





  • a ticket, a bicycle, a shop, a holiday, a day, a student, a one-pound coin, a university student, a bus, a student, a house, a VIP, a useful book, a unit, a one-hour lesson, a European

  • an exercise, an American, an afternoon, an airpot, an address, an old man, an English student, an uncle, an hour’s lesson, an elephant, an X-ray, an honest man

ps. 如果单数名词前有形容词进行修饰,则与形容词保持一致


  • a car (expensive) —— an
  • a friend (old) —— an
  • a child (unhappy) —— an
  • an uncle (rich) —— a
  • an exercise (hard) —— a
  • a language (European) —— a


  1. 描述事物
  2. 介绍职业
    He’s a cook.
    She’s a hairdresser.


  1. with/without/as后
    I did the translation with a dictionary.
    You cannot get in without a ticket.
    I work as a teacher.
  2. haven’t / hasn’t got 后
    I haven’t got an email.
    I didn’t listen to the program; I haven’t got a radio.
  3. 感叹句what后
    What a crazy idea.
  4. hundred/thousand/million前


  1. 和another/other/others进行对照的时候
    One girl wanted to go out, but the others wanted to stay at home.
  2. 习惯表达,如one day/only one/just one等
    One day, I’ll take you to meet my family.
  3. 与hundred和thousand搭配来突出正式语气
  4. 数量的准确性很重要,如exactly

One day last year - it was a very hot afternoon in June - I was hurrying to get home. I was about an hour late - well, to be precise, exactly one hour and ten minute: I had missed my train.

Anyway, there was a woman standing under the trees, and there were several children with her. I saw one child clearly - she was a lovely dark-haired girl - but I only heard the others. Suddenly a strange thing happened. The girl took some stones out of her pocket, and threw one stone after another into the air.



the beginning, the time, the horse, the European, the woman, the place
the office, the hour, the end, the address, the old man, the American


  1. 特指:对话双方都知道说的是哪个人/哪件事/哪个物
  2. only/序数词/*前(日期前不加the,使用零冠词)
  • Sarah’s the most intelligent person in our family.
  • I’ve got a present for you.
  • John’s the only boy in the class.
  • What time is the first train tomorrow morning?
  • Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.
  • Would you like a cup of coffee?
  1. 第二次出现的对象用the进行限定

This is a true story. Once I went into a big sports shop because I wanted a sports bag. An assistant came up to me, and I told him what I wanted. The assistant brought me three different bags. I chose the smallest one and paid for it.

The assistant put the bag in a large plastic bag. I told him one bag was enough, and asked him to take the bag out of the other bag. He did so, but he looked very unhappy as I walked out of the shop.


  1. the same
    My hair is the same color as my mother’s.
    Peter and I work in the same office.
  2. the country/ sea/ mountains
    Would you like to live in the country?
    We usually go to the mountains at Christmas.
  3. on the left/ right
    Anne’s house is the first on the left.
  4. at the top/ bottom/ side/ front/ back
    My room is at the top of the house.
  5. in the middle
  6. at/ to the middle
  7. at/ to the cinema/ theater
    We are going to the theater tonight.
  8. on the radio

【the】 VS 【a/an】

【特指】 VS 【泛指】
【单复】 VS 【单数】

  • Look - that’s John walking across the street.
  • Can I use the bathroom?
  • I need an English-French dictionary - have you got one?
  • I know a good restaurant - shall I reserve a table for tonight?
  • Where’s the teacher? She’s very late.
  • I walked up to her house, rang the bell and opened the door.
  • He lives in a small village.
  • I’m leaving on the 4:30 bus.
  • Which is your coat? The green one.
  • Claire’s looking for a new job.
  • Why are you looking at the sky?
  • I want a long holiday in the sun.
  • Who’s the man i your office?
  • I’ll meet you at 4:30 at the bus shop outside the police station.



  1. 复数名词前,表泛指概念;
  2. 不可数名词前,尤其是表“材质”时:
    Shoes are made of plastic.
    Socks are made of wool.

【A/AN】 VS 【零冠词】

单数名词前:a/ an

My name’s Sandra. I’m tall and slim. I’ve got / blue eyes, a small nose, a big mouth and / dark hair. i think I’ve got a nice smile. I wear / glasses.

Sandra’s got a very friendly face with a lovely smile. She’s got / long dark hair and / blue eyes. She’s got / long legs, and she’s very pretty. She’s wearing a blue dress today. She’s got a nice voice.

【A/AN】 VS 【零冠词】


【THE】 VS 【零冠词】

【特指】 VS 【泛指】

特指 泛指
The people in that house are funny. People are funny.
The music’s too loud, can you turn it down? I like music
Could you pass the sugar? Sugar is fattening.
Why are the dogs barking? She’s interested in dogs and horses.

【单数】 VS 【复数】

  • Books are expensive in my country.
  • ‘Where shall I put the books?’ ‘On the floor.’
  • Japanese is a difficult language for English people.
  • Old people often forget things.
  • I like talking to the old ladies who live in that house.
  • Life is sometimes hard.


  1. 人名、语言名以及绝大多数地名Name without the
    人名:Prince Charles、 Benjamin、 Aunt Elizabeth
    语言名:Japanese、 English、 Spanish
    大陆:Africa Asia Europe America
    国名:China Cuba
    湖名:Lake Baikal 贝加尔湖
    山名:Mount Everest 喜马拉雅山
    街道名:Wall Street 华尔街
    广场名:Time Square时代广场
    公园名:Hyde Park


  • Queensland is in Australia.
  • They speak Spanish in Peru.
  • Oxford Street is in the center of London.
  • Here’s a postcard from Uncle Eric. He’s been swimming in Lake Superior.
  1. 少数Name with the
  • 少数地名
    沙漠:the Sahara Desert
    河名:the Thames 泰晤士河
    海名:the Mediterranean 地中海
    大洋名:the Pacific (Ocean)、the Indian
    (Ocean)、 the Atlantic (Ocean)
  • 复数地名
    the United Stated
    the Netherlands 荷兰
  • 含Republic/ Kingdom的国名
    the United Kingdom
    the Czech Republic 捷克*
  • 全球化的大区
    the West 西方
    the Middle East 中东
    the Far East 远东


  • Ann’s just come back from the Himalayas.
  • My sister works in Netherlands.
  • I’d like to learn Japanese.
  • My parents are on holiday in the People’s *.
  • Here’s a photo of Benjamin in Trafalgar Square.
  • Alan’s living in a small town near the Mediterranean.
  • We have friends in Ireland.
  • Wales is the smallest country in the Great Britain.
  • There are a lot of Spanish-speaking people in the USA.
  • I once went on a boat on the Rhine.
  • We’re going to drive right across Europe.
  1. 建筑物Names with the
  • the Taj Mahal 泰姬陵
  • the Great Pyramid 金字塔
  • the Globe Theater 全球剧院
  • the British Museum 大英博物馆
  • the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔
  • the Marriott Hotel 万豪酒店
  1. 建筑物Names without the
  • 姓名 + Airport/ Station/ Cathedral/ University/ Palace/ Castle/ School
    Cambridge University
    Edinburgh Castle 爱丁堡(苏格兰首府)
    Milan Central Station 米兰*车站
    Duomo 多莫大教堂
    St.Paul’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂
  • 名字‘s前用零冠词


  • the Taj Mahal
  • the Old Steak House
  • / Birmingham Airport
  • the New Theater
  • the National Gallery of Modern Art
  • / Canterbury Cathedral
  • the Central Museum
  • the Sheraton Hotel
  • / Jenner’s Hotel
  • / American English
  • the Blue Train Restaurant
  • / Florida
  • / Lake Michigan
  • the Mississippi (River)
  • / New York
  • / paris
  • the Rocky Mountains
  • / Egypt
  • the Whitehall Theater
  • / Asia
  • the Dominican Republic
  • the Gobi Desert
  • the Metropolitan Museum
  • / Mount Kenya
  • the North Sea
  • / Regent Street
  • / Trafalgar Square
  • the White House
  • the Far East