cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏搜索/ Cortana框和任务视图按钮

cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏搜索/ Cortana框和任务视图按钮


cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏搜索/ Cortana框和任务视图按钮

Windows 10 adds a bit more to the taskbar: now, you can search (or use Cortana) without pressing the Start button, and you can click a “Task View” button to see all your windows. Don’t want these taking up space? Here’s how to hide them.

Windows 10向任务栏添加了更多内容:现在,您无需按“开始”按钮即可搜索(或使用Cortana),还可以单击“任务视图”按钮查看所有窗口。 不想这些占用空间吗? 隐藏它们的方法如下。

Cortana is a digital assistant that goes beyond the Windows Search feature and helps you find more than what’s on your computer. It can help you find facts, places, and info. It can also give you reminders, track packages, send emails and texts, and help you manage you calendar. Cortana also performs normal search functions on your computer. However, if you don’t want to use Cortana, you can disable it through the registry and return to the standard Windows Search feature. But either way, that box will still be on your taskbar.

Cortana是一种数字助理,它不仅具有Windows搜索功能,还可以帮助您找到比计算机上更多的内容。 它可以帮助您找到事实,地点和信息。 它还可以为您提供提醒,跟踪包裹,发送电子邮件和文本,以及帮助您管理日历。 Cortana还会在您的计算机上执行常规搜索功能。 但是,如果您不想使用Cortana,则可以通过注册表将其禁用,然后返回到标准Windows搜索功能。 但是无论哪种方式,该框仍将在任务栏上。

If you don’t want that box taking up space, you can hide it. There’s also a Task View button that provides access to Windows 10’s virtual desktops feature that you can hide as well.

如果您不希望该框占用空间,则可以将其隐藏。 还有一个“任务视图”按钮,可以访问Windows 10的虚拟桌面功能,您也可以隐藏它。

如何隐藏搜索/ Cortana框 (How to Hide the Search/Cortana Box)

To hide the Search/Cortana box, right-click on any empty part of the Taskbar and select “Cortana” (or “Search”) > “Hidden” from the popup menu.

要隐藏“搜索/ Cortana”框,请右键单击任务栏的任何空白部分,然后从弹出菜单中选择“ Cortana”(或“搜索”)>“隐藏”。

cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏搜索/ Cortana框和任务视图按钮

The box will disappear from the Taskbar.


cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏搜索/ Cortana框和任务视图按钮

If you want access to the Search box, but you don’t want the box taking up room on the Taskbar when you’re not using it, you can display just the Search/Cortana icon on the Taskbar, which you can then click to access the Search panel. To show just the icon on the Taskbar, right-click on any empty space on the Taskbar and select “Cortana” (or “Search”) > “Show Cortana icon” (or “Show search icon”).

如果要访问“搜索”框,但又不想在不使用它时占用任务栏上的空间,则可以仅在任务栏上显示“搜索/ Cortana”图标,然后单击即可。访问搜索面板。 要仅在任务栏上显示图标,请右键单击任务栏上的任何空白区域,然后选择“ Cortana”(或“搜索”)>“ Show Cortana图标”(或“ Show search icon”)。

cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏搜索/ Cortana框和任务视图按钮

The icon will appear on the Taskbar where the Search/Cortana box was. Just click on it to start searching.

图标将出现在“搜索/ Cortana”框所在的任务栏上。 只需单击它即可开始搜索。

cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏搜索/ Cortana框和任务视图按钮

如何隐藏任务视图按钮 (How to Hide the Task View Button)

The Task View is a new feature added to Windows 10 that allows you to create virtual desktops so you can categorize your open programs. It’s very useful if you have a lot of programs open at once. The Task View button is available on the Taskbar to the right of the Search/Cortana box.

任务视图是Windows 10中新增的一项功能,可让您创建虚拟桌面,以便对打开的程序进行分类。 如果您一次打开很多程序,这将非常有用。 “任务视图”按钮位于“搜索/ Cortana”框右侧的任务栏上。

cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏搜索/ Cortana框和任务视图按钮

If you don’t use virtual desktops, you can remove the Task View button from the Taskbar. To do this, right-click on any empty area of the Taskbar and select “Show Task View Button” from the popup menu.

如果您不使用虚拟桌面,则可以从任务栏中删除“任务视图”按钮。 为此,右键单击任务栏上的任何空白区域,然后从弹出菜单中选择“显示任务视图按钮”。

cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏搜索/ Cortana框和任务视图按钮

Now, both the Search box and the Task View button are removed from the Taskbar.


cortana搜索框_如何在Windows 10任务栏上隐藏搜索/ Cortana框和任务视图按钮

Note that hiding the Search/Cortana box does not remove this feature altogether. To search or use Cortana just click on the Start button and start typing your search terms. Of course, you can also install the free program, Classic Shell, to get a more Windows 7-like Start menu back with a Search box on the menu.

请注意,隐藏“搜索/ Cortana”框不会完全删除此功能。 要搜索或使用Cortana,只需单击“开始”按钮,然后开始输入搜索词。 当然,您也可以安装免费程序Classic Shell ,以获得更像Windows 7的“开始”菜单,并在菜单上带有“搜索”框。

