雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

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雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

If you’re going away on vacation (or just planning to stay home and ignore everyone), you might want to let people know that you won’t be reading or answering emails during that time.


Most email services provide a way to send out an automatic out of office reply to anyone who emails you during the time frame you specify. Here’s how to set up the auto-response feature in Yahoo Mail.

大多数电子邮件服务都提供了一种方式,可以在您指定的时间范围内向在您身边发送电子邮件的任何人发送自动不在办公室的答复。 这是在Yahoo Mail中设置自动响应功能的方法。

To begin, open your favorite browser and log in to your Yahoo Mail account. There are two versions of Yahoo Mail: the full featured, newer version and the basic version. If you’re using the newer version, hover your mouse over the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window and click “Settings” on the pop-up menu.

首先,打开您喜欢的浏览器并登录到Yahoo Mail帐户。 Yahoo Mail两个版本 :功能齐全,较新的版本和基本版本。 如果您使用的是较新版本,请将鼠标悬停在浏览器窗口右上角的齿轮图标上,然后在弹出菜单上单击“设置”。

雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

In the basic version of Yahoo Mail, select “Options” from the dropdown in the upper-right corner of the browser window and click the “Go” button.

在Yahoo Mail的基本版本中,从浏览器窗口右上角的下拉列表中选择“选项”,然后单击“转到”按钮。

雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

The list of options on the left side of the Settings screen (newer version) or Options tab (basic version) screen are slightly different, but both versions have a “Vacation Response” option. Click on that option.

“设置”屏幕(较新版本)或“选项”选项卡(基本版本)屏幕左侧的选项列表略有不同,但两个版本均具有“假期响应”选项。 单击该选项。

雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

The Vacation Response screen is the same for both versions of Yahoo Mail. To turn on the vacation response, check the “Enable automatic response during these dates (inclusive)” box.

两个版本的Yahoo Mail的Vacation Response屏幕均相同。 要打开休假回复,请选中“在这些日期(含)内启用自动回复”框。

雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

Now you need to tell Yahoo Mail the date range during which the vacation response should be sent in response to incoming emails. Select the month in the first dropdown to the right of “From” and then select the date from the second dropdown. By default, the current year is chosen. That’s usually what you want, unless you’re planning way in advance or it’s getting close to the end of the year and your vacation will be after the new year.

现在,您需要告诉Yahoo Mail日期范围,在该日期范围内应发送休假响应以响应传入的电子邮件。 在“从”右边的第一个下拉列表中选择月份,然后从第二个下拉列表中选择日期。 默认情况下,选择当前年份。 通常这就是您想要的,除非您提前计划方式或临近年底,并且假期将在新的一年之后。

雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

Select the month, date, and year from the “Until” dropdowns for the last day you will be gone.


雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

Now for the message that will automatically sent out while you’re gone. Enter your message in the box below the dates and use the toolbar at the top of the box to change the font, add formatting, or attach a file.

现在,当您离开时,该消息将自动发送出去。 在日期下方的框中输入您的消息,然后使用该框顶部的工具栏更改字体,添加格式或附加文件。

If you want to see a sample of the message that will be sent, click the “Send Sample Copy To Me” button below the message box.


雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

If you want to use a different message to reply to emails from one or two specific domains, you can set that up separately. Maybe you want to send a funny or clever message to everyone except for people you work with. To specify a different message for them, check the “Different response to emails from a specific domain” box. Then, enter the domain name for those email addresses in the first box below that check box. For example, to send a different response to all people with email using addresses such as [email protected], enter mycompany.com in the first box. To add a second domain for this different response, enter that domain in the second box below the check box. If you don’t want to add a second domain, enter 0 (zero) in the second box.

如果要使用其他消息来答复来自一个或两个特定域的电子邮件,则可以单独设置。 也许您想向所有人发送有趣或聪明的信息,但与您一起工作的人除外。 要为其指定其他邮件,请选中“对来自特定域的电子邮件的不同响应”框。 然后,在该复选框下方的第一个框中输入这些电子邮件地址的域名。 例如,要将电子邮件发送给使用诸如[email protected]之类的地址的所有人,请在第一个框中输入mycompany.com 。 要为此不同的响应添加第二个域,请在复选框下方的第二个框中输入该域。 如果您不想添加第二个域,请在第二个框中输入0 (零)。

Enter your alternate message in the box below the two domain boxes. Again, you can use the toolbar to change the font, apply formatting, or attach a file. You must send the same alternate response to both domains.

在两个域框下面的框中输入您的备用消息。 同样,您可以使用工具栏更改字体,应用格式设置或附加文件。 您必须将相同的备用响应发送到两个域。

雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

Once you’ve set up your main vacation response(s), click the “Save” button in the lower-left corner of the browser window (for the newer version of Yahoo Mail). The Options screen closes and you are returned to the main Yahoo Mail screen.

设置您的主要休假响应后,请单击浏览器窗口左下角的“保存”按钮(对于较新版本的Yahoo Mail)。 选项屏幕关闭,您将返回到Yahoo Mail主屏幕。

雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

If you’re using the basic version of Yahoo Mail, click “Save” at the top of the Options tab to save your changes.

如果您使用的是Yahoo Mail的基本版本,请单击“选项”选项卡顶部的“保存”以保存更改。

雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

Now, when someone sends you an email, they will receive the appropriate automatic response for their email address.


雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

You will still receive emails sent to you during the date range you specified, but now you don’t have to feel guilty about not replying to them yet.


雅虎邮箱 转发设置_如何在Yahoo Mail中设置外出答复

Because you set a date range for the vacation response, if you forget to uncheck the boxes on the Vacation Response screen, your automatic response will still stop being sent after the Until date you selected.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/293536/how-to-set-up-an-out-of-office-reply-in-yahoo-mail/

雅虎邮箱 转发设置