



Chrome doesn’t really need to be restarted often. But, if for some reason you want to restart Chrome without having to close and reopen it manually—which takes a few clicks—there’s a quick and easy way to restart the browser with a bookmark.

Chrome确实不需要经常重新启动。 但是,如果您出于某种原因想要重启Chrome,而不必手动关闭并重新打开Chrome(只需点击几下),则可以使用一种快速简便的方法来用书签重启浏览器。

RELATED: How to Access Hidden Chrome Features and Settings Using the Chrome:// Pages

相关文章: 如何使用Chrome://页面访问隐藏的Chrome功能和设置

Chrome has a few useful, internal pages which house all kinds of hidden settings. They all use the URL scheme chrome://something . What you may not know is that you can restart Chrome by typing chrome://restart into the address bar and pressing Enter.

Chrome浏览器有一些有用的内部页面 ,其中包含各种隐藏设置。 他们都使用URL方案chrome://something 。 您可能不知道的是,您可以通过在地址栏中输入chrome://restart并按Enter来重新启动Chrome。


This is handy on its own, but we can turn this URL into a bookmark to create a one-click shortcut for restarting Chrome even faster. First, we need to make sure the Bookmarks bar is available. If you don’t see the Bookmarks bar, press Ctrl+Shift+B to show it. Then, Open any webpage and drag the icon to the left of the URL in the address bar to the Bookmarks bar.

它本身很方便,但是我们可以将该URL转换为书签,以创建一键式快捷方式,以更快地重启Chrome。 首先,我们需要确保“书签”栏可用。 如果没有看到书签栏,请按Ctrl + Shift + B进行显示。 然后,打开任何网页并将图标拖动到地址栏中URL的左侧到“书签”栏。


Right-click on the new bookmark and select “Edit” from the popup menu.



On the Edit Bookmark dialog box, change the Name to something like Restart Chrome and change the URL to chrome://restart . Then, click “Save”.

在“编辑书签”对话框上,将“名称”更改为“ Restart Chrome然后将URL更改为chrome://restart 。 然后,单击“保存”。


Now, you can click your new bookmark to restart Chrome instantly.



Chrome restarts and restores the tabs you had open, whether or not the setting for continuing where you left off when opening Chrome was on. The tab that was active when you restarted Chrome opens to either a new tab (if you were on a new tab before restarting) or to whatever page you had open on that tab before you restarted the browser.

Chrome会重新启动并恢复您打开过的标签页,无论打开Chrome时是否继续从上次退出的位置进行的设置 。 重新启动Chrome时处于活动状态的标签页将打开一个新标签页(如果您在重新启动之前处于新标签页中)或重新启动浏览器之前在该标签页上打开的任何页面。

