



Tired of your kids or roommate posting dumb things to your Facebook account every time you leave the room? All you have to do lock your Mac to keep them out.

厌倦了您的孩子或室友每次离开房间时都会在您的Facebook帐户中发布愚蠢的内容吗? 所有您需要做的就是锁定Mac,以防止它们进入。

When you lock your Mac, you can only unlock it with your password—or your thumbprint if you’ve got a new MacBook Pro with a Touchbar. There are several ways to lock your Mac. You can have it lock automatically when your display goes to sleep. You can lock it with a keyboard shortcut. Or, if you’ve got a Touchbar, you can even add a custom lock button there. Here’s how to do all of this, and more!

锁定Mac时,只能使用密码或指纹(如果您有带触摸栏的新MacBook Pro)解锁。 有几种方法可以锁定Mac。 当显示器进入睡眠状态时,可以自动将其锁定。 您可以使用键盘快捷键锁定它。 或者,如果您有触摸栏,甚至可以在其中添加自定义锁定按钮。 这是所有方法的用法,还有更多!

系统闲置时锁定Mac (Lock Your Mac When Your System is Idle)

To get started, open System Preferences and head to the “Security & Privacy” section. On the “General” tab, select the “Require password…after sleep or screen saver begins” option. Set the associated dropdown menu to “immediately.”

首先,打开“系统偏好设置”并转到“安全性和隐私”部分。 在“常规”选项卡上,选择“在睡眠或屏幕保护程序启动后需要密码”选项。 将关联的下拉菜单设置为“立即”。


When you bring your Mac out of sleep or from the screen saver, it will now require your password for access. To adjust how long it takes for your Mac’s display to go to sleep, head to the “Energy Saver” section in System Preferences. Here, you can set whatever times you want for when your Mac and display go to sleep.

现在,当Mac退出睡眠状态或退出屏幕保护程序时,现在需要输入密码才能访问。 要调整Mac显示器进入睡眠状态的时间,请转到“系统偏好设置”中的“节能器”部分。 在这里,您可以设置Mac和显示器进入睡眠状态的时间。


Note that if you’re using a MacBook, you’ll need to set times separately for when the MacBook is using the battery or the power adapter.


使用键盘快捷键锁定Mac (Lock Your Mac With a Keyboard Shortcut)

If you don’t want to wait for your Mac to go to sleep, you can quickly lock your Mac with a simple keyboard shortcut. If you’re using a newer Mac where the Power button is a key, just press Control+Shift+Power. If you’re using an older Mac with an optical drive, press Control+Shift+Eject instead. Just like that, your Mac will be locked.

如果您不想等待Mac进入睡眠状态,则可以使用简单的键盘快捷键快速锁定Mac。 如果您使用的是电源按钮为键的较新的Mac,则只需按Control + Shift + Power。 如果您使用的是带有光驱的旧Mac,请改按Control + Shift + Eject。 这样,您的Mac将被锁定。

使用触控栏锁定Mac (Lock Your Mac Using the Touchbar)

If you’re using the latest MacBook Pro with Touchbar, you can add a dedicated button for locking your Mac. Head to System Preferences > Keyboard, then click the “Customize Control Strip” button.

如果您使用的是带有Touchbar的最新MacBook Pro,则可以添加专用按钮来锁定Mac。 转到系统偏好设置>键盘,然后单击“自定义控制条”按钮。


Drag the Lock Screen button off the bottom of your screen and onto your Touchbar. You can put the button in the collection of four buttons that are always on the screen, or in the expanded keyset—whichever works for you.

将“锁定屏幕”按钮从屏幕底部拖到触摸栏上。 您可以将按钮放置在屏幕上始终存在的四个按钮的集合中,也可以将其放置在展开的键集中(以适合您的情况为准)。


使用热角锁定Mac (Lock Your Mac Using Hot Corners)

Hot Corners is one of those features Mac users either love or ignore completely. If you like the feature, you can use it to lock your screen. First, ensure that your screen is set to lock when the system is idle, as we covered previously. Then, head to System Preferences > Mission Control and click the “Hot Corners” button.

Hot Corners是Mac用户完全喜欢或完全忽略的功能之一。 如果您喜欢此功能,则可以使用它来锁定屏幕。 首先,如前面所述,确保在系统空闲时将屏幕设置为锁定。 然后,转到“系统偏好设置”>“任务控制”,然后单击“热角”按钮。


Here, you can set any corner to “Put Display to Sleep.” If you have your system set to lock with the screensaver, you could also set the hot corner to activate the screensaver instead. It’s entirely up to you. Either way, your Mac will be locked when you trigger this corner.

在这里,您可以将任何角落设置为“将显示器置于睡眠状态”。 如果您将系统设置为使用屏幕保护程序锁定,则还可以设置热角来**屏幕保护程序。 这完全取决于您。 无论哪种方式,当您触发此角​​时,Mac都将被锁定。


从菜单栏锁定屏幕 (Lock Your Screen From the Menu Bar)

If you have your system set to lock when it goes to sleep, you might also want to add a button to your menu bar that activates sleep. Head to Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access. From the “Keychain Access” menu, select the “Preferences” command.

如果您将系统设置为在进入睡眠状态时锁定,则可能还需要在菜单栏中添加一个按钮来**睡眠。 转到应用程序>实用程序>钥匙串访问。 从“钥匙串访问”菜单中,选择“首选项”命令。


In the “Preferences” window, check the “Show keychain status in menu bar” option.



You’ll now see a lock icon on your menu bar. Click it and you’ll see the option to lock your screen.

现在,您会在菜单栏上看到一个锁定图标。 单击它,您将看到锁定屏幕的选项。


You can also use this menu to lock and unlock keychains, of course, but the ability to lock your Mac is a nice addition.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/32810/how-to-lock-your-mac-os-x-display-when-youre-away/
