C#Lesson08 字符串、方法的重载和递归


C#Lesson08 字符串、方法的重载和递归

C#Lesson08 字符串、方法的重载和递归



using System;
using System.Text;

namespace Lesson08_1
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
// string name = "前任";
// //在字符串后面拼接其他字符串
//     name = name + "2";
// Console.WriteLine (name);
// string name3 = string.Concat ("我叫", "王大锤");//拼接字符串
// Console.WriteLine (name3);
// char lastChar = name3 [4];
// Console.WriteLine (lastChar);

// string s1 = "1234568";
// string s2 = "12345689";
// //s1 = s2 : 0
// //s1 > s2 : 1
// //s1 < s2 : -1
// int result = string.Compare (s1, s2);
// Console.WriteLine (result);

// string s1 = "我叫,王大锤";
// Console.WriteLine (s1.Contains (","));//判断s1中是否包含某个字符串

// MyString ms = new MyString ();
// ms.TString = "我叫,王大锤";
// Console.WriteLine (ms.Contain (','));

// string s1 = "我叫,王大锤";
// Console.WriteLine (s1.Remove (2));
// Console.WriteLine (s1.Remove (2,3));//指定下标删除指定个数

// string s1 = "Hello China";
// char[] target = new char[20];
// s1.CopyTo (4,target,3,7);
// for (int i = 0; i < target.Length; i++) {
// Console.WriteLine (target[i]);
// }

// string res = string.Format ("{0:P1}--{1:C}", 123,123,554,75);
// Console.WriteLine (res);

// string s1 = "Hello China,AADFQ";
// int index = s1.IndexOf ("a");//返回A在s1中索引
// Console.WriteLine (index);

// string s1 = "hwaHaHAwhAand";
// char[] cc = { 'a', 'h' };
// //遍历s1,如果s1中的字符和cc中的某个字符相等,就直接返回这个字符在s1中的索引
// int index = s1.IndexOfAny (cc);
// Console.WriteLine (index);

// string s1 = "China";
// string s2 = s1.Insert (5, "Hello");
// Console.WriteLine (s2);

// string[] ss = {"Hello","hi","china","asd","fh"};
// string res = string.Join("??",ss);
// Console.WriteLine (res);

// string s1 = "Hello lanou,china";
// int index = s1.LastIndexOf ("a");
// Console.WriteLine (index);

// string s1 = "Hello lanou,China";
// string res = s1.PadLeft (50, '*');
// string res1 = s1.PadRight (50, '!');
// Console.WriteLine (res);
// Console.WriteLine (res1);

// string s1 = "Hello C#";
// string res = s1.Replace ("C#", "China");
// string res1 = s1.Replace ('o', 'c');
// Console.WriteLine (res1);

// string s1 = "id,name,price \n 0,titi,32,\n 1,sds,12";
// string[] ss = s1.Split ('\n');
// for (int i = 0; i < ss.Length; i++) {
// string[] sss = ss [i].Split (',');
// for (int j = 0; j < sss.Length; j++) {
// Console.WriteLine (sss[j]);
// }
// }

// string s1 = "Hello world";
// string res = s1.Substring (2, 6);
// Console.WriteLine (res);

// string so = "Hello world";
// string s1 = so.ToUpper ();//变大写
// string s2 = so.ToLower ();//变小写
// Console.WriteLine (s1);
// Console.WriteLine (s2);

// string s1 = "Hello world ";
// Console.WriteLine (s1.Length);
// //trim,将字符串后面的空格去掉
// string s2 = s1.Trim ();
// Console.WriteLine (s2.Length);

// string s = "Because of you I never stray to far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on the safe side ";
// string s1 = s.Replace ("you", "lanou");
// string s2 = s.Replace ("to", "too");
// Console.WriteLine (s1);
// Console.WriteLine (s2);
// s = s.Trim ();
// string[] ss = s.Split (' ');
// Console.WriteLine (ss.Length);
// for (int i = 'z'; i >='a' ; i--) {
// char old = (char)i;
// char n = (char)(i + 1);
// s = s.Replace (old,n);
// }
// for (int i = 'Z'; i >='A' ; i--) {
// char old = (char)i;
// char n = (char)(i + 1);
// s = s.Replace (old,n);
// }
// Console.WriteLine (s);

// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("hello C#");
//// sb.Capacity = 5;//手动去指定当前sb存放字符的空间大小
//// sb.Append("ASDDF",2,3);
//// sb.AppendFormat("{0:C}",100);
// Console.WriteLine (sb.MaxCapacity);
// sb.Insert(sb.Length ,"CC");
// Console.WriteLine (sb);

// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ("asdasgrvcxqwdxccv");
// sb.Remove (0, 5);//从0开始标记 4删除长度
// Console.WriteLine (sb);

// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("你好,lanou");
// sb.Replace("lanou","China");
// Console.WriteLine (sb);
// string a = "nis";
// string b = "nis";
// bool res = a.Equals (b);
// Console.WriteLine (res);

// MyMath math = new MyMath ();
// //math.Add (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 87);
// Console.WriteLine (math.Peach (1));
// Console.WriteLine (math.Sheep(1));




using System;

namespace Lesson08_1
public class MyMath
public float Add(float a,float b){
return a + b;
public int Add(int a,int b ){
return a + b;
public int Add(params int[] arr){
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
sum += arr[i];
return sum;
public int XXX(int a,int b){
return a * b;
public float XXX(float a,float b){
return a * b;
public double XXX(double a,double b){
return a * b;

public int GetN(int n ){
if (n <= 2) {
return 1;
int value = GetN (n - 1) + GetN (n - 2);
return value;

public int Peach(int n){
if (n == 7) {
return 1;
int count = (Peach(n + 1) + 1) * 2;
return  count;

public int Sheep(int n){
if (n == 7) {
return 2;
int nn = (Sheep (n + 1) + 1) * 3;
return nn;





