to need. I can't personally endorse this, since I do not have an iPhone - but needless to say it presents a better experience for mobile coding than the standard keyboards.

适用于iO的DevKey呈现的界面不那么拥挤,同时仍提供了您可能需要的大多数**。 由于我没有iPhone,因此我个人不能认可这一点-但不用说,与标准键盘相比,它为移动编码提供了更好的体验。

随时随地编码! (Coding on the go!)

Now that you've supercharged your mobile learning environment, you can take those freeCodeCamp lessons with you wherever you go, without the need for a clunky laptop hotspotting off your phone.


One thing that I'm really looking forward to is using the new interface and my mobile set-up to increase my participation on the freeCodeCamp forum! I've always primarily engaged with the forum on my phone, but have struggled to help with coding challenges due to the previously poor mobile experience. Now, you can expect to get even more help from me and hopefully others!

我真正期待的一件事是使用新界面和移动设备设置来增加我对freeCodeCamp论坛的参与! 我一直主要通过手机参与该论坛,但是由于以前的移动体验较差,因此一直难以帮助应对编码挑战。 现在,您可以期望从我以及其他人那里获得更多帮助!

Happy birthday, freeCodeCamp, and happy coding, y'all!


You can follow my more informal tech ramblings on Twitter @JacksonBates!

您可以在Twitter @JacksonBates上关注我更多非正式的技术话题

