如何在Windows 10的Windows Defender中添加排除项

如何在Windows 10的Windows Defender中添加排除项

Windows Defender, integrated into Windows 10, runs in the background and scans your files for malware. To improve performance for tasks like compiling code or running virtual machines, you can add an exclusion and Windows Defender will never scan those files.

集成到Windows 10中的Windows Defender在后台运行,并扫描文件中是否存在恶意软件。 为了提高诸如编译代码或运行虚拟机之类的任务的性能,您可以添加排除项,Windows Defender永远不会扫描这些文件。

Exclusions can also help if you’re running into false positives where Windows Defender marks legitimate files as malware.

如果您遇到误报,Windows Defender将合法文件标记为恶意软件,则排除也可以提供帮助。

Warning: Be careful about what you exclude. Windows Defender won’t scan your excluded files and directories for malware. You wouldn’t want to exclude everything in your Downloads folder, for example!

警告:请注意您要排除的内容。 Windows Defender不会扫描您排除的文件和目录中是否存在恶意软件。 例如,您不想排除“下载”文件夹中的所有内容!

First, we need to launch Windows Security to change some settings. Open the Start menu and type “Windows Security.” Then, select the “Windows Security” app.

首先,我们需要启动Windows安全性以更改某些设置。 打开“开始”菜单,然后键入“ Windows安全性”。 然后,选择“ Windows安全性”应用程序。

如何在Windows 10的Windows Defender中添加排除项

In Windows Security, navigate to “Virus & Threat Protection.” Then, click “Manage Settings.”

在Windows安全性中,导航到“病毒和威胁防护”。 然后,单击“管理设置”。

如何在Windows 10的Windows Defender中添加排除项

In “Virus & Threat Protection Settings,” scroll down to the very bottom of the page, and click “Add or Remove Exclusions.”


如何在Windows 10的Windows Defender中添加排除项

On the Exclusions page, you can add or remove files that you want to exclude from Windows Defender scans. To add an exclusion, click the “Add An Exclusion” button beside the large plus symbol (+).

在“排除”页面上,可以添加或删除要从Windows Defender扫描中排除的文件。 要添加排除项,请点击加号(+)旁边的“添加排除项”按钮。

如何在Windows 10的Windows Defender中添加排除项

A small menu will pop up allowing you to define your exclusion by File, Folder, File type, or Process.


如何在Windows 10的Windows Defender中添加排除项

What you choose depends on what type of exclusion you are trying to make. Here’s what each choice does.

选择什么取决于您要进行哪种排除。 这是每个选择的作用。

  • File: If you select this, a box will pop up allowing you to browse your computer to select a single file that will be excluded from future scans. Select the file you’d like, then click “Open.”

    文件:如果选择此选项,则会弹出一个框,使您可以浏览计算机以选择一个文件,该文件将在以后的扫描中排除。 选择您想要的文件,然后单击“打开”。

  • Folder: Like the File option, this will let your browse your computer for a specific folder to exclude from scans. The folder’s contents and subfolders will be excluded as well.

    文件夹:类似于文件选项,这将使您浏览计算机以查找要从扫描中排除的特定文件夹。 该文件夹的内容和子文件夹也将被排除。

  • File type: A box will pop up asking you to enter a file extension (e.g., “.MID”) representing the file type that you’d like to exclude. All files of that type will be excluded from future scans. This one is dangerous because you might accidentally exclude a large class of potentially hazardous files, such as PDF or DOC files.

    文件类型:将弹出一个框,要求您输入文件扩展名(例如,“。MID”),该文件扩展名表示您要排除的文件类型。 该类型的所有文件都将从以后的扫描中排除。 这是很危险的,因为您可能会意外排除大量潜在的危险文件,例如PDFDOC文件。

  • Process: A pop-up will ask you to enter the name of a process (a running program, i.e., “explorer.exe”) to exclude from scans. If a certain program you know is safe keeps getting flagged by Defender, you can enter it here.

    进程:弹出窗口将要求您输入要从扫描中排除的进程(正在运行的程序,即“ explorer.exe”)的名称。 如果您知道安全的某个程序不断被Defender标记,则可以在此处输入。

Select one of these options and make the necessary selections in the pop-up dialog that follows.


如何在Windows 10的Windows Defender中添加排除项

Once you add an exclusion, it will show up in a list on the Exclusions page.


如何在Windows 10的Windows Defender中添加排除项

If you’d like to remove an exclusion you’ve already defined, hover your mouse cursor over the item until the downward-pointing carat arrow appears, then click the “Remove” button that pops up.


如何在Windows 10的Windows Defender中添加排除项

When you’re all done, close Windows Security and your settings will be saved. The next time your system does a Defender scan, the items you added to the exclusions list will no longer cause trouble.

完成后,关闭Windows安全性,您的设置将被保存。 下次系统进行Defender扫描时,添加到排除列表中的项目将不再造成麻烦。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/671233/how-to-add-exclusions-in-windows-defender-on-windows-10/