如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

If you don’t have an extra machine or are an early adopter who wants to test out Vail, creating a VM is a good choice. To complete our series of installing WHS “Vail” Beta virtually, we look at installing it on Oracle’s VirtualBox.

如果您没有多余的计算机,或者是想试用Vail的早期采用者,那么创建VM是一个不错的选择。 为了完成虚拟安装WHS“ Vail” Beta的系列,我们考虑将其安装在Oracle的VirtualBox上。

We’ve previously shown you how to install WHS Vail on the following VMware Products:

前面我们已经向您展示了如何在以下VMware产品上安装WHS Vail:

Today we complete our Vail VM series and show you how to install it on Oracle’s free VirtualBox.

今天,我们完成了Vail VM系列,并向您展示了如何在Oracle免费的VirtualBox上安装它。

Note: You will need to install VirtualBox on a 64-bit Windows System that supports hardware virtualization. We’ve read some articles that you can install it on a system without Hardware Virtualization, but haven’t been able to confirm that. For best results make sure the Host computer supports Hardware Virtualization.

注意:您将需要在支持硬件虚拟化的64位Windows系统上安装VirtualBox。 我们已经阅读了一些文章,您可以将其安装在没有硬件虚拟化的系统上,但无法确认。 为了获得最佳结果,请确保主机计算机支持硬件虚拟化。

To check if you’re system is capable of Hardware Virtualization you can use either SecurAble or the MS Virtualization Detection Tool…both are free and easy to use utilities.

要检查您的系统是否具有硬件虚拟化功能,可以使用SecurAbleMS Virtualization Detection Tool …两者都是免费且易于使用的实用程序。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Download and Install VirtualBox


If you don’t already have the latest version of VirtualBox installed on your PC, go to the VirtualBox site and download it (link below). Installation is straight-forward choosing the defaults. During the installation select Yes to the warning about Network Interfaces.

如果您尚未在PC上安装最新版本的VirtualBox,请转到VirtualBox站点并下载它(下面的链接)。 安装是直接选择默认值的方法。 在安装过程中,对有关网络接口的警告选择是。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

You’ll be prompted to approve the install of the device software, click Install.


如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Setup Your New VM


Now that we have VirtualBox installed it’s time to create our VM for Vail. From the main interface click on New to begin the New Machine Wizard.

现在我们已经安装了VirtualBox,现在该为Vail创建VM了。 在主界面中,单击“新建”以启动“新建计算机向导”。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

When you come to the screen to pick the OS type, select Windows 2008 (64-bit) and give your machine a name.

当您进入屏幕选择操作系统类型时,选择Windows 2008(64位)并为您的计算机命名。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Select the amount of memory you want to use. The minimum is 1GB but here we’re bumping it up to 2GB.

选择您要使用的内存量。 最小为1GB,但在这里我们将其提高到2GB。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Now we need to create a new Virtual Hard Disk…


如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

You can select Fixed size or Dynamically expanding storage. We chose Dynamically expanding storage versus Fixed, as the minimum requirement is 160GB and creating it as Fixed storage takes quite a while. We actually tried it both ways and they worked equally.

您可以选择固定大小或动态扩展存储。 我们选择动态扩展存储而不是固定存储 ,因为最低需求为160GB,并且由于固定存储需要花费相当长的时间来创建它。 实际上,我们都尝试了这两种方式,并且它们均能正常工作。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Again you can create a Fixed size hard drive if you want, but it can take quite a while, and can slow down other running tasks you’re using while waiting for it to complete.


如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Select the size of your disk where the minimum is 160GB. Since we picked Dynamically Expanding storage, it won’t take up the full 160GB on the disk.

选择最小为160GB的磁盘大小。 由于我们选择了动态扩展存储,因此不会占用磁盘上的全部160GB。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Review your new machine summary and click on Finish.


如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

VirtualBox Hardware Settings


Now that the machine is ready to go, we need to make a few adjustments to the hardware settings for the VM.


如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

We adjusted the Display and maxed the video memory and you can enable 2D/3D Acceleration if you want, but there is no benefit from it. It’s a server and not meant to be fancy.

我们调整了Display并最大化了视频内存,并且您可以根据需要启用2D / 3D Acceleration,但是这样做没有任何好处。 这是一台服务器,并不意味着要花哨。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

The Network settings are probably the most important as they are in the VMware installs. Check Enable Network Adapter and change it to Bridged Adapter. This will make the Vail VM appear as a separate machine on your network.

网络设置可能是最重要的,因为它们在VMware安装中。 选中启用网络适配器并将其更改为桥接适配器。 这将使Vail VM在网络上显示为单独的计算机。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Under Storage for the CD/DVD Device browse to your VailInstallDVD.iso image.

在CD / DVD设备的存储下,浏览至VailInstallDVD.iso映像。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Also, make sure to move the CD/DVD-ROM up to first in the Boot Order.

另外,请确保将CD / DVD-ROM移至引导顺序中的第一位。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Now startup your new Vail VM and go through the Vail Installation Process.

现在启动新的Vail VM,并执行Vail安装过程

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Install Guest Additions


After the Vail installation process is complete, we need to install Guest Additions to make the VM experience more fluid. Click on Devices \ Install Guest Additions.

在Vail安装过程完成之后,我们需要安装Guest Additions,以使VM体验更加流畅。 单击设备\安装来宾添加。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

When AutoPlay starts in the VM select Run VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe.


如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Then navigate through the VirtualBox Guest Additions Setup Wizard.

然后浏览VirtualBox Guest Additions安装向导。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

After working through the Guest Additions Install Wizard, a reboot of your Vail VM will be required.

在完成Guest Additions安装向导之后,将需要重新启动Vail VM。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

When it comes back from reboot, at the CTRL+ALT+DEL logon screen go to Machine \ Insert Ctrl+Alt+Del.

从重新启动恢复后,在CTRL + ALT + DEL登录屏幕上,转至Machine \ Insert Ctrl + Alt + Del。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

Now you can log into Vail.


如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta

That is all there is to it! You can now start using your Virtual Vail machine in VirtualBox.

这就是全部! 现在,您可以在VirtualBox中开始使用Virtual Vail计算机。

如何在VirtualBox上安装和安装Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta



While we had no problem installing Vail on VirtualBox, but it didn’t run as smoothly as it did on VMware products in our tests. However, if you’re a fan of VirtualBox and want to try out Windows Home Server Beta “Vail” without the need for another machine, this will do the trick. No matter if you want to use VMware Player, VMware Server, or VirtualBox…they’re all free and the Vail Beta is free right now too.

尽管我们在VirtualBox上安装Vail没问题,但是在我们的测试中,它的运行不如在VMware产品上运行的顺利。 但是,如果您是VirtualBox的粉丝,并且想要尝试Windows Home Server Beta“ Vail”而不需要另一台计算机,则可以解决问题。 无论您要使用VMware PlayerVMware Server还是VirtualBox,它们都是免费的,而Vail Beta现在也免费。

Download VirtualBox


Download Windows Home Server Vail Beta from Microsoft ConnectRegistration Required.

从Microsoft Connect下载Windows Home Server Vail Beta- 需要注册

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/25574/how-to-setup-and-install-windows-home-server-vail-beta-on-virtualbox/